Chapter 23: Selfish Americans?

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(Song is "Battle Scars" -by "Paradise Fears")


(Not edited)


"You ready Aidan?" I looked down at my son.

"Yeah mummy." I held on to his hand and walked out the door with Twan behind.

"So Aidan, I hear you like Asking Alexandria and all those other cool bands." Twan started as he started driving off.

"Yeah." Aidan mumbled shyly. I chuckled.

"When your birthday?"



"You're not planning on bringing him to a concert are you?" I asked quietly.

"What? No." Oh thank god.

"Sorry, it's just; it sounded like it. And you know, his father would probably want to take Aidan to his first concert." Why am I being so nice all of a sudden? Expectably about Ashton?

"I know. I figured that. I don't want to have any problems with Ashton." Great. Me either.

"Okay." I smiled and looked out the window. It's almost winter soon.


"What flavor Aidan?" I asked.

"Blueberry?" I chuckled and ordered. Twan was sitting at a booth waiting for us.

"Here you go?" The young lady smiled and handed Aidan his ice cream.

"Thank you." He smiled back and walked to the booth.

Right as I sat down, my phone rang. I looked down at it. Unknown. I pressed answer.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Charlie." That voice. It sounds so familiar.

"This is Charlie. Who's this?"

"You don't remember me?" Nope. "It's Hayden." Oh shit.

"Hi Hayden." I mumbled and walked outside.

"You just left without a goodbye." I feel so bad. I forgot all about him.

"I know, and I'm sorry." I said full of sorrow.

"It's just, I really like you, and I never got to say goodbye. Also, I didn't know when you were going back to America."

"I'm sorry. And I really liked you too. But I can't no more. I'm, seeing someone." That so harder than I thought.

"Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry for bother you then."

"No, no Hayden. You didn't bother me at all. It's just, I forgot that you had my number and I'm shocked."

"There no need. I'll just delete your number then." I feel so bad.

"Wait Hayden. Don't. I'm sorry I just left like that, unnoticed, and I did like you. A lot. And- and I still do." I whispered that part.

"Me too. But you're seeing someone and I don't want to get in his or your way."

"Are you still in at college? Or on break?"

"I'm on break and in America. I came here looking for you. But- now I see how you Americans are actually."

"And what are we to you Britain people?" I whispered. Or was he French? I don't know anymore.

"Tossers and selfish." With that, he hung up. A tear fell down my cheek and I walked back inside. Whipping that tear.

"Hey, Charlie? What's wrong?" Twan asked as I sat back down.

"I'll tell you later. Right now, I want to spend time with my son and-"

"Boyfriend." Twan cut in. I smiled. We are officially official.

"My son and boyfriend." He kissed my temple and we both watched Aidan finish his ice cream.


"It is so nice to have you home." I snuggled against my girlfriend on the couch.

"It is nice." Lilly got home early tonight. Well, ten-thirty pm early. Better then three am.

"Does this mean we get to sleep in bed for the first night?" I asked excited.

"It does." I smiled even more.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." She said and got up.

"Do you wanna to save water?" I winked.

She didn't eat anything but walked backwards done the hall smirking. My que to follow.

I up fast, taking my shirt off and throwing it on the couch and hustling in the bathroom with her.

The water was already running and she was just about to step in when I was taking off my boxers.

"Need me to wash your back?" I smiled as I gently and slowly crept up behind her. Massaging her shoulders.

"Yes please." She turned around to face me. My lips crashed on hers and everything went on there.

I guess we wasted more water than we wanted to.


Hey everyone. I seem to always update every 6 days. Idk why though.

But anyway. I didn't really have any idea what to write. So here's a short chapter.

Omg! Hayden is back!

And he came to America just for Charlie.

And here's the plot twist. Charlie still has some sort of "feelings" or him. Oh uh.

Can you have feelings for 2 guys at once?

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...Until Next

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