And right now, Can feels like being brave.

"Instead of driving, let's just be the passengers and enjoy the ride while looking at the roads we pass by," Can told Tin who was looking outside the window.


"I feel like eating alot!"

"You always feel that way," Tin pointed out.

"Here are service water for you." The waitress pulled out a paper and pen from her uniform. "May I take your orders, sirs?"

Can immediately said the foods he'll order like a rap master. He was looking at the menu to see if he missed something he wanted to eat.

"That's all for me!" He looked at Tin. "What about you, Ai'Tin?"

The waitress was perplexed because the orders she wrote down was just for one, tiny person.

"I feel like eating cantaloupe."

Can spewed water on the glass window were they are seated. He coughed, "Excuse me?"

"Cantaloupe." Tin looked up from the menu and smirked at Can's reaction. "The fruit."

Can was still coughing. He reached out for a tissue and absent-mindedly wiped the window from the water he just sputtered.

"Were you thinking of something else?" Tin asked with an innocent face but the teasing glint in his eyes is evident.

"No," Can almost answered immediately. "Do you feel like paying?"


Can sipped water to hide his blush and getting his mind out of the gutter. "Good. Because I feel like wasting your money."

"It's not wasting money if it's for you."

The waitress coughed to get both of their attention. "I'm still here, sirs." She turned to Tin. "So your order is?"


"I feel like crossing the street."

Tin looked at the red light and told Can, "When I said to do things that we feel like doing, I don't mean losing our common sense."

Can pouted. "You're saying I'm dumb."


Tin just chuckled when Can kicked him lightly.

They crossed the road when the light turned green for the pedestrians. Can was holding the camera on one hand while Tin holds his other hand.

Can started running while crossing the street, dragging Tin with him.

"There's an arcade near here!" He excitedly exclaimed. "The last one to get there will be the loser!"

Tin ran despite how abrupt it was and even though he does not know the direction to the arcade. He ran a step behind Can who was laughing.

They were panting when they arrived in the arcade. But since both of them exercise daily, they regained their breath easily as excitement took over them.

"I'll destroy you," Can declared war against Tin.

Tin looked around with curiousity because it was his first time going to an arcade. Of course, he knew of the existence of an arcade but going inside one never crossed his mind.

He was so used to staying inside his home, improving himself to get his parents' approval, and isolating himself from people.

For Tin, he grew up feeling alone wherein he read books to pass the time.

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