Chapter 33: Volume 2 of "Forgiveness": Hunger

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(read note at end plz)


"You what?...What did you say?"

I could feel his breath tighten as if he was really going to explode.

"You heard me..." I mumbled softly, looking down at the ground, trying not to make eye contact.

"Ho-w? Why?..." He was still, not moving, just in shock from this.

"I don't...I know it's horrible." What could I say? I'm cheating on him with his father.

"Do you not know what he did to me? To me and my mother? " Ashton roared like a lion, furious like a badger, and emotional like a flower. I couldn't handle it.

"Ashton, I know what he did. But this is all just a big mistake. Your dad is also my boss." I covered my mouth quick, I wasn't suppose to say that part.

"Your boss? For what?" Ashton marched sniffled me.

"Um..." I stood there silent. Unable to speak another word.

"Are you going to answer me?" I still stood there silent.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to go." I busted through the door and ran as fast as I could go and jumped into some bushes so Ashton could find me when he followed behind.


"Lilly?" I shouted. But she was nowhere to be found. She just bolted. Like there was something that she wasn't suppose to say and she just ran trying to save her life.

After a while of looking for her I went back inside and toward on the couch like a potato.

What is wrong with me?

What did I do to deserve this life?

I had it going for me in high school. I was dating the girl of my dreams. Then I cheated, but I was actually laid. Then the girl of my dreams left me and moved for away. Then suddenly we meet laid mysteriously in a store and she had this little boy.

Oh, that sweet little boy. Not even knowing that, that little boy was my own son. 

Then I finally meet him physically. He share an unbreakable bond. But my dream girl has found someone else, someone better to replace my standing figure as a father.

Maybe everyone was right. Maybe I'm not the super great father that I think I am.

My eyes flooded with tears. A stream floated down my cheeks and made a lake in the palms of my hands. My cheeks were red like a volcano, but were soft as the color pink.

So many emotions ran though me brain. I couldn't think straight, or were to even start thinking.

Just at that moment, there was a quite larger knock at the door.

Wiping my face and applying cold water to my cheeks real quick, I opened the door but just to see the one personI never wanted to see ever in my life again...

"What are you doing here?" I grunted, but he just Wiping himself in.

"Nice place you got here. Seems pretty at home. Comfy even."

"I said, what are you doing here and what makes you think you can just walk into my place?"

"Well you're not stopping me from leaving." He looked at me for a split second, then smiled and continued to look around.

He looked at basically everything that Aidan did. Every picture, drawing, and toy.

"So, I hear you have son." He didn't sound to invited.

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