Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: Percy
Death. It was a funny thing. I felt my lifeline slowly slipping away. I knew I was dying. And yet even though Annabeth wasn't there, my last words would always be trying to protect her. Whether it was "STAY AWAY FROM HER" or "I Love You". I hope she knew that. My last image of her was her glaring at me. It was funny. I remember going to the underworld with Grover and Annabeth and she told me that Elysium was where we would go after death. But wasn't that for heroes who died an honorable death? Like Luke and Silena. But I died because of a headache. A stupid headache. After everything I've been through I die to some stupid pain in my head. I walked into a room which I clearly recognized. It was Charon's waiting room. He saw me and smiled. "Well Mr. Jackson it's been four years since I've seen you. Why do you need to see Hades this time?"
"I'm dead. I just died like maybe 5 minutes ago."
"Interesting. How did you die? I see no battle wounds on you. Except some blood on your forehead. Were you shot?" Charon didn't seem to care. In fact, he seemed excited.
"I got a headache and died."
Charon laughed. "This is as bad as the one you said earlier: 'we drowned in a bathtub' really you need to work on your lying skills. Seriously how did you die?"
"I told you already now can I just go to the judges and accept my fate." Charon looked at me. "Ok but apparently I have special orders to deliver you to Hades personally. I guess that means you have to go through Cerberus again. Too bad you don't have the blond girl to help you."
I clenched my fists. The last thing I needed to be reminded of was the fact that I left Annabeth and now I can't protect her. "Can you just take me to Hades palace then?" He smiled as I got on his boat. I saw the river Styx swirling before us. It was polluted even more then before. I remembered when I bathed in the river Styx. Annabeth was what I thought of to help me endure the pain. I knew I was once again only a few miles from the entrance to Tartarus. I saw Hades palace coming closer. It was just like Olympus except black and bronze. The last time I was here I battled Hades and told Nico to stay here to get some sense into his dad. A time before that I was here with Nico and Thalia on a quest for Persephone. That was also when I met Bob the Titan. Thinking of him made me feel even more depressed. I didn't think I would see it again for a long time. But here I was 1 year later. I haven't seen my family or my friends in Camp Half Blood for such a long time. I imagined my mom's reaction when she found out. I wonder who would tell her. Maybe Annabeth? Unless she's still mad. Probably Chiron... Or maybe Poseidon might actually tell her. I couldn't dwell on it right now. Charon dropped me off at the entrance. He left me with the EZ death line and Cerbeus. He seemed to remember me because his ears perked up and he started wagging his tail. He probably thought I had a red ball with me. I was scared to find out what he would do when he finds out I don't have one.
"Um hello Cerbeus! Good boy. Stay." He listened to me. I went up to him and awkwardly patted his oversized paws. He turned his heads at me probably saying something like _where my red ball?_
"Yea I don't have a red ball you see what happened was that I died before I could get my hands on a red ball." Whether he understood me or not he didn't say anything. He still had a playful mood. Did I attract underworld dogs or something? Then Ms. Dodds came. She was still a leathery hag. "Perseus Jackson. Lord Hades wishes to speak to you." Without another word she started going back inside the palace while I ran after her. I've been in Persephone's garden enough times to know not to touch the fruit or else I would be stuck here like Persephone. Sadly she wouldn't be here since it is summer. I walked into Hades' throne room. It was as big as the Empire State Building throne room. The decor was all gothic and black and bronze. In the middle was a throne made up of skulls and bones. "Perseus Jackson. I never thought you would be here in the underworld so early. Especially not right after you escaped Tartarus. But I guess even the mightiest heroes fall. Anywho. I will take you somewhere. There you will make a choice after you talk to the person. From there we shall decide your fate."
"Who are you taking me too?"
Hades smiled. "Oh you know him." He took my hand. I was surprised he was able to touch me considering the fact I was a ghost but I guess he had the power to grip into ghosts. He took me Elysium. It was paradise. The place for heroes. Yet it was so small since very few people did good in their life. "Go on. You'll find who you are looking for." I walked in through the golden gates. People were happy. It was as if they never died. But you can see signs. Bloodstains on the shirts they wore when they died. A long cut on their arm that didn't seem to stop bleeding. I saw some people in Armor too. Some in regular mortal armor but some were demigods but I didn't recognize them. I saw a woman with black hair. She reminded me of someone. I looked closer and realized she looked a lot like Frank. She smiled at me. "Hello. Are you new to this place." I nodded. She had scars and burns all over her skin. She was still in her army wear. "What's your name?" She asked. "Percy Jackson." She smiled again. "Welcome to Elysium Percy Jackson." She walked away. I Frank's mom was here then that meant Leo's mom is probably here too. Maybe even Thalia's mom. I walked around some more. I didn't know what Hades meant. How was I supposed to know who I would talk to? I looked around to see if there were any familiar faces. I looked for Bianca but then remembered Nico saying she chose rebirth. I saw a couple siting by tree. The girl, once pretty, had a burned face and there was a boy, strongly built, next to her. I sucked in my breath. It was Silena and Beckendorf. Maybe they were the people I had to talk to. I started walking up to them. Beckendorf looked up as if he felt my presence. "Percy?!" Silena looked up too. "Percy? You're dead? How? What?"
"Let's just say Athena didn't approve of my relationship with her daughter and put me under a curse that killed me." Silena got up. "Athena did that? What did Annabeth do?!"
I shrugged. "Annabeth--she wasn't there when I was dying."
"Wow. You'd think that you two dating would stop the arguments between the two of you!" Beckendorf said. The last time I saw him, he sacrificed himself to destroy Luke's forces. "Beckendorf I am so sorry! I should have tried to save you! You wouldn't have died if I wasn't so foolish. And Silena. I should've realized you weren't Clarrise. You two would've still been alive if I tried to do something."
"Aww Percy. It's ok. I'm surprised I'm even here. I was a spy for the bad guy."
"You're not a spy Silena. You were a hero and that is why you are here."
"So Percy who are the new Counselors for our cabins?" Beckendorf asked.
"They are both new campers. They just came 8 months ago." I explained the whole prophecy and how there are 7 of us. I skipped Tartarus. I went from saving Annabeth to Our trip to Olympus. "So Piper is the new Aphrodite counselor. Drew stepped down. And Piper made the Aphrodite Cabin prove that they are more then just a bunch of pretty faces. Hephaestus cabin leader. His name is Leo Valdez." At the mention of his name a woman came running up to me. She had oil on her face. She was making something with her hands. She was skinny. She put her hand on me. "My little boy. My mijo. Is he all right? Is Leo ok?"
"You're Leo's mom?"
"Yes. Please tell me."
"Leo is great. He misses you a lot and keeps blaming your death on him."
"Tell him to stop. Tell him I love him. Please? If you find a way can you tell him that?" I nodded. She smiled looking relieved. She walked away as she wiped her greasy hands on her pants. She was a lot like Leo. Always building something. They had the same heart too. "Well anyways. Leo is the new Counselor. Oh and that bronze Draco that you tamed? He found it and fixed it for a while. It was his transportation for his first quest. Then the dragon broke and now his head is the mast head for the Argo II. He also has Fire Powers but he doesn't like using them." Beckendorf looked towards Leo's mom. "Is she why he won't use it? His mom?" I nodded.
"So Percy... You don't seem like you're here because you're dead." Silena said.
"Hades told me that I would find someone here and they would talk to me and then I have to choose my fate. I'm assuming by your faces though that you aren't the people I'm supposed to talk to."
Beckendorf smiled. "Since when did you become so smart Jackson?"
"Haha very funny. Well I should go any try to find this person. Umm I guess see you later?" They waved as I walked away.
I started to roam around looking for people I might have known. Everyone looked so happy here. Why wouldn't they. It's like they are still alive. Why was I so depressed though? Was it because I didn't belong here? Was my death considered suicide since I thought about Annabeth? "Ughh! I hate my life!" I yelled
"But your dead now." I froze. I knew that voice. I slowly turned around. He had the same white blond hair and blue eyes. His scar was still there. He was wearing the same armor he died in. There was also a scar where he stabbed himself. I was surprised wearing a Camp Half Blood Shirt. Did he have that on the whole time during the war? "Luke."
"Hello cousin. Didn't expect to see you so soon. How did you die? Stab, murdered, burned?"
"No. I got a headache and died."
"Still the sarcastic funny guy?"
"I'm serious. Athena didn't like my relationship with Annabeth. Annabeth said a few things. Athena got mad and what better person to take their anger out then me right? I was cursed so everytime I thought of Annabeth or was near her I would feel pain until I stop thinking about her or until I die. Then Thalia mentioned Annabeth and I got a massive headache which ended in my death."
Luke looked at me. I wonder if he still resented the gods? "Interesting yet I'm not surprised. The gods always have to take their anger out on someone right? I know what you're thinking. You think I still resent the gods. The truth is I don't. I got over that. That whole time Kronos was influencing me. Using the anger I had towards my dad to start his war. If I could take it all back I would. I would've kept my promise with Thalia and Annabeth. We could've been really great friends Percy. But I threw all that away. And I will never forgive myself for it."
"You were a hero in the end. That's all that matters. You know your dad loves you right? He always have even when you turned bad. He never gave up on you. Same as Annabeth. She never gave up on you when I did." We stood apart from each other. It was awkward. Considering the fact that the two of us were caught in Annabeth's love triangle. "Yea well Annabeth doesn't stop believing in anything. It's in her blood. To never give up. All children of Athena are like that." Luke said. "Well anyways. I've been given the lovely task on helping you make your decision. You have two choices. To live or die."
"But I'm already dead."
"Actually your not. Look at it this way. Hades froze time around you. So to your friends you seem dead but really your still alive. You still have a chance to live."
"Why am I given this choice?"
"Because. You are a weapon. Gaea doesn't want anyone else to sacrifice but you. Why? Because one. You defeated me in the first war along with many other monsters. Two you are a more powerful child of the big three because of this. And Three. Your love with Annabeth is so strong that she can pull either of you into a trap and the other will follow."
"Yea been there done that."
"What do you mean?"
"She pulled Annabeth into a trap. She was long gone before I realized. Leo already went after her. Umm he's the replacement Hephaestus counselor since Beckendorf died."
Luke nodded. "Interesting. So you didn't go after Annabeth?"
"She told me not to."
"But she's your girlfriend."
"Gee are you and Athena best friends or something?"
"Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I'm just worried about Annabeth.... And Thalia. How are they?"
"They're fine. Thalia was reunited with her brother."
"She had a brother? How come he never came to camp?"
"He's roman."
"Oh well continuing with your choice. You can stay here in Elysium. It won't avoid the war going on but it will slow it down since she has no blood to rise from. Here let me show you what's happening right now." He waved his hand. At first it was just a hole in the mist but then an image appeared. It was like and Iris Message. All of my friends were crowded around my bed in the infirmary. Piper was crying while Jason was comforting her. Thalia was next to my bed crying with Leo trying to awkwardly comfort her. Frank and Hazel were both holding each other crying. Even my dad was there. He looked like he was silently crying. But the most surprise was Annabeth. She was yelling and screaming at Apollo telling him to do something. Apollo tried to explain that there was nothing he could do. He couldn't bring me back from the dead. Then she told Apollo to get Hades and tell him to bring me back. Apollo shook his head saying it was against the rules. Then Hazel stepped up saying that she was not supposed to be alive. Apollo pointed out that she was apart of the seven. Jason yelled saying that I was apart of the seven too. Annabeth kept yelling and crying. Athena came in and tried to calm Annabeth down. It took All of them and Poseidon to stop Annabeth from stabbing Athena. Even though it wouldn't have done much. "Can they see us?" Luke shook his head. I stared back at the scene. Annabeth had her head on my chest. She was sobbing. Trying to wake me up. I couldn't take it anymore. I put my hand through the scene, disconnecting the signal. I turned and Luke gave me a Kleenex. I didn't realize I was crying.
"I remember when you were just the dorky kid at camp. Now the whole world is crying for you." Luke said. Was that Jealousy I heard?
"So you're other choice of course is to go back. Reunite with them. Save the world or destroy it. Maybe even die in the process. You have an hour to make your decision then you will be taken to Hades and he will fufill your choice."
"So it's basically Calypso's island again? With more dark then light."
"Sure put it that way."
"What would you do?" Luke looked at me. He thought for a moment.
"I would go back. To redeem myself. To apologize for all of the evil things I did. To see my mom. Apologize to her. Even if she was a little crazy to the head." Luke turned away and walked somewhere towards Beckendorf and Silena. I thought about Annabeth. Even if I did go back, I would still have the curse on me. I would still have to stay away from Annabeth. But at the same time I can fight for what's right. When I left Calypso's island it was not only to save the world but also for Annabeth. But now if I go, will it do Annabeth any good? We still can't be together. And if the curse is still on me, then I will die for sure. Isn't it better if I just die now? It will help Annabeth recover. It can help her in the war. I put my hands in my pockets and walked off. Making up my decision.

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