Better Better

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"Jimin, get your ass out of bed!" I groaned only wanting to stay in my fort of sheets and comfiness. I still stayed in class like the good bean I am, but the moment I came home I avoided human interaction.

Yoongi, got detention for two Saturdays but Namjoon? He only had to write a paragraph on how he disturbed the "peace" at lunch. Bullshit.

"Jimin, open the door!" I get that Jungkook wanted me to get up but I just didn't want to. "It's open anyways!" I yelled hoping he heard. I can't really raise my voice anyways.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I was standing out there when I could've just walk in?" Jungkook said while laying down at the edge of my bed.

"So tell me, did you send that looser Y-"

"Hey..." I softly said knowing that Yoongi and Jungkook didn't get along. Why? Because Yoongi is a looser and Jungkook is popular so it's a given.

"Did you send your little friend to go beat Namjoon up?" I shook my head and Jungkook sighed. "If you're lying to me-"

"I'm not... he just..." Jungkook sat back up and unzipped his oversized book bag. "Here." He handed me an envelope.

"I told Namjoon I was coming to see you so he told me to give you this."

I opened the letter only for glitter to fall out. "Just great..." I opened the paper quickly not really caring what it said.

"Read it out loud I wanna know!" Jungkook whined and I laughed while starting to read.

Hey baby~

I want you to come to my birthday party because what's the point if you're not there? If you come it'll make me happy and I know you love my dimples. If you don't come it'll be very bad on you. I'm giving you a nice warning okay? See you there my babyboy.

"I'm not going!" I threw the paper across my room. Jungkook picked it up, "He really addressed you as baby?" I groaned shoving my face into a pillow. "Jimin, you don't have to go..."

"But it'll be bad if I don't...I don't like what happened today I don't like being embarrassed and-"

"Okay! Shut up! I get it but you have to be, you know...stronger than this shit."

That's what I love about Jungkook. He kept it real and that's what I needed.

"But what if-" Jungkook shook his head, "Listen I have to go get ready for this party but I'm telling you, don't go I can tell you don't want to."

With that Jungkook left my room and I sat there debating. I did what I always did when it came to very important decisions.

I flipped a coin.

"Heads I don't go, tails I do." I flipped the coin and closed my eyes. "I can't be mad at fate." I whispered to myself. As I opened my eyes it landed on tails.


"You're actually going to that party?" I was talking to Taehyung over the phone while getting ready. "It's fate, fate did this for a reason besides maybe it'll" I could feel  Taehyung shaking his head, "I don't have a good feeling."

"This isn't the type of vibes I need right now. Anyways I'm going now okay?" I knew Taehyung didn't approve but he knew he couldn't stop me.

"Fine but text me when you're home okay?" I reassured Taehyung and hung up.

It's okay this is fine by the time I get there everyone will be...doing their thing. I looked at myself one more time and then I left.

so I might as well show Jimin's fit cause hello it's JIMIN.

-so I might as well show Jimin's fit cause hello it's JIMIN

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Baby ain't playing

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Baby ain't playing

A Mistake | Minjoon/NamminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora