David and Camden I felt had very obvious roles in who they were to Lydia. David was nothing more than a man who didn’t believe in love so much as control, where Lydia picked him because he was easy. She’s not a bad person for doing so, but she was conflicted in what love was and the idea that she’d never find it. David hated Louis for obvious reasons, he was good looking, smarted off to David without really caring and was nowhere near afraid of him. Imagine being those kids though, in that college, imagine knowing you were a genius and respected and people were afraid of you simply because you had the logic and power to shut them up. Then imagine Louis walking all over that, his confidence so far above David’s, and David knew Lydia had her eye caught on him. Just like every female in that college was attracted to Louis, every male was attracted to Lydia. He had an attitude and David didn’t stop him, that on top of the fact that David saw how much he actually cared about her. Not to say David didn’t care about Lydia, but he needed her for what her life had to offer him, and not for her as a person. Camden was the exact same however, and although many may have thought I created Camden as a dramatic guy and that happens to no one. It really does. Camden is every cocky frat kid to ever walk on a college campus, he represents the guys who believe they can have anyone or anything just because they’re smart and look good. So Camden really wasn’t exaggerated, he found a girl who had his interests and was beautiful and he went after her like any obnoxious guy would. That’s exactly why he tried to get Lydia to sleep with him, he was drunk and so was she and he tried to take advantage of it. It’s not uncommon. So where both male characters were awful in practice, they really aren’t much different than guys I see on my college campus daily. It just depends on how they’re handled.

            Finally, Camilla. Camilla, the one no one likes because she’s not Lydia. The woman I paired Louis with because it was so hard for me to even picture Louis dating a Victoria’s Secret model and that’s how I wanted you to view it. They’re an unmatchable pair. Louis Tomlinson, not incredibly tall but very muscular. He’s got a different kind of beauty around him, where Camilla is the standard hot. She’s gorgeous, she walks around half naked as a job, now when do you ever think Louis would even find interest in a woman like that? I think the majority of you spent your time hating Camilla because she was a bitch when he spoke about her, but did you think about how she saw him? It obviously wasn’t a one sided relationship, and they obviously weren’t incredibly close at any point in it. Not that I believe Louis would have a relationship like this, but for the sake of the story neither one of them should have ever even gotten mixed up with the other.

            This brings me to the two hardest characters to discuss, mainly because their roles were so monumental that trying to define them as separate entities and what I was thinking when I wrote them is near impossible, but I’m going to give it a go.

            Lydia is a very strong character. Very hard-headed, often skewed in believing her way is the only way and incredibly set on living in one way and not understanding that other ways exist.

            She was created as a character to show living proof in documentation of a person who struggles with a mentality and mindset that is not only scary, but has also dominated a large portion of her life. It may have passed right under your noses what was really up with Lydia, like why she was so brash and temperamental, or why she just couldn’t handle it one day. It was hinted at, not obviously, but definitely a few times that she struggled with the age old storyline of self-harm and depression. That however was not the point of the story, nor was the fact that she happened to fall in love with an international popstar. In fact, Louis Tomlinson has absolutely nothing to do with this story as a name, it’s his character and the way I wrote him in the exact light that I see him as that was his redeeming quality.

Zoo // Louis Tomlinsonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें