Q - How and where did I get that inspiration?

A - I want to be an author for the rest of my life. I knew that as soon as I started writing this book. It was a way to see if I had what it took and a way to get me started on a fan base. Seriously, I love you guys more than you have any idea.

(Side note, if anyone ever needs someone to talk to I'm here and I have a lot of experience on a lot of problems!)

From nytemiller 

Q - Would I ever consider writing a Cheryl Blossom book?

A - Hell Yes! I'd never really thought about it before but now that you gave me the idea I'll definitely see what comes to mind! 😜

From Tanss21

Q - Where are you from?

A - Hi! I'm from Ligonier, Indiana USA

From starcompassion

Q - What did you like most about writing this book?

A - That's a hard one. But I'd say I love reading my readers comments the most. You guys mean a lot to me and I love knowing what you do and don't like about my book.

From KaileighRyan2022

Q - Will Sweet Pea and Rule get back together?

A - Well, this is a Sweet Pea fanfiction so... ;)

From nytemiller

Q - Are you gonna finish your CAOS story now since this one's finished?

A - That's hard to answer. I think I will but honestly, my heart is on Rule's story right now. I'll try my best though!

From Tanss21

Q - Will Reggie and Rule have a long season before she forgives Sweet Pea?

A - That's hard to answer because there's more to the story than that. I will say that Rule has more than one love interest in "Aftermath" and that Reggie is more of a short term thing.

Rule - Sweet Pea (1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora