Chapter 14: Blew It

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(Not edited) (Wattpad is a pain. It's not letting me upload any music for you guys. This was gonna be, "All Time Low- Satellite" so go check that out!)

-Ashton's POV-

"Ashton honey, are you alright?" I groaned. My head hurts and my arms.

Then it hit me. I tried to kill myself.

But apparently I didn't die. Which also probably means I failed, or I am actually meant to be here.

"Ashton honey." I looked at the white door. My mom on the other side.

(A/N- HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDE! srry, I just had to)

"Um, yeah?" I asked dumbly.

"Are you alright? You've been in there for a few hours." Shit.

"Um, yeah. Just fell asleep." It was half true.

"Ashton, don't lie to me. You can tell me anything." My mom basically always knew when I was lying. I sighed and rolled down my sleeves. Cleaned up the sink quietly and hid the razors. I unlocked the door and smile weakly.

"See, perfectly fine." I said.

"You were crying." Dammit mom. Stop noticing everything.

"Not that I know of."

"Ashton, is it because of Aidan?" Well, at least it's not going the way I figured.

"Maybe." I mumbled.

"It will be okay. You'll get him, what? Wednesday?" I nodded. "You'll see him Wednesday."

"That's too far away." I simply said.

"How about this. Me and you can go out to eat. Right now. Get your mind off things for a bit." I nodded.


"Okay, you get cleaned up, and I'll go get ready." She kissed my forehead and left my room.

He's a mistake just like his father

Those words kept flooding my brain. I couldn't get them out. They were stuck forever.

I sighed in fustration and changed my clothes.

I settled on a pair of non-ripped, black skinny jeans. A t-shirt that says, "The Good Things In Life Aren't Always Good" and decided to wear my black leather jacket. I tied my black and white converse and went in my bathroom.

Okay, I wiped my face with cold water and face wash. Cleaned that up. Then fixed my shaggy hair.


"Mom you ready?" I yelled as I jumped downstairs.

"Yeah, give me two seconds?" Yeah Yeah, whatever. "How do I look?" My mom came out wearing washed out blue jeans, a fancy shirt that's red. She was wearing the necklace I got her a year ago. And some boots.

"Yeah, you look fine. Here." I handed her brown jacket and we left the house.


-Charlie's POV-

"Aidan, say goodbye to everyone." Right now Aidan was on my last nerve.

"No." Ugh.

"Goodbye everyone. Aidan just needs his nap. I'm sure his father never gave him one." I waved goodbye to everyone and closed the door. I waited till everyone was gone. "Alright Mr." I yelled. "You are acting really naughty."

"I want my daddy." He cried again.


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