Chapter 32: Forgiveness?

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(Not edited)
(Please read note at end)


I checked my phone. Seven-ten pm.

Exhaling, I got up from the couch and started putting my shoes back on.

Just as I opened the door Lilly, the red haired girl, that I used to recognize just appeared. Panting.

"Ashton..." She breathed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Let me explain to you. Let me explain everything." I almost said no, but held back and let her in.

"Tell me why you didn't show up to Christmas first." I sat on the love seat while she sat on the couch.

"I was with someone." She mumbled.

"You were with someone? On fucking Christmas? The hell? Who was it?" I was furious. Angry. And emotional.

"It's complicated." She whispered.

"I bet it is. Who was more important than us at that moment?" Sure, I sounded selfish, but I don't care at this point.

"Ashton, I don't want to tell you. I'm afraid you're not gonna like what I have to say." I laughed.

"What can get me more angrier than I am now? Are you cheating on me?" I raged, but said quietly.

She was quiet. Didn't say a word.

"You were cheating on me?" I was heart broken. I thought I'd actually found a girl who I loved, and loved me and Aidan.

"Ashton, it's more completcated than that. It's kind of cheating but, I don't know how to explain it." I looked at her.

"You told me you were gonna explain everything. Now you're lying about that."

"I know, but I don't know how. This situation is more complicated than expected." I laughed.

"You. *laughs* are so funny today. Get the hell out of my house." I pointed out.

"But you said you wanted to talk. Ashton I want to tell you but you will freak out so much." I honestly really want to know.

"Tell me now or get out." She was hesitant, but puffed and looked at the ground playing with her fingers nervously.

"I cheating on you with your...with your father."

To be continued...


This is only a quarter of the chapter, I wanted to leave it there until I finished typing the rest.

I'm sorry so months over due date. I was suppose to update very long ago, but decided not.

I have school and right now I'm actually in Green Bay Wisconsin because our volleyball team won regionals and got to go to state, so the pep band gets to go to.

And they won all 3 games this morning 11/4/16, and so we get to spend the night tonight and play tomorrow morning.

Thank you all for being patient.

GO! BEARS GO! (our volleyball team)

Thanks for all the support!


Until next volume of Forgiveness...

His Unknown ChildWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt