The class was getting ready and loading onto the bus.

Ilda: EVERYONE please sit in the appropriate spots in alphabet order from last names.

Nobody actually listened and sat where they wanted. Bakugo though was on the bus scrolling through his phone. He than got a message from Izuku

(Bakugos contact name for him) Dekus text: Hey I'm not going to be able to go. My ribs are still bad, and I'm pretty banged up.

Bakugos text: Alright what ever nerd. Also, next time you want to be a dumbass and get exploded by a freaking bomb do it not on a school night.

Once Bakugo sent the text he sat down and just waited for the bus to get to their destination.

Bakugos head: Damn nerd. Ever since he got his spider powers he has gotten himself hurt. Sure, he got hurt before but at least it was with stuff I could deal with. Bullies and punks are one things, but these new villains are something else. One day that nerd is going to meet his match. And......... I don't know if my quirk is going to be enough to help him. If I'm going to be enough.

The thing is about Izuku and Bakugo is that Bakugo was like the big brother to Izuku. Izuku use to be weak and timid and Bakugos quirk always made him the top dog. Some how though being friends with Izuku made it to where his power didn't go to his head. Well it wasn't really Izuku who kept him level headed. It was his father Ben. Bakugo had a dad sure and he still cared about him. But Ben still meant something important to him. Mostly because of the fact that he was a good man who he looked up to and admired and always felt needed to keep Izuku safe. But...... Now that Izuku could protect himself. He isn't needed as much. He is just adjusting to these new roles.

Mr. Aizawa: Were here. Get out and get ready.

While Bakugo was in thought they finally made it to their destination. THE U.S.J. It was a giant training facility built to help young heroes learn how to deal with natural disasters and how to rescue someone. Once they got inside they saw the Pro Hero 13. She built the place and is also a rescue type hero. Her quirk is black hole which lets her suck up everything and turn it to dust. When she was talking though Bakugo started to notice a black mist forming in the middle of the U.S.J.

Bakugo: What the-

Before he could finish though he saw some threating and shady looking people walk out along with a man with hands attached to his body and a big bird guy. Bakugo pieced everything together before anyone else could. Instead of causing attention to himself though he pulled out his phone and hit the app Izuku made. The app was basically a giant help button literally calling every person in that cell towers range coordinates. It was also programmed to send his directions to Izuku. He also sent a text.

Bakugos text: HELP VILLIANS AT U.S.J. Need back up.

Right when he sent that text Aizawa finally spoke up.


Aizawa than leaped into battle. He used his quirk to cancel everybody else's quirk. He than started using his scarf to eliminate the villains. He wrapped the scarf around them and threw them into other villains or pulled them in for an attack. He kept on doing this eliminating one villain after the other but when he was fighting them though he let the guy who is made up of purple and black mist and has a wrap quirk get away. The warp quirk user than teleported his way to the students at the entrance blocking them off.

Kurogiri: Oh, hello young ones. Sorry to ruin this haven of justice with our presence but we need to do some business. You all are a part of it to.

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