Vacation pt 1

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"MOM!" I yelled. "What is it?" She sweetly answered to me. "Are we there yet?" She shook her head and I slipped my sleeping mask back on. It wasn't fair! No one told me that we'd be leaving home at 4 in the morning.


"Wake up my little mochi!" My mother squealed and she opened the car door for me. "Woah~" the house was a whole mansion!

It had a balcony at the top floor, endless windows. The door was even fancy. "Wait till you see the inside." My dad opened the door for me and I stepped into my new home for a week.

The living room was spacious but it was bigger than my whole first floor. "Follow me to your room." My mom said while walking in front of me. We went up some stairs and walked down a hall. We made a turn left and kept walking. First door on the right, there was my room.

It was the biggest bed I had ever seen. It had such a nice view. "You have a door that goes outside to the roof but don't get any ideas", my mother looked at me with a smirk. My eyes went to the door. It was made of glass, I walked over and opened it. There was a little ladder to take you up to the roof.

"So where are you and dad staying?" I asked, if there's a room bigger than this I'll flip. My mother said, "Your dad and I are going to be on the other side of the house." I cocked my head. "All the way over there but-"

"Jimin come help me with the bags." My dad popped into my room. "O-okay."

I ran down the hall, down the stairs to catch up.

"Why are you guys staying on the other side of the house?" I asked while carrying suitcases. "For privacy not only for us but for you." I began to wonder what my dad meant. It's nice to have privacy but they'll be so far away the house is that big.


"Come eat dinner when you're down showering because you-"

"Okay mom." I hung up the phone quickly. It boggles me how my mom has to call me now because she's so far away.

Due to helping my dad a lot I needed a shower. I began to strip my shirt away followed by my pants.

"Woah." I froze. That wasn't my parents voice. "Sorry for staring." I quickly put on my bathrobe and turn around. "NAMJOON?" I wanted to faint.  "Hey baby, sorry to interrupt you-"

"What fuck are you doing here?" I needed answers. "Watch your mouth-" Namjoon welcomed himself in my room. "Why are you here?" I whined. This wasn't what I wanted.

"This is my parents home outside the city, when your parents filled out the work to rent it out they met up with my parents obviously and turns out they are still friends." I stood and took everything Namjoon just said.

I never told my parents what happened with Namjoon and I. I never told them what he did to me.

"So then both our parents figured we'd get this half of the house just us two and they get the other." I stood there arms crossed not believing him.

"I promise I'll make this week the best week of your life...if you let me", Namjoon said with those hopeful eyes.  "I hate you!" I yelled out. "I know and that's okay but-"

"I hate how I'm letting myself do this." Namjoon smiled showing me his dimple. "Shower and come eat babyboy." He said while walking out my room.

My lips curved into a smile? This can't be happening.

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