I Hate You So Much

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"You're fucking stupid!" Namjoon shouted at me. "I know you're only saying that to push me away and let me tell you it's not working!" I shouted back.

"Jimin, there's no point in trying with me." Namjoon sat down on the grass.

So maybe going to the park being the first date wasn't a good one, but on such short notice I didn't know what to do.

"Oh this shit again? When are you gonna learn that maybe I am your soulmate?" Namjoon's head shot me. "You?"

"Why do you seem so unconvinced hm?" I asked feeling a bit like a bitch.

A good bitch though.

"I just...wow what if." Namjoon laughed lightly at me. "But you hate me." He added on.

"Love and hate sound just the same to me." I said while laying down next to him. "So when you say you hate me you love me? Love is a very big thing Jimin-"

"So what if I love you?" I rested my head on my his stomach. "You may think you're a bad person but...you're not terrible you know?" I said while playing with his hand. "I hate you too then." He said while putting his other arm behind his head.

"Why do you hate me?" I asked knowing well that hate meant love.

"You actually make me feel like I haven't done you wrong, everything that happened that night was a blur even though for you it left you-"

"That's it?" I interrupted him not wanting to remember what Namjoon did to make me legit hate him.

"Well I hate how you get me all soft, I hate how you're always making everyone smile while not checking on yourself first. I hate your stupid eye smile..." Namjoon's voice faded away with the wind." I looked at him and saw a tear fall into the grass.

I wasn't going to ask why he was crying, it would make this worse.

"I hate you make me feel like I'm actually somebody you know?" His voice was shaky and I held his hand tight. "I hate how you take my breathe away whenever you're near me."


"Wait...there's one more thing I hate."

"Go on."

"I hate how no matter how hard I try pushing you away you come back." His tears kept falling one after the other.

"I hate you so much, you know it's not okay for someone to feel this way about someone."

"I love you too Namjoon."

I hoped I freaked y'all out with the title, anyways just to clarify Namjoon doesn't actually hate those things, it's one of the many things he loves and adores about Jimin.

I know short chapters are WACK but trust me they're building up to the main part.

Also I hope y'all didn't forget about the mystery thing Namjoon did to Jimin, just saying the truth always comes out.

A Mistake | Minjoon/NamminUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum