Chapter 7: Wishes

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-Ashton's POV-

"Alright boys, it's time for dinner." My mom yelled and Aidan ran into the kitchen and left me in the living room. Well damn. Love you too Aidan.

"Thanks for cooking dinner mom." I kissed her cheek while she smiled.

"As long as I get to see my grandson, I'll do anything." I chuckled and say Aidan sitting in his booster seat like a big boy.

"Daddy, where's mommy?" He asked.

"Mommy's on a trip. She'll be back soon though." He nodded and looked down. Poor baby.

I sat next to him and rubbed his fragile little head.

"Hey super daddy, I need help." My mom yelled. I chuckled and kissed Aidan's forehead.

"Daddy will be right back." He nodded once again and I got up and walked over to my mother.

"Grab the plates, cup, silverware, napkins, and set of the table please." She said, more like demanded.

"Yes sir." I saluted.

I helped set up the table and Aidan was getting very excited.

"What grandma make?" He asked excitedly.

"A surprise." I popped out happy.

"A surprise, yay." He clapped his hands which earned him a laugh from me.

After we were done fooling around, grandma came over and started putting food on our plates.

"Woah mom, easy on the food. That's like a volcano." I said. Literally, my plate has a huge mountain of spaghetti.

"Ashton, that's half you gotta eat. You're a dad now. You have to eat more cause with all the stress that is being put on you, that can cause weight loss." I rolled my reyes. My mom trying to fatten me up.

"I would really like to keep my babes." She furrowed her eyebrows and I rolled my shirt up. Revealing my six pack.

"Oh whatever Ashton." She took more than half of the pile and put it back in the pot.

"Thanks." I said and we started eating. Aidan was already eating.

"Thank again mom." I said. I looked at Aidan and saw him happy. Just happy.

"Ashton, look at me." I looked at her in the eyes. "I love you. And I don't mind making dinner. And stop worrying. Aidan just fine. He's in good hands. You're a perfect father. Even if you are eighteen. A teenage father has more experience in the future." No matter how cheesy that sounded, she's my mother.

"Cheesy, but I love you too. It's just, what if Charlie won't let me continue seeing him? It will crush me, it can crush Aidan." A sad look took over my face. I don't want to let go.

"When she comes back and sees how happy Aidan is with you around, I bet she'll keep you around." My mom kissed my forehead and did the dishes.

"Daddy?" Aidan said while asking for me to pick him up.

"Yes buddy?" I asked while lifting him in my arms.

"Do you love mommy?" This kid is just bulging with questions. He must have his mothers brain.

"I don't know Aidan." I said honestly. I did love her, but that was a long time ago. Years past by and I slowly got over Charlie. Eventually I got over her, but she was still in my heart.

He face came to a sad frown. I started tickling him though and the smile reappeared on that little cute face. He squealed in delight.

"But I love you." I laughed and soon my mom came in the room.

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