Chapter 51

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait...enjoy:)


-> not edited


The seven looked at each other. Really looked at each other. They were currently standing outside of their doors from their rooms. All 7 were dressed up for battle. The Romans in their roman gear and the Greeks in their gear. But only Jason and Percy stood out from the rest. They were a mixture of the two. But nothing changed with Jason's Imperial gold weapon and Percy's mighty Riptide.

This was the last time that the seven would see each other all together before going out and fight. They can already hear the major explosions from their parents excessive use of their powers and they can here the Giants roar as they are killed. It seems like they are winning but just barely.

Many are injured and many are gone. They don't have time to stop fighting and move the dead bodies, only hope that their body was removed safely.

This was it. After knowing each other for barely 6 months they were going to fight for their death.

No one spoke, afraid that it might be the last time. They all just looked at each other with determined faces hiding their figures.

Piper worries about her father. She hasn't talk to him since they left Camp-Half blood and now she doesn't get to say goodbye.

Jason doesn't know where Thalia is. No doubt leading the hunters into battle. It was too soon to lose her. He just met her.

Leo knew Calypso was safe. She was tending the injured. Zeus wouldn't let her fight because he still had doubts so tending the injured was the most. But as long as she was safe then Leo was fine. He couldn't save his mom and he'd die for Calypso's life.

Frank knew there was no one left. He only had Hazel and he vowed to make sure she would make it out alive. Whatever the cost.

Hazel was worried about many things. She couldn't find Nico anywhere. She hasn't seen her dad and she knew he was here fighting alongside his brothers. And Frank. She couldn't lose Frank like she lost Sammy. She didn't want to let him go. Frank's life depended on a stick and she was going to make sure he got more of life to experience.

Annabeth was analyzing and reanalyzing the battle plans she made in her mind. She didn't want to say goodbye to Percy. He was her partner, they would be together forever until they win. And they will win. But she can't help but think about all the people she hasn't said goodbye to. Her father, Chiron. Annabeth hasn't even seen her brothers and sisters since their arrival.

Percy could only think of one thing. Annabeth. His mind was blank of all the sword fighting he learned from Luke and all the training from Camp Half Blood. He needed to make sure Annabeth was safe. He had to.

One by one, the seven moved in a single file line out of the comfort zone. Percy and Jason leading side by side.

They got to the entrance and the two turned to look at the rest.

"This is it. We don't know what will happen out there. But you guys are the best set of demigods to be stuck with during this prophecy. Now let's go show Gaea who's boss!" Jason cheered.

Jason was always good at that. It was the one quality Percy envied. He locked eyes with Annabeth's gray one and she gave him the same determined smirk before moving next to Percy.

"Come on Seaweed brain. One more time."

"Don't jinx it." Percy said.

She scoffed. "I'm a child of wisdom. I see logic and the idea of jinxing is the most illogical idea ever. I mean who gives someone the right to s-"

"No need for a speech and debate session wise girl. Gaea is on the loose if you didn't realize."

Annabeth rolled her eyes at Percy's lame attempt at a joke but smiled anyways.

The battle scene was a mess. Already in the first 5 minutes of this battle, Olympus was nearly teared into tiny pieces. Now that Gaea has risen, the giants have gotten stronger.

"This is different than Kronos. It's going to be nearly impossible to win this." Annabeth cried.

"That's what we are. Nearly impossible." Percy answers.

Percy looks around the battlefield and tries to zero in on one point that needs the most help. He tells Annabeth to go to the other side of the field and help Jason and Piper. Percy goes over to Frank and Hazel who were desperately trying to stop the giants.

Leo was no where to be found.

They fought and fought, occasionally bumping into each other. Many demigods have died both roman and Greek. Their bodies lost in the stampede of the impeccable war.

Out of the corner of Percy's eyes, he saw a big lightning flash along with a wave of water. The gods were doing good but not good enough.

They were losing, the demigods. This may have been the era of the Olympians.

Jason, Leo, and Percy stood back to back, each looking at a different angle of the battlefield.

To storm or fire the world must fall.

Suddenly there was a wail from the center and it was like the ground was growing. Out came a fully equipped Gaea, much similar to the one Leo saw in the machine shop all those years ago. It made him more furious to see the reason behind his mother's death. Her mud like robes had skeletons and broken javelins sticking out like sequins in a shirt. Her hair was like the leaves of a tree in autumn. All red, orange and brown.

Her eyes were partially closed. She was gradually waking up and when she did then all humanity will be destroyed.

Jason, Percy, and Leo knew they had to act fast. To storm or fire the world must fall. Jason and Percy cooked up a storm while Leo generated the most amount of fire he has ever generated.

Eventually Percy and Jason were leading a hurricane filled with electric charges towards Gaea.

"Perceous Jackson. Have you come to offer your blood?" She cooed.

"No you dimwit. I don't think we have the same blood type. I'm a B+ what about you?"

"Shut it! Come Percy Jackson and will spare your friends."

Percy scoffed. "If I had a dollar for every time a monster said that to me I would be ridiculously rich right now."

"And what is the bargain was you're mother?" She sneered.

She showed me an image. My mom and Paul were tied up and surrounded by monsters at the apartment. Percy felt tears prick his eyes. He hasn't seen his mom for so long and now when she needed his help, he wasn't there.

"Ignore it Percy. It's an illusion." Jason beckoned.

Suddenly a blast of heat rose and fire came out of nowhere and hit Gaea right in the face. Gaea's face started melting off as if she was made of wax.

Percy looked behind and saw Leo passes out on the floor. He ordered some of the Nymphs to take him to Calypso.

Jason looked at Percy and nodded his head, signaling to release the storm. But before they could do anything, Annabeth's ear piercing scream came a little too late as a javelin was thrown expertly through Percy's heart.

Then everything went black.


I suck at battle scenes btw so yeah....


Sorry for the late update

I had like writers block and then school started and it was just project over project

10th grade sucks.

There is only an epilogue after this:)

So sad this book is ending this was my first book on wattpad and it's become so successful so thank you for that

Please vote so it can get noticed by other Demigods, satyrs, nymphs, and Percy Jackson:)

Love you guys


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