We're Done

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"It's time we end the Ghoulie scourge and that traitor, Penny Peabody, permanently." Rule rolled her eyes, the effect of not sleeping for a week making her even bitchier than usual. "Sweet Pea, not two hours ago your fight was with Reggie. Now you want us to go to war over territory we don't even control anymore? This is Hiram Lodge's problem, not ours." A few people noticed the way Rule's voice caught when she said 'Hiram Lodge'. Toni spoke up next, such attitude stuffed in a tiny body. "So you're just gonna hand over Sunnyside Trailer Park, our home to Penny and the Ghoulies?"

"Topaz, I don't want us to die. A rumble with the Ghoulies right now? It's a suicide run." Sweet Pea scoffed, Rule just giving him a look of exhaustion. "It's better than a cowards death!" Jughead started bickering with Sweet Pea, FP motioning for Rule to go ahead. "That's enough!' Her voice ricochets off the walls, such power, and authority in her voice. FP made his way towards the group, Rule's face falling at the look on his.

"I just got a call from the Sheriff's station. Fangs, uh... He didn't make it. He's gone." 

Rule went to comfort Sweet Pea, her hand and face falling when he stepped away with a look of betrayal. "Fang's is dead?" Jughead squeezed Rule's hand when he saw what Sweet Pea did, FP speaking up in the hopes of changing the subject. "And we will mourn him, hell yeah, we will. But first, we will honor him. From what I just heard, it sounds like we need to put it to a vote. All those against going to war?" Nobody raised their hands. "And all those for giving them hell on the battlefield tomorrow?" 

Sweet Pea's snake sign was the first in the air.


Rule quietly closed the front door behind her, not paying attention to the unknown car in her driveway. Her mind was focused on the phone call she'd just had with Hiram Lodge, a sudden decision, and the letter she'd written for Sweet Pea to open later. Sitting the letter on the table, Rule's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion when she heard noise coming from the bedroom. Every part of her body froze when she opened the door, her heart shattering as she looked at the two figures in her bed.

Josie was straddling Sweet Pea, both naked, in the bed she shared with him. She wasn't sure if she should scream, shoot them, or leave. So, Rule hardened her heart, her face, and her mind as she kicked the door so it whacked into the wall, leaving a long crack. The adulterous pair jumped in surprise, turning to look at Rule as she calmly walked past them and snatched a duffle bag from her closet. Josie scrambled for her clothes and rushed out of the house, Sweet Pea pulling on his own pair of pants. She ignored every word Sweet Pea said as she stuffed her items into the bag, filling up a backpack before she had everything she absolutely needed until one word struck a chord. "Angel-"

A loud crack echoed through the air, a result of Rule's hand connecting with Sweet Pea's face. Sweet Pea held pure regret in his eyes, both knowing how much he deserved that slap. "Don't you ever call me that again, you hear me?" It took everything inside Rule not to break down, grabbing her truck keys and serpent jacket. Sweet Pea didn't hide the tears springing in his eyes, but Rule didn't feel anything but anger at his audacity. Rule walked briskly out the front door, Sweet Pea following her while talking endlessly. "We're done,"

"Rule, please..." Tossing her bags in the passenger seat, Rule started her truck and slammed the door so hard she was surprised it didn't fall off. Rolling down her window, Rule took one last look at Sweet Pea as she opened her mouth. "I'll have someone come and get the rest of my stuff, you can keep the house. Go to hell Sweet Pea, and never talk to me again." Sweet Pea was still trying to talk when Rule drove down the street, finally allowing a few tears to fall. An agonized scream left her lips, one that was audible down the street and made Sweet Pea scrunch his eyes shut.

Rule didn't know where she was going until she got there, parking her truck in the driveway. Her hands shook as she hoisted her bags over her shoulders, pounding on the door of the grey house and praying they were home. The red door swung open, revealing a middle-aged woman with shoulder length dark hair, tanned skin, and so-brown-they-were-black eyes. "Rule?"

"Hey, Zoe. Can I stay here for a while?" One thing Rule had always liked about Annie Green's wife, Zoe, was that when someone needed help she didn't ask too many questions. Boy, she thankful for that right now. Rule ended up in Olivia's room, their adopted daughter who was a good friend of hers. Aaron, Olivia's fraternal twin, was across the hallway, while Zoe's brother, sister in law, and nephew had recently moved from New York to just down the street. Olivia slipped Rule a container of mint chip ice cream, sitting on the king sized bed with her. The blonde girl opened her mouth, asking the question Rule dreaded, hating that she knew her so well.

"So, RJ, are you gonna tell me what the hell you have planned tonight?"


A stinging pain shot through Rule's side as Olivia helped change the bandage's over her bullet wound, glancing in the mirror at her scarred body. Snatching a black and grey long-sleeve crop-top off the counter, Rule slid it on over her black sports bra and jeans, black platform combat boots already laced on her feet. She left on the choker she'd been wearing all day along with some smudged makeup from yesterday, Olivia giving off a skilled vibe while braiding Rule's raven black hair into two Dutch boxer braids. Olivia wasn't quite sure what Rule was doing in a few minutes short of an hour, but she didn't like it. Giving herself a once over, Rule thanked Olivia for helping her get ready. It wasn't anything special, but how was Rule supposed to know what to wear to her death? 



Gal Gadot as Zoe Green

Lily Rose Depp as Olivia Green

Tom Holland as Aaron Green

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