Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Annabeth
I watched everyone else go as Percy and I stayed behind with our parents. I moved closer to Percy and he put his hands in mine. During the meeting my mom talked in my mind to stay here because we needed to talk. I guess Poseidon did the same thing. After everyone left Athena shut the door. We were quiet for a minute then Poseidon broke it. "Tell me everything". He was addressing Percy so I let him explain everything from saving the Athena Parthenos to the Doors of Death. I looked at my Mom. She was looking at Percy not with concern, more of murderous look. That worried me. Poseidon looked at both of us with concern. I thought how nice Percy's dad was. I remembered telling Percy when we first met that the gods don't really have time to interact with their children. Especially children of the big three.
But instead Percy's spent more time with his dad then any other demigod. He's probably even closer with him. Heck Poseidon even came for Percy's 15th birthday party. When Percy finished explaining everything Poseidon smiled at us. "I am so happy the two of you are safe. I don't think it would've been nice if either one of you died. But your journey in Tartarus also saved us a lot of trouble."
"Lord Poseidon. Is there any chance that our friends, Bob and Damensan, are alive?"
Poseidon shook his head. "If what Percy said is true, that they went up against Tartarus to help you two get out, then there is no possible way. If anything is killed by Tartarus himself there is no return for them."
"If that is all then Annabeth and I will be going now." We turned to walk when my mother spoke. "Actually I have something to say." This is bad. We turned back around and looked at Athena.
"Now Athena are you sure? They've been through a lot together an--" "I am sure Uncle my decision is final." "But they are--" "Enough Poseidon I think it is my turn to talk." Poseidon looked like he wanted to say more but he closed his mouth.
"Percy Jackson. I told you a long time ago that you would fail to save the world and your friends. This is still proven wrong according to your actions. But I also recall telling you after the war last year that if you hurt my daughter there will be consequences." I looked at Percy. He never told me this. But Percy still had a confuse look on his face. "I am not understanding what you are trying to tell me. Are you reminding me of this conversation because I remember it word by word." Percy said.
"And yet you still hurt Annabeth." Percy looked shocked. "I didn't! I would never hurt Annabeth! Never! Not even after death!" I looked at my mother. "Percy never hurt me mom. Instead he was there for me when you weren't there." Athena looked at me. "You are not aloud to speak right now." "BUT MOTHER I--" "Be quiet Annabeth." I was shocked but didn't say anything. "As I recall. You kept your distance from everyone after Tartarus even Annabeth."
"I was still recovering from Tartarus and I didn't want Annabeth to feel more guilty about it. I knew she thought it was all her fault and I didn't want my recovery to make her think that she was right because nothing was her fault."
Athena continued as if she didn't even hear Percy's defense. "I also recall Annabeth almost dying because she thought she saw you in chains. She was captured and you didn't even try stopping her from leaving the boat in the first place. You also didn't save her after she was captured."
Percy was mad. His face was getting more red by the second. "I also recall that you yelled at Annabeth and called her a disappointment." Percy said in a steady voice. "And where were you when Annabeth was all alone with her stepmother when she was younger." His voice was getting louder. "Annabeth also told me not to come get her mind you I was tied up in a closet. Which now when I think about you did that didn't you? Why?"
"First of all do not talk about the past. Second. I never tied you up in a closet. That is amateur. If I wanted to trap you it would've been in a cage that you cannot break out of. Third. Although Annabeth told you not to come you still should've. A real Man doesn't let his woman journey on her own."
"Mother! I told Percy not to come not only because I didn't want him risking his life but also because if he came Gaea would rise. So are you telling Percy that he should've let Gaea rise?"
"Percy should be smart enough to find a way to get to you without getting caught."
"There was no way! Leo only got through because he was able to use his tools! He's an inventor!" I looked at Percy. He looked hurt by the words I said. I felt bad instantly. But saying anything else would be agreeing with my Mom.
"So you are saying that it is your taste in men that almost got you killed?"
"NO!! Percy is the perfect guy for me. He's my best friend and he's always been there for me! Nothing changed since we started dating! We still act as if we are best friends!! Why are you so against our relationship! Just because you can have a loving relationship with anyone doesn't mean that I can't either! I am not you! I am my own self! I don't have to follow what you tell me to do! So if you don't mind Percy and I are leaving!" I grabbed Percy's hand. We were almost to the door when all of a sudden Percy's hand grew burning hot. I let go of Percy's hand the same time he did. He was shaking his hand and checking for burns just like I was but there weren't any. I looked at my mother. She was glowing with fury. Literally. I realized she was going to vaporize Percy and I if she didn't calm down. Luckily Poseidon quickly calmed her down. "You and Percy are forbidden to see each other," she says coldly. "If I see you two together then I swear on the river Styx that I will kill Percy."
"WHAT!! NO YOU CAN'T!! I WON'T LET YOU I WO--" I was interrupted by Percy holding his side and wincing. When he removed his hand he saw blood. "This is a warning. I can easily hurt you just like that Perseus Jackson. You have been warned." With that Athena vanished leaving us with Poseidon. He looked horrified. "Percy let me see your side." He held up his shirt and I had to bite my arm not to scream. Scars from Tartarus were reopened and it was oozing. At the same time it was trying to heal by everything Percy moved it got worse. Poseidon put his hand on the wound and his skin seemed to zip up like his skin was a jacket and the blood was really a shirt. I went up to Percy but then stopped. I didn't want to risk anything else. "Poseidon can't you do anything? Calm her down?"
Poseidon shook his head. "I think she was going to pardon Percy but I think what you said to her, Annabeth, got her really mad." Great. Another thing that I did that has put our relationship in danger. Percy walked out really fast not even waiting for me. I ran after him. He went towards the sword pactice area. Weird how habits never change. Percy took out riptide and started slashing at the wooden dummy. I was quiet and watched Percy practice. It was creepy how sometimes he moved exactly like Luke. Being protective, always saying sorry every time something happened to me. Even their sword fighting. Then again Luke did teach Percy. Just within 3 minutes his Camp Half Blood T-shirt was soaked with sweat. I decided to start talking. "Percy. We don't have to do what my mom says! She can't just kill you! You're one of the seven! Besides if I really mean a lot to her then she wouldn't do it. I would never let that happen Percy."
"Yea well if Leo never finds Calypso," he said coldly still hacking the dummy. "And I die, then Athena can get he wish. You can date Leo. That way he's an inventor and he can save you whenever you're in trouble."
"Percy don't say that! You are not going to die on me. You promised we wouldn't be separated again! And I had to say the thing about Leo. If I said Anything else then it would've seemed like I was siding with my mom. I didn't mean that you are incapable of saving me."
"Well it seems that we won't ever have peace in our relationship as long as either your mother or I live! Seems easier if I just die don't you think? Then you can live a happy life with your Mom! Who knows after the war you might even be able to bring your parents back together."
"STOP IT PERCY! Stop saying you want to die! Percy we will find peace. It's my fault we are in this position with my mom! If I just kept my mouth shut. You know how my mom is. Percy I'm telling you my mom is just being protective..." I saw Jason come into the sword arena. Part of me wanted To tell him to go away. Part of me wanted Percy to tell him to go away.
"Oh umm sorry. I could go. I just wanted to say hi." Jason said.
"It's ok. You can stay. We were just finished with our conversation." Percy looked at me. I glared back. I got up and left. Tears stung in my eyes but I held them back. I wasn't going to cry every time I didn't get to talk to Percy. Was Percy really going to take this break up thing seriously? Did he value his life more than our relationship? I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into Leo. Great the last person I needed to bump into.
"Hey Annabeth! You guys are finally out of that room! I'm off to the forges or well I'm looking for then anyways want to come?"
There was so much happiness in his eyes it should've been illegal. Just a few hours ago he was dead. I gave him a weak smile and shook my head. "It's ok Leo. I'm kind of tired. I just had to basically wrestle out of Percy's arms to get some sleep." I felt bad for lying but I didn't want anyone to know that Percy and I broke up. Leo didn't seem to notice the expression I had. "Ok! Well goodnight I guess!" I ran back to my room and saw that Percy's room was across from mine. I walked in and saw that it was decorated like the Athena Cabin. It made me homesick. I really did hope that Percy chose Camp Half Blood. "Then again why does it matter anymore?" I scrambled into bed and put the covers over my head. Then I cried silently. Letting the tears fall to their freedom.

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