Never Let Me Go

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It's been a month. A whole fucking month, can you believe it?

And to put the icing on the cake, school ends today.

Namjoon? Don't know him.

Jin? He's become a role model for the confidence I now have.

Yoongi? I don't where he is and it kills me.

Hoseok? Who knows where he is either, but I imagine and hope that he's closer to Yoongi everyday.

Taehyung? He's is the only stable person in our friend group.

Jungkook? Sadly he is becoming distant with almost everyone.

Dean? Is my straight best friend. After our incident he held me in his arms as I cried. We've established this strong bond that I cherish.

"Jimin!" I closed my locker and turned around to see who called me. "Have you seen Jungkook?" My heart fell. Namjoon's first words to me were about Jungkook.

I shouldn't be selfish about this, Namjoon seems concerned about our friend. Yet here I am feeling hurt that Namjoon is talking to me about our friend. It sounds so messed up because it is.

"No why?" I said feeling disappointed. "Oh okay just wondering, have a nice summer." Namjoon walked away like nothing. His back was towards me and school was officially out.

I didn't want him to not be apart of my life. I couldn't just stare at him until he faded off into the distance.

I ran from behind him and gave him a back hug. I felt a spark ignite in me. I'm finally back connecting with Namjoon and it was what my body needed. I missed him more than I thought I would.

"What are doing Jimin?" Namjoon voice was soft. He wasn't mad, he probably wanted this as much as I did.

"Don't go." I said while holding onto him. "Don't make this harder for me please." His voice was a simple whisper. "Don't make me sad." I said as Namjoon put his head down staring at the floor.

"At least tell me why you left me." I said while letting go slowly. "It's the least you can do, you know that." Namjoon turned around and looked at me.

"Your eyes are so nice." I felt my cheeks begin to blush. "Why did I ever stop talking to you?" Namjoon said his eyes filled with sadness. "You tell me I want answers." I said feeling my heart being pulled.

"What if you don't like the answer?" He said while looking guilty.

Did he find someone else?

"I need an answer or else I'll go crazy." I felt a small rage coming from inside me. "Okay, I'll pick you up tonight", he ruffled my hair lightly.

I'm not letting him go this time.

So the reactions for Dean not being gay were hilarious! However that's not the unexpected thing that I have been planning.

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