"Where is Danny? He was ordered to take care of her, Janet!" Michael shouts as everyone looks at him and Janet.

"I knocked his ass out. He won't be up till the morning." Janet smirks as she takes the large spoon full of macaroni n cheese to place it on her plate. Janet grabs another spoonful to place on Evanora's plate. Michael continues to glare at Janet. Janet rolls her eyes. "Don't forget, Michael that if you continue to glare at me. You will ruin that handsome face of yours and mother will be angry with you if another engagement falls out because of your wrinkles." Janet giggles before being handed another spoon to scoop up the mash potatoes from the bowl to place on her plate and Evanora's plate. The gravy was passed immediately afterwards, Janet dips the gravy bowl downward to place it on her mash potatoes then on Evanora's pile of mash potatoes. Evanora watches the brown gravy makes a trail down the small, little mountain. The smell of the gravy fills her nose.

It smells delicious. I can't believe that this is my first time trying gravy with mash potatoes along with Macaroni and cheese. Normally, mother would make Tempura which is my favorite dish that mother brought from Japan when she visited her great grandparents with her grandmother.

Michael's eyes widen as he touches his face almost immediately. "Shut up, Janet! I don't have any wrinkles."

"Not yet now get over and eat your food before Marlon does. That boy is on his third plate and you haven't even started." Michael walks toward his new seat and sat down as he places some food onto his plate.

Marlon looks up from his plate as he lowers his spoon as he makes eye contact with Evanora and smiles. Evanora uncomfortably smiles back at him knowing she can feel Michael's continuous glare as she began to eat her macaroni and cheese. The cheese melted in her warm mouth. Evanora smiles as she takes another bite of the delicious macaroni and cheese then a bite from the mash potatoes with gravy.

A man in a suit came into the room before passing a note to the butler by the door as the butler walks toward Michael with the note. Michael takes the note and opens it as he read through it. "Thank you, Jon." He says before the butler bows and walks away.

"Who is it from?" Jermaine asks. Michael places the note in his jacket.

"I'll tell you later once dinner is finished. Randy, Marlon, and Tito, please join me. Janet.. go do Janet things with Evanora. I must leave right now" Michael says before getting up from his seat taking his dinner with him. "I'll be in the office with my dinner. Jon, can you come with me so I can have some company?" Michael asks as Jon nods his head and follows behind Michael as they left the room.

Janet's head snaps toward Randy's direction. "Randy, you better tell me what's in that note or I'll ruin your chance of producing children. Got it?" Janet threatens as the boys finish their meals and began standing up.

"Got it, Janet.." Randy replies in fear as he walks out of the room with the others leaving Evanora and Janet alone as the two butlers began to clear the table. The girls get up as they left the room.

"Why does he hate me, Janet?" Evanora asks. Janet looks up at Evanora.

"He doesn't hate you. He's just scared, scared of how this will all end, he's responsible for all of our lives and I'm sure if you were in his shoes, you would be too. He may have been trained his whole life but this was unexpected. He knew he would take over but not this early but since you were last to see my father, you are a witness to whatever happened to him so you know things and hiding those things from my brother will make him be irritated by you."

Evanora glances at the ground. "Will he ever come around?"

"Definitely. He will see how amazing you are like I have and he'll regret his actions soon. Time will tell." Janet grins as they walk to Evanora's bedroom. "Goodnight, friend. I'll see you in the morning and I'll let you know what Randy tells me." Janet says as Evanora walks inside of her room and smiles. "Goodnight." Evanora replies.

Janet looks down to see Danny still knocked out. "Dead as a log." Janet laughs before lightly kicking Danny's feet. "That's what he gets for being a dick."

"How did you even did that to him?" Evanora asks.

"I just injected him with Ketamine. He should be fine... I hope if he isn't. I'll go with plan b." Janet replies as she grins.

"What is plan b?" Evanora asks with her eyebrow raise.

"I'll change my name and move to London to become a world-class chef with an unknown background," Janet says. "Seems irresponsible, right?"

"I hope he's not dead or I won't have a friend here. Anyways, night Janet." Evanora chuckles as she closes her door and Janet nods as she walks away.


"Boss?" The man calls out as he enters the office with a package. The man sitting in the darkness raises his cigar as he inhales it and blew out.

"What do you want, Frankie?" The man calls out in irritation. "This better be important". Frankie raises the package as he came closer. The man rolls his eyes.

"It's a package for you, sir. It's from our new acquaintance." Frankie says as he opens the package and pulls out photos. He places them in front of the man. The man turns on his office light as he glances at the photo of a young male than to a familiar woman.

"Who is this woman near the Jackson successor?" The man says as he points his finger at the woman.

"Her name is Samantha Ann Arbor. She is a mentor to the young successor and has been friends with the Jackson family for fifteen years."

"Interesting... I want everything about her including her address." The man says as he flips the photo to see the same woman who had previously escaped the same day when they murdered Joseph." The man frowns as he looks at Frankie. "So, she is with the Jacksons...  I guess we have to pay them a visit. Don't we, Frankie?" The man grins.

"It'll be in a few months. The plan has been delayed for another month because of complications but it will pull through." Frankie grins before gathering all of the pictures and places them back inside of the package.

"Burn the evidence. Thank you, Frankie." The man says.

"Anything for you, Al." Frankie says before leaving the room.

No Boundaries | A Michael Jackson FanFiction Series BOOK ONE | A.UWhere stories live. Discover now