The Life After Tartarus Ch. 3

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Chapter 3: Leo

I didn't listen to a single thing Jason said. I could tell Annabeth didn't either her stormy grey eyes were distant. I couldn't blame her. She and Percy just came back from Tartarus. I was also trying to find a way to save Calypso. I promised on the river Styx I would save her so I guess I just signed off my death. But I couldn't give up. I'll admit I was still a little mad at Percy for just leaving her. But I couldn't bring myself to ask him anything. He looked so broken almost like nico when we saved him. I heard someone come behind me. Piper.

"Hey repair boy what's on your mind?"

"Nothing beauty queen I'm fine"

She pursed her lips "listen Leo you aren't your usual annoying and jokester self. I'm your best friend Leo. what happened?"

I couldn't lie to Piper she was my best friend plus she can probably help me with my problem.

"Fine. When I was thrown off the ship I crash landed on an island. I met a girl named Calypso. At first we didn't like each other but before I left she kissed me. And I love her but she said I will never be able to find her again. But I need to Piper."

Piper looked at me with those multicolored eyes. I wonder if this is how she felt when She found out all those memories with Jason were false.
"I don't really know how to help you Leo but you will find her again. True love will always find it's way."

I smiled. "Is Aphrodite playing tricks on you again or are you just quoting greeting cards?"

She punched me "Shut up Valdez."

"Ow beauty queen I'm happy my face wasn't there."

She smiled at the memory. Our first quest. We had no idea what we were doing then and so much has changed since then.

She left leaving me with a lot of questions so I decided to go ask Percy about Calypso.

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