Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


I think Keith and I will be just fine. He's showing how much he grew ever since the girls were born. I've only been home for 2 days and he's already stepping it up. When he brought me and the girls home for the first time, he was so sweet and gentle. He was the Keith I knew and fell in love with. He helped me out a lot and basically did anything I asked. The girls kept us up a lot and I didn't get much sleep the first night, but he was there when I really needed him. He woke up most of the time every night feeding them and trying to put them back to sleep. Raising twins is so much work! I didn't expect it to be a breeze but I didn't realize how hard it would be! When Crystal cried, Claire woke up and cried right along with her. I couldn't just let Keith wake up every two hours with the girls alone, I had to get up too sometimes. I mean there's two of them.

I remember one night, I was in so much pain. The doctor did tell me that my vaginal area would be tender and sore for a while, but I didn't realize I would be in pain. I was tired a lot and so cranky and irritable. I slept a lot too. I felt bad because I realized Keith was doing so much! So when I heard one of the girls crying on the baby monitor, I told Keith that I would go for once. I wanted him to get some rest too. It was about four thirty in the morning. I walked over to the nursery and opened the door. Claire was fast asleep and Crystal was screaming at the top of her lungs. She was beet red and looked like she was going to explode. I quickly picked her up and rocked her a bit. I sat down in the rocking chair and placed her head on my shoulder. I realized how warm she was and I lifted her up. She was really warm. I figured it was from the crying because this happens a lot, but she was really warm. I was so concerned and a little confused. I pressed my lips to her forehead and she seemed even hotter than before. I stared at her face and noticed how red her face was again. I got up and walked over to the dresser and took out the baby thermometer. I stuck it in her ear and waited. It red 102.2 and I gasped. This would be the first time she had a temperature. I quickly brought my screaming child into my room and called Keith's name. He quickly jumped up and walked over to me.

"What's going on?" He asked while moving the hair out of my eyes.

"I don't know. I think she has a temperature!" I said sounding panicked and worried. He sighed and took her from me.

"She's probably just warm because of all the crying." He told me.

"No, Keith I felt her and then I took her temperature. It was 102.2! That's bad right!?" I asked. His eyes widened and he quickly walked over to the closet to find some clothes. I watched as he walked around the room looking for things. I looked down at Crystal who was still crying and tried to shush her, trying to soothe her. Keith walked past me and went into the nursery. I followed not too far behind to see what he was doing.

"I'm going to need you to call Chris. We need to take her to the hospital." He told me. He walked away and ran downstairs. I stood there holding her. I hope she's okay. I really don't want anything bad to happen to her. Although I'm sure it's just a cold. I heard Claire's crying from the nursery and I went to check on her. I touched her forehead and her neck and she didn't seem to have a temperature. I sighed and placed crystal on the changing table. I needed to get her dressed if we were going to the hospital. I picked out something warm for her to wear and put a hat on her head. She was still crying and It was making me nervous. Keith came in then with his phone to his ear and a cup of coffee. He handed it to me while talking to someone on the phone.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked. He ignored me and got Crystal's purple baby bag out from the closet and threw a couple outfits in. He picked Claire up and bounced her a little and she stopped crying. He placed her back in her crib, hung up the phone and sighed.

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