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The two brothers, SADIQ and MANSIR are competitive, both always doing their possible best to please their father. They both want to see that all they do is the way their father wants it. Unfortunately, one of them isn't fortunate enough to earn his father's love. His father isn't always satisfied with him all because of his choice of choosing a different course to study , Their father had always wanted him to go into business like how his brother did. But Sadiq is always different, when he loves something he always go for it no matter the circumstances.

Now that Sadiq is done with school, he finds it hard to gain a work of his choice. He swore to prove his dad wrong but how?.Unknown to Sadiq, his father had already block all chances he could get to secure a job of his choice . Sadiq finally found out about what his father did and got angry at this. In his state of anger he went home to confront his dad.

" why dad? Why?, what have I done to deserve this from you"

His dad was seated comfortably in the living with a newspaper in hand. Already, the father knew what he was talking about so he chuckled softly. This got sadiq so angry that if the man sitting before him wasn't his father, he would have lay curses on him.

" you're asking me such question? I thought by now you should already know what I want from you and if you want me to repeat it then I would . I want you to work in my company, it's as simple as that. " his father calmly said, to those who don't know Alhaji Ringim would think he was a good and understanding dad but no, he is anything but good and understanding. He is treacherous and knows how to play his card so well.

Just with a click of finger, whatever he wants he get. But, he guess this hard head of sadiq seems not to relent to his wishes and sadiq is the first person ever to go against him, he has done all possible best to get what he want from him but that boy is overly too confident and ambitious. What does he expect, he got that from him.

" You are a disgrace to this family, your mate are millionaires while you are here still pursuing dreams that would never come true. Look at your brother for instance, he works for me and he is good at what he does, I don't actually know what makes you different from him. Come work for me, period "

" you say I'm a disgrace? Since all you see in me is disgrace then stop interfering in what I do. Let me do my thing and you should also do yours. Do you think everything is about the money? Money isn't everything dad. " he spit out.

Alhaji Ringim shakes his head in pity " money is everything, without money you won't live , without money I wouldn't be who I'm today. We all need money to survive, money is everything "

" and I'm quite sure if your mother was still alive, I know she would agree with me on this. Why don't you make her happy and come work for me "

Sadiq looks at his father in disgust " it a lie,i guess you don't even know the woman you got married to then. She isn't as wicked as you are. After all ,your treacherous act killed her. It because of you she isn't here today, if you had given her a chance to explain herself she would still be here. I guess this wicked act of yours runs in your vain that made you so blind to see how your mom hated her. Mom would never insult an elder but what do you expect from her when the suffering became too much. She had to defend her self and that was what she did but instead it still result to her death and I'm never going to ever forgive you for that. " he was so angry that he almost cried remembering his mother. He miss her so much if only she was here, she was his backbone. But now she is all gone and never ever going to return again. Life.

" I'm leaving this house and it's for good. I'm tired of living like a prisoner. I'll go make a name for myself with or without your help, goodbye father " and with that he left.

This hatred sadiq has for his dad started the day his mother had died. His respect for his father had disappeared since then. If only his dad saved her from his family,his mom would have still been alive.....he had thought.

Alhaji Ringim couldn't believe what his son just said. If only sadiq could see how much his heart beats for Fatima, may her soul rest in peace. He loved that woman so dearly that he wishes human were given second chance. If there was anything he could do to bring her back, he would have.

He is well aware of his mother's hate for Fatima. She never liked her since the day he brought her home as his second wife. Hajiya maimuma his first wife as she is known, is a no nonsense woman. She is the daughter of hajiya Sahura ,a friend of Alhaji Ringim's mother. Their marriage was an arranged one by their mothers actually. They always wished for their children to end up marrying each other which was why they set an arrange marriage for them. Among the two couples, it was only hajiya maimuma that married for love but for Alhaji Ringim , he never liked maimuma but what could he do when his mom was at his throat to marry her by force. He succumb to her wish and got married to her.

Two years after their marriage, they welcome a bouncing baby boy which they named Mansir. At that time, he couldn't contain his joy at the birth of Mansir,he love the boy so much for he was willing to open up his heart to learn how to love Maimuna. But things didn't go as planned . A year after the birth of Mansir,things began to get worst. Maimuna always complain about his lack of time for her, she said he is always busy with work. But that was a lie.

He always try his possible best to spare some time for his family. But maimuma wasn't satisfied with that, she want more from him . Every morning, the nagging keeps on increasing, then and there he knew he can't keep up with her again. He decided that it was time to bring in a second wife. May be she would change, he had thought.

That was when Fatima came in and his house turn from frying pan to fire. His mother pack to his house when she heard about his intention of getting a second wife and thing wasn't easy, it keeps worsen each day. Now that Fatima is gone what can he do,Allah gives and take. His only prayers is that Allah should open the gate of Aljanna fidaus for Fatima and may she be among Allah's most love ones there. He really missed her so much that it hurt. She was and will continue to be the love of his life.

Since then Alhaji Ringim changed from the calm man he was to this new harsh man......

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