The Meeting

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Third Person POV

It was night at a local Dust store named "From Dust till Dawn". It was supposed to be a quite night, if it weren't for 5 men, 4 in black and red suits, and the last one in white with orange hair. Passersby avoid them due to 4 of them having a weapon equipped.Except one, he was silent as the 5 passed him. This one man is one who is really odd, per say due to how he was wearing a special suit. The HEV mark 4 suit to be more precise, he always had his helmet on, even when eating, or sleeping. He stared at the men before following slowly, with a crowbar on his right thigh and a double-barrel shotgun made of scrap and junk on his back. This man was Gen, a 13 year old who is about to enter a adventure he is way too young to join, but like with parents who take their children to watch R-rated movies, he as forced to do so. He got to the corner opposite of the shop as they 5 enter, robbing it of course but, set off a chain reaction with one man going into the back to find a young girl listening to music while looking at some items.

Ruby POV

I was listening to songs in my scroll that I had when I was forced to turn. I turn to see the person who it was as my hood fell down. He motioned for me to take off my headsets, I do so and say"Yes?"

"I said put your hands in the air. Now" said the man.

"Are you robbing me?"


I stay silent before shoving him through a window, knocking him out cold. Another pointed their gun at me. I jumped through a window with him hitting the cement hard and turned as I turn my Crescent Rose in it's sythe form. "OK. Get her" said the guy in a white suit. I start to battle them and was taking out one when I turn to see one about to hit me with a sword before a smack was heard and he fell down like bricks. I look up to see a man in a weird orange suit with a crowbar in his hand. I turn to the white suit guy as he said "You were worth every cent, you truly you were. Well ,Red and Orange, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening (he puts out his cigar with his cane) and as much as I'd love to stick around... I'm afraid this is where we part ways." He aims his cane at us as a cross hair rises at the end facing us and he shoots a red dust projectile at us. I jump over it as the orange guy jumps to the side. I land and look around to see him climbing a ladder on the side of a building. I go to the shop keeper to ask permission to follow him.

Orange Suit POV

I ran to the ladder as Red asked the shop keeper to follow him, I get up and Red jumps up and we see the white suit say "Persistent..." as a bullhead pull up infront of us. He gets on and holds up a red dust crystal and says "End of the line, Red, Orange". He throws it and land in front of red. I quickly ran to it, picked it up and threw it into the engine, the heat of the engine detonated the crystal and the bullhead starts to wobble. Then a second crystal is tossed and I turn to see him shoot it as a lady lands there and puts a barrier, before purple pellets at his vehicle, again wobbling it. Then a lady stands there, I decided to start recording as she then fires fire at the lady. They start a battle as they do so I look to Red and grabbed her gun, she says "Hey". I then start shooting the engines, trying to ground it. The fire lady spots me shooting the engine and starts to try to grill me. The purple lady puts a barrier to protect me as I continued firing at the engines. The purple lady starts to throw loose concrete at the ship when the fire lady then makes a magic pulse destroying the pieces. I keep shooting the engine and I look to her and kept recording staring at her face, I then started shooting around her to hopefully light her face, she uses her HANDS to block the shots, but one passes and shows her right side of her face. She then puts a attack behind us and the purple lady then pulls us forward, I land on all four, I get up to see the ship gone. I turn to Red and tossed her the gun, she grabs it and starts hugging it like a blanket. I look to see the purple lady being mad as she looks at us. And Red ruined the mood with one line. "You're a Huntress! Can I have your autograph?". Nice one Red. Nice one.

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