Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: Jason
So Percy got the affect of Oh My Gods! Percy isn't dead! What we didn't expect was Octavian to tell the Romans to attack Percy. Not me but Percy. I ran to defend ourselves from the Romans but Percy just smirked and willed the creek to cover him. 'This is his home.' I realized. Percy covered himself in this sphere of water. The Greek campers were still shocked to see their leader. I decided to take charge. "HEY!" The Romans stopped and looked at me. Except Octavian who kept saying 'slay the graceus!' I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he reminded me so much of Coach Hedge. Nico and Reyna ran up to us. They were holding a miniature version of the statue. Nico looked different since the last time I saw him. He didn't seem so lonely anymore. I also noticed his body seemed to be in a defending manner. But not for himself. For Reyna. Those two seemed closer to each other. Nico looked at Percy and just for a second I saw the same look he had on his face when he admit his crush on Percy. But it quickly turned into an angry stare as he looked at the Romans. This was Nico's home too even though he barely stayed. He summoned some of the dead that guarded him like he was their master. Then again Nico was the ghost king. I realized everyone was looking at me. It took me a moment to realize that Percy and Nico, two children of the big three, already have them a show. Now it was my turn. I summoned some lightning which left the burning smell of ozone.
"Okay well if you three are done with showing off your powers, I would like to continue our battle." Said Octavian. Percy and Nico looked like they wanted to pounce on the guy but I have Percy a look and Reyna just put her hand on Nico's shoulder and his face softened immediately. What was up with those two?
"You disobeyed my orders Octavian. You went ahead and attacked the Campers when I specifically told you not to." Reyna said. She looked at the Romans. "And you followed him. Are you not aware of your leader?"
"But you crossed the Mediterranean! You are not worthy of Praetor anymore! I warned you that after you left I would be the leader!" Octavian explained.
"And yet you just want war. You don't ever want to make peace with the Greeks. You just want to cut your stupid teddy bears and blackmail everyone!" Percy yelled. Octavian looked at Percy. "You have no right to speak to me Graceus."
"Actually I do. Considering the fact that A) you are destroying my home and B) I'm still Praetor of New Rome, I think I have every right to kill you right here on the spot." Percy Paused. "But I won't. Because right now we have a bigger problem. I'll schedule your appointment with Dr. Percy after the war. Then you can choose how I should kill you."
Octavian growled and started going towards Percy with his Gladius raised. But Percy simply thrusted his hand forward and a wave of water threw Octavian against Thalia's Tree. No one tried to help him.
Percy grinned. "Now that he's out of the way I've transported all the way from Olympus with Jason. The Giants and Gaea has surprised us with an attack." Percy looked nervous even though this was his home turf. Then I realized that he and Annabeth are a team. Annabeth is the announcer, the person who makes the plans, and Percy carries them out, he leads everyone and I guess carries the charm. I decided to keep talking for him. "Well they didn't quite attack. More like the gates of Olympus crumbled but no one came in. Anyways as we all know in order to kill a giant you need a demigod and a god together. But currently there are only 7 demigods, including Percy and I, to complete this task."
"And there are like 100 giants. I think. I'm not sure. I'm not Annabeth." Percy added.
"Well what do you want us to do punk?" It was Clarisse. Of course it was.
Percy smirked. "I missed being called punk. The children of Mars are too soft. Anyways we need you guys to stop fighting and work together so we can kill all of the giants."
"Why don't we just go. We are more better fighters!" Clarrise exclaimed.
I shook my head. "Some of the giants know the roman style of fighting and some of the giants know the Greek style. We have to mix it up. Greek with Roman and vice versa. It will confuse them because they aren't able to process the new style of fighting. Unless of course you run into Enceladus who's the Anti-Athena. Thank you guys for being so smart."
"No problem!" Malcolm yelled. There was a large groan near Thalia's tree. "I will not let my roman warriors go and fight! Especially since the gods are in their Greek form!"
"Well too bad. Because I'm still Praetor of Rome which means I'm still able to lead them!" Percy turned to his old friends. "But of course I will always be the Camp Half Blood leader."
"With Annabeth!" Some camper yelled. "Or camp half blood is screwed." Percy made a face at them. Once again I felt that jealousy creep into me. Percy has only been at this camp for four years yet he has a closer relationship with all of them where I have been at Camp Jupiter for 12 years and I'm not even as close as Percy. Probably another reason to choose Camp Half Blood. Where everything isn't always about fighting and discipline. I realized Percy was looking at me. "Oh I'm sorry what did you say?"
"I said. We should probably start organizing them so that way we can all get through the portal on time." I nodded. Percy quickly explained the amount of time we have with the portal and everything. I walked up to Reyna. She gave me a small smile as I approached her.
"Hey how was your quest?"
"It was fine there were monsters here and there but nothing that nico, coach hedge and I couldn't handle. What about you?"
"What about me?"
"How was your quest to Olympus."
I recalled all of the events that happened.
"Wow. That's a lot. So what now?" I realized she meant after the war. Where was I going to go.
"Umm I don't know. I don't even know if--"
"Are you going to stay here Jason? At Camp Half Blood?"
"Well I-I don't know? I mean it feels right! My sister my dad. Piper. Leo.They're all here. And Camp Jupiter is--"
"Your home. Jason you were there since you were three! You and I have been best friends ever since I came to camp. You changed Camp Jupiter. You became a legend! And now you just want to throw that all away?"
"But I'm not throwing it all away. At camp Jupiter I didn't know if people liked me for who I am or because my dad was Jupiter. But at Camp Half Blood it doesn't matter. They're carefree but still fearless and excellent warriors. Look at Percy! He went from a nobody to the hero of camp. And at Camp Half Blood I can see my sister and my dad. I didn't know my family was still there."
"We are your family Jason. Don't you see? You are a roman!"
"Yeah well what if I don't want to be a roman! What if I want to stay here Reyna you aren't the boss of me!"
"I'm your praetor Jason Grace and you will listen to me."
"Actually you're not. Percy and Frank are the Praetors. And can you stop trying to make decisions for me? I get that I'm roman ok? But being at Camp Half Blood I don't feel like I always have to be disciplined. Besides you're not my mom." I walked away before I can hear any of her other complaints. I admit I felt guilty but Reyna had no business to control me like that. For the next 5 hours Percy and I are trying to find out the best way to get everyone to Olympus while Reyna places the statue in the center of camp. Nothing seemed different at first but then the Romans and Greeks started hanging out with each other and making jokes. Percy was looking at the statue while the Hephaestus cabin was fastening it into the ground. "Percy are you ok?"
"I hate that statue." Was all he said. It made sense. That statue made Annabeth go on her own to defeat the main enemy for all children of Athena and then they both fell into Tartarus.
"So I think we should mix up the Romans and Greeks so that way both types of demigods can get in. Maybe we can even make a way to where everyone can transport fast." I suggested.
"How? With flying shoes? Because I hate flying shoes."
"Because when I was 12 Luke was the first "friend I had and then he gave me flying shoes to help me on the quest but since Zeus hates me I couldn't use them so I gave them to Grover. It turns out they were cursed so that when we were in the underworld whoever was wearing the shoes would fall straight into Tartarus. Grover managed to kick them off before he fell in."
"Well then. Um maybe I can control the air so that when someone starts walking towards the portal the air will cause the person to basically fly into the portal. Think of it as Peter Pan giving Wendy pixie dust to fly."
"Ok. One. How do you know about Peter Pan and two Peter Pan is evil."
"Thalia read it to me when I was probably two years old and what do you have against Peter Pan?"
"Peter Pan almost killed Henry!!"
"Once Upon A Time. Yes I watch tv sometimes..." I shook my head and went over to Chiron and showed him our plans. As he went over them I stared at Chiron. Romans always saw Centaurs as evil creatures. Chiron wasn't evil but the first words he said to me were burned into my brain. 'You should be dead'. He handed me back the plans. "This is all very good but do you think you will be able to bring all of these campers? I suggest you take the strongest of all them."
"But each Cabin has their own strengths even Aphrodite." I said thinking of Piper.
Chiron nodded. "It's up to you." I told Percy Chiron's plan and he nodded.
"It makes sense. There isn't any point in bringing extra demigods. I want there to be a camp after the war."
"So who do you suggest?"
"Definitely Ares, Athena, and Hephaestus so that would be Mars and Vulcan for Romans. Hermes and Apollo also maybe even Hecate."
"What about Aphrodite."
Percy shrugged. "I haven't seen the Aphrodite kids yet. Last time I was here the Aphrodite cabins didn't participate in anything at cabin. Maybe we can take the strongest out of them. Like Silen--" Percy went quiet. I knew he was talking about the earlier camp counselor that died during the war. "I'll just go round up these cabins." Percy said quietly. The last I saw of him was walking into the Hephaestus to tell them the news. I saw Reyna and Nico laughing and talking. I don't know why but suddenly I was Jealous. I was the only one who was able to make her laugh like that. I walked up to them. Reyna saw me and her expression immediately hardened.
"What happened between you two?" Nico asked.
I ignored Nico. "Look Reyna I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to yell at you." Instead of softening her expression it only got harder. "Now you're even apologizing like a Greek!"
"Hey now you're starting to sound like Octavian." Nico put himself between us before anything can happen.
"Woah. Calm down what's wrong! Aren't you guys best friends?"
"What's going on with you Nico! The last time I saw you, you were all depressed about your Percy problem and now here you are 10 inches away from him and you don't even flinch?" Nico froze. His face paled. But he wasn't looking at me. He was looking past me. Percy was a few feet away from us and he heard everything. Nico looked back at me with those dark cold eyes. "I will never forgive you for this Grace! I trusted you! You promised!" He turned and ran into the woods but not before I saw tears coming down his face.

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