37 - No One Like You

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"Do you ever feel regret?" Juice asked. "About... all this?"

Alex didn't look at him, but watched two women who were almost turning each other inside out on a bed in front of them. She frowned. "No," she answered after a while. "It's... an interesting life."

From the corner of her eye she saw Juice's grin, then his eyes shot forward as well. "Guess this ain't the gay porn Chibs had in mind."

Chuckling, Alex took a sip of beer, leaning back in the couch. "You like this better?"

He muttered something she couldn't hear as he shrugged his shoulders, but a smirk played on his lips. 

For a while they watched the recordings, until they apparently created the impression that they wanted to be spoiled as well. Two girls came to them, sat on their laps, an arm around their shoulders. It wasn't the first time this happened to Alex and usually she just let the other kiss her neck until the girl realized she could better seek her fortune elsewhere. 

She caught Juice's glance as the dark haired girl started to whisper in his ear. Her hand glided down across his chest, to his crotch. The girl that was on her own lap, was blonde and looked at her with bright blue eyes. She was wearing a dark green bra out of which her tits were almost bursting and panties that didn't cover much. 

Alex allowed the girl to kiss her neck. On a whim she pulled the girl further on her lap, so that she wouldn't touch for her crotch like her friend had done with Juice. She chuckled softly at the site of Juice's tormented face; before yesterday he would have been kissing the girl without hesitation and he obviously didn't know what to do now. Alex let her hands travel up the girl's sides, hooking her thumbs underneath the girls bra and gliding them around. The kisses in her neck left her cold, but the way Juice was looking at her now, turned her on. She showed him a ornery smirk and kissed the girl, raking her fingers through her blonde hair. 

The girl smiled at her, and for some reason Alex believed it was hilarious that she didn't know that she was kissing a girl. Alex turned a bit more to the right, so she could watch Juice less conspicuously. She was no fool; she knew this turned him on. And not only him. Her hands glided underneath the bra, kneading the breasts – something she had never done before. 

Juice stared a little stupidly at her and with her eyes she signaled to the girl that was waiting on his attention with an impatient face. Insecurity was in his eyes as his hands moved across her body, grabbing the girl's tits as well. The black haired girl tilted back her head and Juice started to kiss her neck, after every few kisses looking at Alex. 

Alex smirked and did the same, imagining it was her skin along which his lips were gliding. There was no jealousy; it was a bizarre game they were playing but for some reason Alex found it incredibly hot. Her hands ran across the body of the porn star, settling down on the girls hips, underneath her lacy panties. Juice's hands followed the same route without letting go of each other's gaze. In the meantime they were both kissed in the neck so that nobody noticed that they had more eye for each other than for the girls. 

"Finger me," the girl whispered suddenly in her ear. "Please. You're so cute. So hot."

"Sorry babe," she answered softly, caressing her back. "I have a feeling my girl believes I'm already going too far."

The girl couldn't care less. "She doesn't need to know about it, right?" Her words were followed by a long stroke of her tongue along her neck, making Alex's excitement fade away. 

Without saying another word, she pushed the blonde away and with one glare she told her to fuck off. She chuckled softly as the girl hurried away. Maybe it was wrong, but she enjoyed the authority of being a Son. Or at least a prospect.

She turned to the side again and watched the girl on Juice's lap. One hand was underneath his shirt, the other was inside his pants. He had tilted his head back, his eyes closed. For a moment she considered to keep watching how he would come, just because she wanted to see his face change, because she wanted to know how his moaning sounded. Although they weren't a couple yet, she however didn't like the idea of someone else giving him an orgasm, and she shoved her boot to the side and kicked his foot. 

"Come on, let's take a smoke."

His eyes flew open and a guilty expression crossed his face. She chuckled softly, and with a push of her knee she chased the porn star away. Juice's cheeks were red as he walked with her to the exit. 

"Sorry," he muttered. "I... sawing you like that... and when I pretended that you..." He ran a hand across his head and didn't finish his sentence.

Alex said nothing, pulling him around the corner where they had parked their bikes. She took his hand and dragged him with her around the next corner, so that they were at the back of the building where was nothing but trees. There she pushed him against the wall. She unbuttoned his pants, letting her hand slip inside his boxers until she found his hard member. 

"You found that hot?" she asked with a husky voice. "Let's see if I can live up to your fantasies."

He stared at her with wide eyes and an open mouth and she couldn't help but think that he was just adorable. 

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