Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


I woke up the next morning in so much pain. I was finally and offically 4 months pregnant. I forgot all about it. I wanted to see if I could make a doctors appointment yesturday, but that was before Keith popped he question. I wonder if he kept track. I looked over at him, he was fast a sleep and looked so exhausted. I got up and waddled to the bathroom. I took a shower and got dressed. I went to the room Ava was in and she was already up.

"Morning." She says. She rubbed her belly and groaned.

"You need anything?"

"Just food. God, I hate this morning sickness!" She gets up and finishes putting her clothes on. She follows me downstair and we go find something to eat.

"I forgot to tell him how gorgeous his house is!" I laugh and she sits gets a box of Lucky Charms, bread with cream cheese and grapes. I didn't comment because I'm the same way. I just want to eat heealthy though. I grabbed some strawberries and bananas and made a smoothie. I deecided to make some eggs, french toast, and sausages while Ava made a pitcher or orange juice so keith could have something to eat when he got up.  Keith came down the stairs 20 minutes later. He officailly woke up when he smelt the food.

"Goodmorning baby, morning Ava." We said goodmorning simutaneously and he sat down.

"So what's the plan?" Ava says.

"I'm going to call chris and he's going to bring his truck to help bring your things to Keiths house. You'll go with him. While you guys are doing that, Keith and I are going to my house to get a few of my things."

"Yeah, and then when Cara and I are done we're going to go to her doctors appointment to see the genders of the babies." Keith tells her.

"Why can't I come!?" Ava whines.

"Well, it's kind of a private moment hun." I say. She pouts and folds her arms.

"And then after that I'll come pick you up in my car and we'll go check out the houses."

"Your car is wicked small Keith."

"'So? Make yourself fit." Keith mumbles. I shook my head.

"Babe, I've been meaning to tell you about your car."

"What about it?"He snaps.

"Well, for starters it's two small. I could barely fit in it! I'm going to get bigger then this you know. We might have to trade it in."

"Why don't we trade in your car!?" He yells.

"Calm down. It's not just for me. Its for the kids two. It's not safe for them to be in there when you're driving. And I was thinking about keeping it as an extra car."

"This is stupid."

"No it's not, it makes perfect sense."

"Whatever, can we just go?" Ava yells.

"Fine." He says. He gets up, grabs his keys and goes to his car. Ava stares at me and I shake my head. She gets up and follows him and I pul out my phone and call Chris.

We already got my thing and we're already on our way to the doctors appointment. Keith was driving very fast and he was a little frustrated.

"Keith slow down!" I yell. he had music blasting and and the speed wasn't helping.

"I'm eager to get to this appointment!" He yells angrily.

"We're almost there, will you slow down! This is making me sick!" He pulls into the parking lot and stops abruptly.

"God you can be such a jerk sometimes. I had like a wiplash!" I yell. He turned off the car and slamed the door as he gets out. Then he walks to the hospitals door without helping me out of the car.

"I see chivalry died with time huh!?" I yelled. He kept walking angrilly which got me more mad.

"You can't go to this appointment without me you know!" I yell out the window. When I finally get out I keep yelling his name and he stops.

"C'mon Keith! Now is not the time to be mad at me!" He turns around and glares at me.

"What the hell Keith!? What did I do?" He folds his arms.

"My car? Are you kidding me? My mom bought me that for my 16th birthday. I love that car. I'm not giving it up for some babies!" He yells.

"Some babies!? These babies are YOUR babies! And if you'd rather keep you're precious car over your babies then you've got a huge problem! I'd rather you not come to this appointment since you care less about my babies!" I pushed past him and walked inside. I didn't even look back. I checked in and sat in the waiting room.  I was hoping that Keith would walk in sometime soon and appologized, but he didn't. Soon the nurse called my name and I was led into a completely white room with pictures of donated ultrasound on the walls. The were pictures of a woman having a C-Section and a of babies inside the womb. it was very interesting. There were little facts on the bottom of each. I think I read every caption of every picture in the room when I hear a light rap on the door. I say to come in and it's the doctor. I was still hoping that Keith would be the one at the door, but it wasn't.

"Goodmorning Cara. I'm Dr. Purina How are you doing today." She says kindly. I told her that I was stressed and a little nervous. She reassured me and little but then she went on to tell me that this appointment could end in two different ways. She rubbed the intrument with a warm jelly that was usually cold. At that moment Keith barged in the room. Just in time too.

"Am I too late!?" He yelled. The doctor shook her head and smiled.

"Look!" She showed us the picture on the screen and I gasped. It was even more beautiful then the first time. I saw two small babies. They were a lot bigger than the last time I saw them but they still had a while to go. The doctor asked me if I wanted to know the gender and I nodded.

"This one is a...girl." She said pointing at the screen. I smiled, even more eager to know the other one.

"And this also a girl!" I started to cry and I heard Keith sniffle. I looked over at him and he was staring at the screen.

"They're beautiful." He whispers. It was the most remarkable moment of my life. I would never forget that day. They day I found out i was going to have two, beautiful baby girls.

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