Chapter 53: The Great Green Gamut

Start from the beginning

"It's alright, frequencies cannot enter or leave the island. Also, I don't think the counter-curse was completely effective. There may be someone or something behind the curse. Be careful out there. Also, I sense that we're not alone on this island. I'm sensing five other presences on the island."

"Anything that we should be wary of?" asked James.

"Hm, there's a female from the government... and some weird people. Animal hybrids? Sorry, these powers are still very new to me. I wish I could be more specific."

"It's okay, guess we can just find out when we come across them. I like surprises in my adventure."

Patricia agreed and said that they will definitely be surprised by these other people. She ended the conversation with James, and Brandon told her to stop worrying. The two of them resumed their task of guarding the ship.

Karnilla, Milangelo, Jacket, and Crock were surprised when the singing and dancing they had been seemingly forced to do ended out of nowhere.

"That was a relief, I really can't sing," said Crock. "Lungs are too old. I'd need seven-strength just to hold a note."

"It can't be that bad, you haven't even turned seventy yet!" said Karnilla. "In any case, I didn't realise Milangelo had such a good singing voice."

"I didn't either. I haven't sung since my sister died."

"And you have a nice voice too, Karnilla," said Jacket. "I could tell that my voice needed a little work, however."

"Well, at least your moves were on point."

They all laughed and continued to critique and compliment each other, as if it were all just fun and games. A while later, Karnilla voiced a new concern.

"So what even was that? Do you reckon this island is cursed or something?"

"Oh, that's most definitely the case," said Crock. "I've heard of curses that were something like this. Oh, pun not intentional."

James' group continued to walk through the jungle and soon came across a large treehouse. Ropes, ladders, and swings decorated the tree along with wooden viewing stations and rooms, and there was no confusion as to how one might navigate this impressive structure.

The large room in the centre, presumably the main treehouse, seemed not to be open, until the pirates heard a door creak. They watched as the door opened and a large figure emerged from the shadow of the treehouse.

"Hello, strangers," said the figure. "Your presence here has awoken the curse. The best course of action is for you to leave the island immediately so that those of us who wish you no harm can live our lives in peace, without a ridiculous song and dance."

"And who might you be?" asked James.

"The name is Grudge," said the figure as he descended the tree to reach the group. When he arrived in front of them, it was a surprise to see that he was a gorilla.

"Yep, Grudge the Gorilla. If you're wondering why I can talk like a human, it's because I have the brain of one. I used to be Simon Frankenstein's personal pet project."

"Don't you mean Alexander Frankenstein?" asked Cameron.

"That was his son. The Frankensteins have a long history of being mad scientists. Alexander still believes he won't follow in his ancestors' footsteps, but the signs have been there from the beginning. He can't outrun destiny. Anyway, we're getting sidetracked. Do you wish to come in?"

It was lucky that none of the pirates were too shocked by a talking gorilla. If they were, it may have triggered the curse's new parameters, and forced them to sing about it. Grudge was not a gorilla who particularly liked music, then again, his brain had belonged to a man killed by a composer. The four pirates followed the gorilla up into the treehouse.

"There's a shadow of some evil dark age sorcerer living deep in the volcano. Think they called him Lyricus. Whenever a group of people arrive on the island, he enacts his curse, which forces people to dance and sing about everything," the gorilla explained. "If by chance, someone in the group casts a counter-curse, the sorcerer's backup curse kicks in. This one only triggers during 'major events', whatever the heck that's supposed to mean."

James' group were fascinated by the gorilla's explanation, his knowledge of the situation, his impressive home structure, and the fact that he could talk. All of this would pale in comparison to their surprise at his next action.

"This could be the straw that breaks the camel's back when it comes to your surprise, but there's something else you should know about me, before you stick around."

The gorilla held out his hand and concentrated, and the crew watched in awe as a banana grew from his hand and popped out. He caught it in his other hand and smiled.

"I bonded with the Musa parasite. I can control bananas and other closely related plants."

This was indeed, something that surprised them more than they could have anticipated. Grudge felt it in the air, and his heart got heavy. Here comes the song and dance, he thought.

"A gorilla that built a treehouse, a gorilla that walks and talks," sang James as he threw his hands up.

"A gorilla that makes bananas, this guy is quite a shock."

"You really don't have to sing about me," sang the gorilla in response. "I'm not that interesting. Your shock is misplaced, I assure you, there's really no need to sing."

"Well the curse is active now, and so it shall continue to be, until the moment passes, and we'll once again be free," sang Cameron, moving his arms as he sang.

Though Grudge feared the curse would continue, it seemed that the moment did pass immediately after Cameron sang, and all five of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"You know, I'm not a fan of this curse," said Joneas. "Every time it activates we end up saying things in a way that they rhyme, and I don't believe there's anyone who really talks like that. It's bizarre not being able to tell what you're going to say, or at least, how you're going to say it."

"Well, I just don't like music in general," said Grudge.

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