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I returned home to my mother's arms feeling welcomed back into reality.

We cried for hours and I don't know how since I hadn't gotten a proper sip of water.

I finally got a look at myself in the mirror after a nights rest.

I lost so much weight.

My skin wasn't smooth.

My hair was a mess.

I also hurt my mouth and now I have a crooked tooth.

I'm hideous.

"M-mom..." I said. I hated the way I talked. I had developed a stutter now, and knowing me it won't go away anytime soon. "Yes my baby?"

"I-I am u-ugly, I l-look t-terrible..." my eyes began to water again somehow. "You'll get your strength again my handsome son, you still look amazing." She kissed my forehead and I let my head go against her shoulder.

"Talk with you father honey," I nodded my head and went to my dads office.

Papers were scattered everywhere. He had a big board with papers on there. Strings were connecting some things with others.

"Y-you tried t-to l-l-look for me?" My dad looked up at me. "Of course we did! The police were taking their sweet time." My father's words left in me devastated. "I'm just happy my sons back." My father held me close.

"D-dad a-re you-" I tried to ask but he went on to interrupt me.

"Shh, the pain of a parent almost loosing their child is indescribable." My father was never one to cry. I felt his tears coming and wetting hair. I listened to his heartbeat slowing down after awhile.

"You should sleep more and get rest." I nodded my head at my father's words.

"I love you son."

"I love you too dad."


"Baby! Breakfast is here!" My mother placed a tray of waffles and a milkshake on my bed. I looked at the time at it already 3 p.m.

"T-thank y-ou mom-mommy." She ruffled my hair and I began to eat.

"So, your father and I were thinking that we should move."

I looked up at my mother. "W-why?"

"Jimin, you know why." My mothers voice cracked and I knew she didn't even want to say the sentence "because you were kidnapped for over a month".

"Can I say b-bye to m-my friends?" I asked. "Honey, your friends...how do I say this-" but I already knew what she wanted to say.

"K-kookie was my f-friend, so you t-think ev-everyone is b-bad." I pouted and set my fork aside. "Baby we need to take of you more don't you think it's too soon to see them?" I shook my head at her words.

"How about you call them individually."



"J-jin hyung!"

"OH JIMIN! I'm sure happy you're okay!"

A Mistake | Minjoon/NamminKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat