Vaction pt 4

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"M-miss me?" I said while pointing at myself. Namjoon nodded with a serious face. "What about me?" I quickly asked while going to take off the flour by the sink.

"Everything, like how you're so enthusiastic about the littlest things, to how nice you are that you let people step over you." Namjoon's words got to me.

I don't want to love him, I simply can't.

"That's all." Namjoon said while running off to his side of the house.

"Damn it! Now I have to clean." I said to myself while pouting. He missed me, how nice but did I miss him too?


I spent the afternoon with my parents going to the woods area near the house. Hiking isn't my thing, I just wanted to walk and stop to enjoy nature. What I didn't expect was to walk a whole 5 miles away and back making it 10 miles together.

I quickly showered and rested my legs.

"Jimin?" A voice I knew too well asked. "Come in." I said while covering my legs. They were looking big due to them being swollen.

"I heard you went hiking with your parents." He said while sitting on floor. "You probably didn't like it right?" He smiled like he knew the answer already. Which he did.

"Of course I liked it!" I said while trying to fool him. "Oh really?" He asked surprised. "It was nice...I didn't mind all the bugs and twigs and-"

"Stop trying to fool yourself, you didn't like it." He said while I sighed in defeat. "How are your legs?" I uncovered myself to answer Namjoon's stupid question.

"I'll massage them", He said while going onto the bed. "You should know your boundaries." I said sharply. "Oh, right I'm sorry." Namjoon went back onto the floor.

"There's a lake here you know..." he said while his voice faded away. "I already know what you're going to ask, and it's a no." I knew I had shut him down.

I think.

"It's nice trust me." Namjoon was very serious, but was I going to go with him?

Yes, I'm here for a good time not a long time.


"This is boring!" I said while pouting. "Dip your feet in." Namjoon was already doing just that. "Disgusting." I didn't want anything to do with this.

"Hey, we should skinny dip." Namjoon said was smirking at me.

"Oh hell no!" I began to stomp away until he pulled me back by my shirt. "Let's just flip a coin." He was being so cocky as if the forces of a quarter were going to be with him.

"You know what I'll flip it!" I said while snatching the quarter out of his hand. "I pick heads, Namjoon, you get tails okay?" He only put his hands up in defeat.

"Okay", I exhaled quickly and flipped the coin.


"You're a bitch", I said while getting into the water. "Can I open my eyes yet?" Namjoon asked while only his chest and up was revealed.

Yes, I made him go in first and I made him close his eyes.

"Yeah whatever go ahead." I quickly looked away into the darkness. Namjoon laughed and then smiled. "What are you looking at?" I was highly annoyed by my current situation.

"You're such a babyboy." I looked directly into Namjoon's eyes. "Y-you take that back!"

He kept smiling, "You're perfect." He walked over to me slowly. My heart was doing it's stupid thing it always does when Namjoon gets close to me.

"Jimin, you're a star." I smiled awkwardly at his statement not trying to reveal I'm melting with his words.

"You have goosebumps! You're cold...I'm so stupid, you'll get sick." He hugged me tight. My eyes grew wide realizing what situation I was in.

I was naked.

Namjoon was naked.

We're in a lake.

At night.

He's hugging me.


"Jimin?" Whenever Namjoon calls out my name something in me just has to turn around and look. "W-what?" My voice was soft.

"Can I kiss you?" I gulped and didn't know what to say. "I'm going to okay?" My eyes were wider as Namjoon leaned in more to me.

And then it happened.

My eyes closed, and I melted into Namjoon's arms. I took in his scent, I took in this moment.

I also took in his tongue but that's not the point.

This was our first kiss.

It's getting harder to deny that I like him.

So what if I like him right?

So what if liking him is turning into me falling in love with him?

What's so bad about falling for him again?


winter break has started, let's get it!

Anyways this is what they were wearing before they stripped :P

Anyways this is what they were wearing before they stripped :P

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A Mistake | Minjoon/NamminDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora