Chapter 20: The Big Move

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(Not edited)


"Aidan, go get the tape."

"Here daddy."

"Thanks buddy."

Lilly was still out, signing papers and stuff to get released from the place. But me and Aidan have managed.

We actually rented a small moving van. Lilly doesn't have a lot of stuff, so we didn't need a big truck.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. Right as Aidan walked out of the room.


"Hey, I'm on my way now."

"Alright, see you soon."

"Yep, bye." After that short conversation, I finished up with the last box from the living room. Me and Aidan got the living room. I didn't know if she wanted to get rid of anything from the kitchen or other rooms.

"Daddy." Aidan came running into the room, holding is 3Ds.

"What is it?" I asked all clueless.

"I beat the Joker!" He laughed and jumped. If you're wondering. He means the Joker off of Batman.

"That's awesome buddy. I'm so proud of you." He fist bumped me and the door opened.


"Hello." I pecked Lilly's lips.

"How's everything going?"

"It's going great. We just finished the living room. I didn't know what you planning on doing with your kitchen, bathroom, other rooms."

"Oh, not that's fine. I have to get rid of some stuff anyway." I took off her coat. "Can you go get more boxes?" I nodded.

"Yeah. Aidan is somewhere around here." She nodded and I went to the attic.

The only thing in the attic was boxes and paintings. Nothing else really.

"HOW MANY?" I yelled down the latter.

"ALL OF THEN IF YOU WOULD." Alright, all of them.

I grabbed a bunch of boxes first and threw them down the latter. It was so easier anyway.

After I got every box down the latter, I went down there myself. Closing the latter up and shutting it. I grabbed a bunch of boxes and walked to the kitchen.


"Do you have any bowls and plates?" I asked as Ashton walked through the kitchen, setting down boxes.

"Not really. I only buy plastic and paper plates. Expectably the ones that are microwavable." I nodded.

"Then should we have at least one set of nice plates? You know, just in case we have company."

"That's good idea. Never really thought about that." I rolled my eyes.

"You don't think about a lot of things." I commented.

"Hey! I do to. Little ms goody two-shoes." I gasped.

"Me? I'm from a goody goody."

"Nope." He popped.




"No-" Aidan came running. "DADDY!" I smirked. Thank you Aidan.

Ashton stared at me. "This isn't over." He smirked and grunted. "What is it buddy?"

"Nothing, I just want you know that I love you." Awwwwww, it's so cute. Ashton is a good dad.

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