Halfway there

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It was the happiest Rule had ever been when waking up, which was ironic considering how bad her evening had gone. Before Sweet Pea, obviously. His arms were wrapped around her waist, her hands pressed against the warmth of his chest. A light snore was coming from Sweet Pea, one that was considered adorable rather than annoying. He had an iron grip on her, leaving Rule to struggle to get free. Only to fall off the bed and onto the floor. Rule groaned as her head hit the floor, muttering a string of curse words as she stood and saw a still sleeping Sweet Pea. "Asshat." Rule muttered, grabbing some clothes and walking to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Rule did her best to ignore the clumps of hair washing down the drain, scrubbing her body until she was red and raw from feeling endlessly dirty.

Stepping out of the shower, she quickly dried off before putting her underwear and bra on, accidentally catching a glance of herself in the mirror that made her freeze. Her cheeks were slightly sunk in, a black eye on the left side, finger marks from where Nick had choked her, and bruises on both of her wrists. Rule looked away at the speed of lightning, putting on a pair of dusty pink sweats with a matching crop tank top and oversized pink knit sweater. Toni had bought them for her and despite Rule despising pink she actually liked the outfit, mostly because it was comfy. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion at the smell of food cooking, Rule shaking her hair out  as she walked into the kitchen. Rule's jaw drops as she looks at Sweet Pea cooking pancakes and bacon over the stove, his back muscles straining against his shirt as he moved.


She quietly walked over and sat at the kitchen bar, her head resting in the palm of her hand as she watched his every move. A faint smile rested on Rule's lips as her eyes traced every muscle, dip, and curve of his body. Rule subconsciously bit her lip and couldn't help but wonder what Sweet Pea would like shirtless, or naked for that matter. Once she started to imagine below the belt, Rule lost her balance and fell off her barstool. "Son of a-" she cursed, an amused Sweet Pea appearing above her. Rules breath caught in her throat at his bedhead and how the black vneck shirt he was wearing had stretched down to show more of his chest. But the part that her eyes were glued too? The area were his sweatpants had fallen down, revealing the curve of his v line. "Need some help?" Sweet Pea asks, breaking her from the daze. Rule saw the amused look on his face, knowing he caught her staring. Heat fans her cheeks in embarrassment, taking the outstretched hand he offers.

Sweet Pea gives a forceful tug that sends Rule flying into his chest, his hands landing on the bare strip of skin where her shirt didn't cover. Rule rests her hands around the back of his neck, shivering under Sweet Peas touch. Tilting her head up to look him in the eyes, Rule runs her fingers through the curls on the back of his neck, something she'd been dying to do. Sweet Peas jaw tightens, Rules eyes landing on his lips as he does so. The two of them are close enough that Rule can feel the warmth of his breath as he speaks, intoxicating her. "This is getting harder." he whispers, Rule smirking up at him. "Then give in." she mutters, placing her lips against his jaw before speaking. Tilting his head back down agonizingly slow, he brushes his nose against hers. The scent of burning bacon fills the air before their lips can connect, Sweet Peas eyes widening in surprise before he jerked away and pulled the food off of the stove.

Rule shakes her head in both amusement and annoyance, walking over to the cupboard to pull out plates, cups, and silverware. After sliding the plates toward Sweets, Rule pours two glasses of orange juice before setting the kitchen table. Seconds later, Sweet Pea sets two hot plates of pancakes and bacon on the table, pulling out a chair for Rule and acting like they hadn't almost kissed. She smiles at him in surprise as she sits down, waiting for him to take a seat before speaking. "Well damn Sweets, we might just have to make this a regular thing." Rule teases, but being completely honest. Sweet Pea gives her a smirk but the brightening in his eyes tells Rule that what she said pleased him. Rule didn't realise just how hungry she was until she took her first bite of pancakes, a small moan coming from the back of her throat.

"You know, i'm pretty sure I could make you moan louder than that." Sweet Pea cat calls from across the table, a seductive smirk on his face as he takes another bite of breakfast. A small competitive fire ignited in Rule at his words. Rule stands up from the table, taking her plate to the connected kitchen. "You remind me of my pinky toe Sweets." she called from behind her before walking back to the table and a confused Sweet Pea. "Huh?" he asks, eyebrows scrunched. Rule walks until she's directly behind him, leaning her head down to his ear. "Sooner or later, i'm gonna bang you on everything."

The choking sound as she walked away and into her bedroom was a small victory.

Rule grabs her phone from the bedside table, noticing with warmth in her chest how Sweet Pea had made the bed. With a small cheesy smile, Rule walked back into the kitchen to see Sweet Pea had already put the food away and thrown the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Looking behind her, she saw him sitting cross legged on the living room floor, eyes scanning the hundreds of dvds and vhs tapes Rule kept on a bookshelf. "What're we watching?" She wondered aloud, grabbing a light blue comforter that was big enough to share and flopping down on the middle couch cushion. Sweet Pea didn't allow Rule to see the movie he picked, sticking it in the DVD player and sitting next to her. On instinct, Sweet Pea moved closer to Rule and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side while simultaneously pulling the comforter around him too. Sweet Pea leaned his lips down to Rule's ear, warm breath tickling her as he spoke. "It's a surprise."

And the rest of the day certainly was that.

Rule - Sweet Pea (1)Where stories live. Discover now