Chapter 48

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Chapter 48: Annabeth

I hated being dead.

I hated the underworld the first time and that was when I was alive.

It wasn't any more appealing when you were dead.

I sighed as I watched the steady flow of the river Styx. Polluted with all the broken dreams and promises from the mortal world.

"You know. I never had a dead client that sighed so much. No matter how hard you try you aren't going to be able to breathe again." Charon smirked.

"And I see Hades still hasn't promoted your job."

"Hmphh. I thought he would. After everything I do for him!"

"Great sob story." I retorted.

This isn't fair. I've been close to death so many times! I mean I held the freaking sky up, and not to mention Tartarus. And then after all of that I die because of some ugly Giant putting a spear through me.

"That isn't entirely true. It had to do with the prophecy and yes I can read your mind. You're dead. You don't have a secure container to hold all of your thoughts."

"What do you mean by the prophecy."

"An oath to keep a final breath. How many promises has that boy you call your boyfriend broke?"

"Hey! Percy has not broken any promises! Before he breaks any promises I'll break his bones!"

"Very terrifying but think about it. What is one thing that all people who think they are in love promise each other."

"I wouldn't know. I mean I don't think I'm in love with Percy. I know I'm in love with him."

"Just answer the stupid question."

"They promise that they'll always stay together."

"Exactly and what did Percy do when you went to Olympus."

He broke up with me....

"But that was just because of my mom!"

"A promise is a promise. He said he'll never leave you and that promise took your breath away. Literally. Anyways we're here. You will now be judged blah blah blah. You're a smart one. You know how it goes now get off my boat."

I hastily got off the boat and looked up to the figures staring down at me. Shakespeare, Dumbledore, and Hades.

Wait Dumbledore?

"Wait wizards are real?" I asked excited.

"Of course they are!"

"Wow. Never would've guessed that. If my life was written as a book it would be pretty boring."

"Silence. We are here to judge the life of Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena." Shakespeare bellows.

"Hey! I'm a hero! Don't I get instant access to Elysium?"

"Yes but we still have to go with the procedure." Hades says.

After an hour of realizing that I get to go to Elysium, the three judges let me go. It was a pain waiting for them to go through. Shakespeare decided to talk about my life in his riddles, Dumbledore adding his Tartarus deep sayings every now and then while Hades played with fire while he grudgingly listened to the other guys. Honestly I didn't understand why he wasn't at the war but last time he made a huge entrance so he was probably doing that again. Or he was being too lazy to actually help his family.

I always known I wanted to go to Elysium when I died. I just always figured it would be of old age when My kids grew old. A boy and girl having Percy's looks and bravery and my intelligence and--

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