Love Pigeons

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I've been in school this past week, that's nothing new. I do miss Jungkookie however, my poor friend probably left all confused.

"Hey Jimin!" I looked up and saw Hoseok smiling at me, as expect from the golden hyung himself. "Mind if I sit here?" I told him it was alright. I was currently outside the school sitting on a table doing nothing.

"So what are your plans for break?" I smiled at the thought of how freedom from everyone was close, so close I could grasp it. "My parents rented a house outside the city! We'll be staying there and enjoying time outside." Hoseok listened to me and went onto to ask, "How about your friends?"

"Taehyung, I think he is going to his grandparents farm, Yoongi is..."

I didn't know what he'd do, he'd probably just stay at his cabin. "Do you think it'd be... too much if I try and spend it with him?"

I started to put two and two together and got six.

"You like Yoongi!" Hoseok instantly shushed me. "Y-yes! I do..."

"I say go ahead, but Yoongi isn't very easy to get along with nor does he let people in easily."

"And I'm okay with that." Hoseok was smiling ear to ear just talking about Yoongi. "When did you start liking him?"

Hoseok's eyes were shining at this point. "The way he sticks up for you is very nice of him, very loyal. He's tough but I can tell he's soft."

How do I brake it to Hoseok that Yoongi is currently talking to someone?

"I was thinking of taking him out, and help him with his cabin since it could use some new stuff."

Maybe I shouldn't?

"Do it then, I'm sure he'll like you." Maybe not that way but as a friend sure.

"Alright I will! Thanks Jimin." Hoseok left and I stayed sitting down admiringly this moment. Just me, in silence with some breeze. It's relaxing and it's much needed.

My phone began to ring.

"Hey Jungkook what's up?" Jungkook's voice was heavy and shaky. "He's not answering you? Well he's not with me." Bold of Jungkook to assume that just because Namjoon wasn't answering him that he was with me.

"O-oh maybe..." Jungkook brought up how Namjoon might be with Jennie. Which is wrong because just the other day we acknowledged this.

All men do is lie.

"Yeah I'll go check." I began to get up and walk towards the library since that's where Namjoon usually was. I remained on the phone with Jungkook asking how was his vacation going.

"I'm alright, actually- well yes and- I know it's weird." Jungkook was telling me how Namjoon is lying to me. Which is 100% a possibility but if I know him, I don't think he is.

I walked into the library real quick peeping my head and I saw Namjoon. He was reaching a book for Jennie. They both sat down next to each other. Their eyes never seemed to drift apart.

"Y-yeah I'm here." I got too distracted and started to ignore Jungkook. "Yeah he's here with her- what- but- okay..." Jungkook told me to walk over and tell Namjoon to answer him.

I'll suck this up for my friend.

"I'll do it right now bye Jungkook." I walked over to the two disgusting love pigeons. Jennie had her hand on his thigh and I practically gaged.

"Ahem." Namjoon immediately pushed her away and stood up. "Hey J-Jimin."

"My bad that I interrupted-"

"You're such a cock blocker!" Jennie looked at me angrily and crossed her arm. "Anyways, Jungkook wanted me to tell you to answer him already."

I walked away as quickly as I could. Namjoon did look like he wanted to say something but I was tired of hearing it.

Watch me find a cute boy on this break, that's what I'll do.

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