Chapter 19: Date Night

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(Not edited)


"After you madam."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome. And let me do the talking. This is no French restaurant. The waiters speak French."

"Oh boy."

"You'll be fine.

"Bonjour, table pour deux ?"
(Hello, table for two?)

"Oui s'il vous plaît." Twan said.
(Yes please.)

"Droit de cette façon."
(Right this way.)

"This place is so cool." So cool? What am I? Still in high school?

Twan laughed. "Indeed it is. Oh, a menu for you."


"Oui, there you go."

"I've been paying attention."

"You have."

After we talked for a few more minutes, a waitress came.

"Bonjour, and what would you like to drink?"

"Oh good, you speak English." Twan said.

"Twan, you knew I spoke English." Wait, she knows him?

"Actually, nu I didn't."


"Yes please." I butted in. She nodded and left.

"Hey, don't worry about her. She's my ex back at France. But she's happily married know with two kids."

"That's sweet."

"I guess, I mean. Good for her, but I don't want to get married at nineteen." Good to know Twan. I think I figured that out.

"Yeah, you're right. I don't want to get married anytime soon." I commented.

"Here are your waters. Are you guys ready to order?" You could still tell she had that thick French accent.

"Oui." Twan said. "I'll have the Pon Fry. Charlie?"

"Um, the roast beef, chicken pasta."

"Barbaque or blue cheese?"


"Chedder or American cheese?"

"Cheeder please."

"Your food will be out in about twenty minutes." We nodded and began talking again.

"So, I never got to know you more."

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Favorite colour?"

"Teal." I said flat, but smiling.

"Any pets?"

"No, but I did have a cat and a hamster once. Hamster's name was Puffy and the cat was Whiskers. Whiskers ate Puffy, then Whiskers got ran over by a car and died. We had two funerals that day." Twan chuckled.

"You had an interrsting childhood I'm guessing."

"Sure did."

We talked more and more. I learned that his parents are coming to town in a few weeks. He has an older sister and brother. His sister is twenty-nine and she lives the U.K. Her name is Victoria. His brother, Dean, is twenty-seven and lives in Paris still. Victoria has two children. Both girls, named Alissa and Mary. And Dean is engaged.

He has one younger brother named Parker, and he is actually ten years old. Still living with parents. Obvousily.

His parents are still happily married. His mother's name is Jane and is father's name is Leo.

I know, I'm giving too much detail.


"I had a great time." Twan admitted.

"Me too." I responded, not knowing what else to say.

"Voulez-vous aller sur une deuxième date avec moi ?" Need more lessons to understand that much.

"What?" I said dumb fondly.

He chuckled slightly. Then took a deep breath and spoke once again. "Would you like to go on a second date with me?" Standing there in shock. Not reliving he actually enjoyed the date and my presents. Expectably me.


"Maybe our next date will be you learning more French." I laughed embarrassingly.

"Yeah, maybe so."

We hopped back in the car and drive back to my place.


"Thanks for dropping me off." I said as we stopped at my door.

"No, thank you for coming out with me. I had a fun night."

"Alight, me too. It was fun. Learning about your family and all." He nodded.

"Of course." He smiled. "I know it's only the first date, I have to do this." He leaned in and I guess it was hypnotizing, because I leaned in too.

We shared our first kiss.

Now it wasn't very long. But we need end up staring into each other's eyes for at least five minutes after the kiss.

"See you later." And with that, he walked back down the stairs and left.

Best night ever.


"And then what?"

"He kissed me. And it was amazing."

"Gurl, I told you he was the one." I giggled.

"Well, we'll have to find out on the second date." I mentioned.

"Well I already know he's the one." I rolled my eyes. Her imaginations. "Come on, he's French. He still has both parents who are still married. He has two brothers and a sister. And did I say he's French?"

"Yes, multiple times."

"I gotta go. Brad is getting impatient." Brad is Maddie's boyfriend.

"Okay, talk to you later."

"Yep, bye."

"Bye." And with that we hung up.

I have to it again.

Best night ever.


Not too short was it?

I didn't want to make the date too too too too too long. You know what I mean?

And I also didn't want to go onto the next day.

I have a question for everyone. Which you have to answer.

When should the next date be? And what should Twan and Charlie do on their next date?

I want to see ideas people. You have plenty of time until that chapter comes.

Heads up, next chapter is gonna be about Ashton and Lilly next.

Be prepared.

One more question.

Do you want Ashton and Lilly to go on a date or like bowling or something. Should Aidan be apart?

I don't exactly know what to do.

I'll let you help me.

I will start writing it, but I won't publish until I get ideas for those questions.

Thanks for choosing this book. It means a lot. And I'm so happy that we have over 3,720 reads. It means a lot to me that you guys like this book.

Thank you.

...Until Next Date...

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