Chapter 46

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Chapter 46: Persassy (haha)

It took all my willpower not to rip that piece of paper into pieces.

That idiot! I can't believe I actually fell for his stupid tricks again! Gosh where was Annabeth when I need--

Oh right.

I sighed and turned away from Jason, Piper, and Thalia and hastily wiped away my tears away. I couldn't take this. Everything I said to Piper and Leo was a lie. I needed Annabeth right now. I'm not complete. It should've been me that died not her! I distracted her and left her too many times.

What hurt the most was that we were only together for literally 4 months since most of that time I was missing.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Thalia. Her eyes were rimmed with tears and I cursed myself silently. I'm too busy grieving over her that I can't see that my own friends need help. I need to be their leader. I need to be strong for them. Like last time.

But last time I had Annabeth with me the whole time. She was right there next to me. Ever since I collapsed on top of Half Blood Hill she's always been there.

What did Luke have? Everyone was here except Leo... Oh no.

"Guys. What if he has Leo?" I asked.

"But Leo... Didn't he transport to Ogygia?" Thalia asked.

"But you know how powerful Luke could get Thalia."

"I just still can't grasp the idea that Luke is back. What if it's just a scam."

"Why would Gaea waste her time writing a letter to us. She would just pop in whenever she wants to kill us. Luke is the only idiot that actually writes a stupid letter during a war."

"Percy... You're... I don't know but you sound... Different. Are you ok?" Thalia said.

"No. But that doesn't matter."

"Percy maybe you should rest. I mean you haven't slept since Annabeth--"

"Don't say her name. And no I can't sleep with this letter in our possession. We have to do something."


"I'M FINE THALIA!" I felt bad for yelling. Sure Thalia and I had our ups and downs but she understands the pain I'm going through and I'm just pushing her out.

"I'm sorry Thalia... It's just--"

"Hey you don't have to apologize. I get it ok. But what you need right now is some sleep."

"And let the dreams start again? Yeah right."

"Percy you aren't invincible and even when you were, you couldn't go through the whole war without sleeping. You need to calm your nerves and rest."

I sighed. "I can't sleep Thalia! I see her face every time I close my eyes! I can't deal with the pain right now."

"Percy I know it hurts. But you need rest. You're going to get yourself killed if you don't."

After much fighting and scolding I finally agreed to get some rest. Why did Thalia always win?

I was at camp Half blood but something seemed different. For one, I was way shorter. I was cut up on my arms and I was holding the Minotaur horn. I was twelve years old again.
I heard a laugh and I knew instantly it was Annabeth. I walked over near the cabins and spotted her. She was laughing and looking up at someone. Probably one of her brothers. I was about to call out to her when her body was covered by a taller boy. They were kissing. A bit intimate if you ask me. The boy turned around and I realized it was Luke. I clenched my fists wondering what he was doing with my girlfriend but then I remembered I was twelve. We weren't dating yet and Annabeth had a mad crush on this monster.

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