Chapter 46: Hold Me Up

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Song: Tessa from Transformers: Age of Extinction by Steve Jablonsky (skip to :30)



My body shivered as I heard no heart beat coming from the his body. He laid there helplessly as the seconds ticked away. The only sound from the room was the flat sound from the monitor.

"Daddy." I pulled my son closer to me as I hugged him tight. I could feel his cheeks get warmer and warmer and tears fall onto my lap.

"Shhh." I whispered softly in his ear as I too wanted to cry my eyes out.

I lifted up my head to watch as the room emptied. The only ones left were one nurse, my mom, and the monster. I stared directly at him in disgust, watching every move he made.

"Why are you still here?" I spat out.
He came closer to me and bent down. I grew nervous as if he was going to do something bad. "To make sure he's completely dead." He smirked after his sentence then walked back into the corner where he kept smirking.

I looked at the nurse who was standing behind the monitor that kept a long beep. She looked at me as if she needed my approval to turn off the machine. I nodded. She reached for the bottom but just as her finger hovered over it, it went beep.

The nurse looked confused as her head went back and fourth from Ashton and the monitor.


I was too confused as what this could mean. Was it a glitch in the system? Was it a malfunction? Could Ashton be alive?

My head spun in circles at all the conclusions I had thought of. The nurse ran outside the room yelling for help as she pressed a bottom. "Code blue!" She yelled.

I backed away from Ashton's bed and moved to a corner out of the way. I looked at Aidan. "Mommy, what's happening?" I couldn't think of any words to spit out as I didn't even know what's happening.
"I'm not sure Aidan. But here." I motioned my mom to come near me. "Go with grandma okay?" My mom picked up Aidan.
"Mommy no!" Aidan screamed, but I could no longer hear him as my mom went out of the room.

I looked around to see the monster still in the corner but he looked angry. He looked angry at at the fact that Ashton would potentially be alive, which I damn hope he is.

A nurse approached me and told me I had to leave the room. I agreed and waited right outside the door. A few seconds later, the monster came out but he didn't even glance at me, he just walked right past me and left. I tried not to let the thought of him ruin my mood as I only hoped that Ashton was alive.


The sound of doctors from the room were loud and quiet. One moment there's silence, then the next there was yelling. I couldn't concentrate well knowing that doctors were yelling. I took it as a bad sign.

I looked at the clock that read five o'clock pm. It's been and hour since I stepped out of the room.

"I can't take this anymore." Speaking to myself. "I need-." My sentence was cut off from a door opening. My head jerked up to see the doctors coming out. Please no bad news. "Was it a malfunction? Is he actually dead?" None of the doctors seemed to answer my question until one stepped forward.

"Ms Grace, I assume?" He asked calmly. Almost to calm.
"Yes." My fingers were fiddling with each other.
"His heart did stop but then after a couple of minutes he started breathing in his own. We are still working on how this happened but in the mean time we are going to make sure he keeps breathing." A smile took over my face as I started crying in tears of joy.
"He's alive?" Making sure I didn't just hear random words.

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