Chapter 11: Fly, Part 1

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(Not fully edited)(listen to song)

-Ashton's POV-

I stayed in the waiting room.

My mom is here with me. Trying to comfort me.

"Ashton honey, Aidan is a strong boy. Just like his father." Some of her words brought a smile to my face, but then I would realize I shouldn't be smiling.

"Mom, I can't do this. My son, my only son is hurt. Aidan. My fucking son is hurt. I should of knew she would of hit him." I started to shake even more. My vision went blurry because of all the tears and I was just so worried.

"Watch your mouth. And Ashton. Stop worrying so much. It's making you get shaky. And you need to think positive." My mom always has the right words to say.

Just then a policeman came into the room.

"I'm looking for Ashton Burns." He called out and I got up immediately.

"Yes officer?" I said quickly. Hoping he knew about my son.

"You need to come with me." This isn't good.

"Do you know anything about my son? Aidan Burns?" I asked before I went with him.

"No, but your girlfriend told us that you abuse her and Aidan." Wait what?

"Who's this "girlfriend"? I asked.

"Charlie Grace. Isn't she your girlfriend? The mother of your son." Hold the phone. She lied to the police.

"Yes, she's the mother of my son. But not my girlfriend. I'm single. Living in my own place. I haven't seen Charlie in three years. She never told me she was pregnant. She left me, then three wars later, she has the boy and apparently he's mine. I took it well, but- but she doesn't like me. She hates me sir." Okay, maybe I talked too much.

"Can you come with me Mr. Burns?" I nodded and kissed my mom's cheek.

"I'll be right back." She nodded.

I was led into a room where Charlie was at. That little bitch.

"Miss Grace, Mr. Burns says that you are not his girlfriend. Is that true?" I could see the fear in her eyes.

"Well I was-"

"Yea, almost four years ago." I yelled. "But nope, but no more. Even when I cheated, you didn't want to tell me about your pregnancy. Oh, little Charlie thought she could keep it a secret her whole life. Up until Aidan was eighteen. You thought I would never find out. Well look what happened. I found out. Then you go and lie to the police about you being my girlfriend and me abusing you and our son. That's total bullshit. Bullshit I tell you." I feel great. Getting out all that steam

"You're not a very good father anyway." I gave her a look of disgust.

"How? What have I done to not be a good father. I've been trying my goddamn best to be the best father to Aidan. But you alway get in the way. By to think of it, I've been doing a well damn job." She makes me so angry.

"You brainwashed my son." She makes me so pissed.

"I didn't brainwash him. You were gone for almost three fucking months. AND FOR THE FUCKING MILLIONTH TIME, HE'S OUR SON!! NOT JUST YOURS. HE'S MINE TOO." I screamed.

"Please calm down Mr. Burns." I nodded and took a deep breath.

-Ashton's mother's POV-

"Aidan Burns?" I stood up.

"I'm his grandmother. Mother of Ashton Burns." The doctor nodded and started to speak again.

"Aidan is doing excellent. He had no brain bleed after all. Just a small concussion. But it's not series." I put a hand over my heart.

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