Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: Percy
It was not a dreamless sleep. I saw Gaea and Camp Half Blood. The two camps were fighting. There was blood on the ground but it had a color to it. Orange and Purple mixed together to make and ugly green. "Percy Jackson. Wouldn't it be more easier to just give up?" The scene changed. Reyna was dead on the ground. A pool of blood surrounding her that was soaking into Nico's shoes as he and coach hedge tried killing a giant serpent thing. "Every day you wait, you kill another one of your friends. And you say I'm the mean one." The dream switched back to Camp. The Big House was in Flames. It was overrun by monsters even ones I already killed such as Medusa. She looked straight at me. I didn't have time to shield my eyes. I felt my body slowly turn into stone.
"MEDUSA!" I was back in the infirmary. I was drenched in sweat. I was still flesh and bone. Frank and Annabeth came in. "Percy? Percy are you alright?" Annabeth asked.
"I'm fine. Just a dream. I need to contact Nico and Reyna. Make sure they are ok. They nodded. I was better enough to walk. I walked to the creek where all of the others were already talking. I got a Drachma and threw it into the mist.
"Who are you contacting?" Jason asked.
"O Iris Goddess of the Rainbow please accept my offering. Reyna and Nico"
"Oh yay!" Piper said with low enthusiasm.
The mist cleared until I saw Nico laying down on a bed. "NICO!" I yelled.
Nico jumped and fell off the bed. "What in Hades Percy! Don't scare me like that!"
"You have to admit that was pretty funny" Hazel said laughing.
"Wait. Are you in my room?!"
"Yea. We're at your apartment right now. Waiting for Coach Hedge." Nico explained their journey to New York. And explained how Coach Hedge is flying on the Pegasus with the statue. "So Reyna and I are camping out in your room for a while. Nice dolls by the way. Trying to find your Barbie dream house now."
I felt my face get red with embarrassment. "They aren't dolls. They are figurines. Very rare figurines of the Avengers."
"Yea. sure. At least I didn't tell them that you're planning the wedding between Hawk Eye and Black Widow. Oh wait. Sorry."
"How did you find out about that?"
"You need to learn how to hide things."
"Where's Reyna?" I asked, changing the subject.
"I'm here! Is everything all right?"
"Yea everything is fine I just had a dream. Showed that you were dead and Nico and Coach Hedge was in trouble. Just wanted to make sure you guys were ok."
"We're fine. How about you guys?" Nico asked. We took turns explaining everything that happened since they left.
"You died and came back?! That is impossible! I would've felt you die!" Nico said.
"Well I didn't exactly die. Your dad just froze time around me so to everyone else I seemed dead."
"Still..." I knew he was thinking about Bianca.
"Um well just contact us again when you get to camp." I said. I cut the connection and stood up. I started walking towards my room. Annabeth at my side.
"Hey seaweed brain."
"Hey wise girl."
"I'm happy you're better."
"You shouldn't be near me."
"Oh Percy. I'm not scared of Athena. I'm really sorry Percy. You almost died and I wasn't even there."
"Don't worry about it."
"Are you going to rest?"
"No. I've had enough of rest."
Annabeth laughed. "Ok seaweed brain. I'll see you later." As she walked away I thought how lucky I was to have someone like her in my life. If I was never a demigod I would've never met her.
30 minutes later I was washed up and was dressed in my tunic to go to dinner.
"Hey seaweed brain." It was Thalia.
"I hate these things. Why can't I just wear my Camp Half Blood shirt? I did save Olympus once already."
"Well don't get too big headed. We all saved Olympus but we have to wear this. It's tradition."
"Traditions can be broken."
Thalia shook her head. "You are impossible Percy Jackson."
"Yet you're still my friend."
"Because if I wasn't your friend who would be?"
"She's different."
A hunter came and took Thalia away so they can sit at their table. Once again I was alone along with the others. Apparently Thalia was excused to sit with Jason last time.
"Why can't we all sit together? It's one person at each table." Leo asked.
"Fine you guys are allowed to sit next to each other." Zeus said. I was about to get up and sit with Annabeth but before I can even get up everyone else was at my table.
"Wow. I feel like the popular guy."
"You are the popular one here." Leo pointed out.
"What did you see in Elysium?" Jason asked. And so I told them. About the choices, the meeting with Luke, Beckendorf, and Silena. I admit. I was still hesitant on telling Annabeth about Luke. But she didn't seem affected. Instead it was Thalia that was affected. "Luke. He didn't choose rebirth? Is he alright?"
"Um he's dead Thalia. So yeah. I guess he's alright? I'm not sure how to answer this question." I turned to Frank. "You're mom looks a lot like you. Except. Well a more feminine Frank."
Frank stiffened. "How do you know?"
"I saw her. She was the first person I saw in Elysium. She told me to have a good time in Elysium."
"That's my mom." Frank said with a sad smile. "Always making sure everyone else is happy and satisfied."
"Oh and Leo. You're mom said to stop blaming yourself for her death and that she loves you." Leo was speechless as silent tears came down his cheeks. I looked at Hazel, Jason, and Thalia. "Um I didn't see your moms sorry.
"Don't be. My mom and I died at the same time. She would've gone to the fields of Punishment but I took half of the blame. She's in the fields of Asphodel." Hazel explained.
"I could care less for her." Thalia said. Her eyes were stormy and her jaw was set straight.
"Except I know you care. You act like you don't care but you do. I remember. We went on a quest. You me and Nico. You were looking for someone in the underworld. At the time I thought it was your mom. Now it could've been Jason but I think it was your mom. So for that I'm sorry that I didn't see your mom." Thalia looked like she wanted to yell back but she stopped and looked behind me. We all looked at her direction and at first we were all confused.
"Tell me. Is it normal that the gates to Olympus are crumbling?" The gods looked up. "PREPARE YOURSELF FOR WAR!" I grabbed Annabeth's hand and ran back to our cabin. We helped each other put on our armor and after 2 minutes everyone else was out in throne room. It was hectic. Healers were already setting up sick beds and extra stocks of Ambrosia and Nectar. Other godlings, nymphs, and satyrs were running around and getting ready for battle. I walked up to Poseidon who was giving orders to some Cyclops. "Percy. Are you ready?"
"Dad how are we supposed to fight? Last time in the Titan war we had a bunch of Demigods and we were more prepared. We just got here and now we need more demigods to kill these monsters! Reyna and Nico aren't at Camp Yet so they're still fighting there! What do we do?"
"For right now we just have to fight with what we have."
Jason came up behind me. "We have 7 demigods and 12 gods to kill 100 giants!"
"Well someone has to convince Hades again." Poseidon said.
"Only Nico can do that!" I exclaimed.
Well unless you guys can convince your campers to stop fighting then this is what we have I fight." Poseidon said.
I thought about it. If Jason and I can show that the Greeks and the Romans weren't enemies they would probably stop.
"Is there a way to transport Jason and I to Camp Half Blood?"
"Wait why me?"
"Because your Roman. We need to show that a Greek and Roman that had a taste of both cultures can work together. We can convince them to come here."
Poseidon thought for a moment then called over Hephaestus. They talked quietly. I couldn't here anything but there were a lot of nods and mhm's so I think it was good.
"Okay boys come with me." Hephaestus said. Annabeth and Piper came up behind us.
"Are you two seriously going to leave us here?" Piper asked.
"Yes." I said.
"We can help too! Why can't we come?!" Annabeth asked.
"Because you guys aren't roman." I said.
"But we're Greek!" Piper protested.
"Exactly. The last thing we need is to go to Camp with 3 Greeks and 1 Roman. Remember Octavian is there. He's going to make it look like we did that on purpose to show that we think Greeks are better then Romans." Jason explained.
"Then bring Hazel and Frank too!" Piper said.
"And leave Leo here? No. We need all the demigods we can get here. If only Leo is here then it won't work. Leo can't fight everyone at the same time!" I said.
"Percy. I don't want us to be separated again. We always fight together for wars. I can't loose you again." I turned to look
At her. I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her. I put my forehead to hers. "I won't be separated from you. We will see each other again. But I need you here to guide the rest so we can win this battle and finally have some peace in our life."
Annabeth laughed. "Seaweed Brain we will never have peace in our life." She kissed me one last time and took piper out of Hephaestus forges.
"Now that you guys are done saying goodbye we can get to the good stuff! Now this portal here is tied together with the gods power and Magic from Hecate. It will be open but it will be only enough power for one trip. Then it will close."
"Well then how will we get back?" Jason asked.
"You have 12 hours to convince the others to come join us. Then the portal will open again and stay open for 15 minutes. Whoever doesn't get across will stay on their side and if they really want to help they will find a way to get here. A true hero will always find a way."
"So 12 hours to convince the Greeks and Romans and 15 minutes to get all of them across... Seems impossible but then again we are demigods." Jason said.
"Right. Anything's possible for a possible!"I said. Jason looked at me. "Our last name isn't possible." He said.
"Now this is the trickiest part. You have to think about the place. Not just name it.
If any of your other thought come in you guys will be separated. The best way is to hold hands so that way your minds are connected."
"I have to hold hands with him?" I said.
"Hey I'm not that bad!" Jason protested.
"Fine. I guess everybody needs a piece of Percy every once in a while." I took Jason's hand and nodded at Hephaestus. He smiled as he opened the portal. I thought about Camp Half blood and the strawberry fields and sword arena. I thought about Rachel's cave and the cabins. I thought about the forest and Zeus' fist. I looked into the portal and jumped.

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