"What a beautiful coffin!" Elena said, making Esther and Elijah look at her confused. "What? It's beautiful. And seems to have comfy pillows. That's nice."

As Elena commented on the pillows she started to feel the coffin and hide a small iPhone inside one of the pillows.

"I need to warn you of something. I won't be able to preform the transition to the different bodies to all of you at once."

"We understand. We talked and in case we accept your offer I want to be the first one to be transferred to a human body." Elijah said.


Klaus and Ansel were alone at Alaric's place, drinking Alaric's bourbon, or better yet, Klaus did the drinking and Ansel simply waited for Klaus to be ready to talk.

"I believe you have many questions. You should go first."

"Fine. Why did you let me live a lie for two decades? Why did you let me believe that my own father hated me? Why are you here now? Why are you trying to have some kind of relationship with me? You say you saw me from the Other Side. Didn't you saw the villages I ruined, the innocent people I killed, the people I used, the killing sprees... Didn't you saw the monster I've become?"

"You're not a monster, Niklaus. Yes, I saw all those things you did. But I also saw the moments when you were happy. Like the first time you were a wolf right after breaking the curse Esther put on you, or when you were on the mountains, enjoying being surrounded the nature, the times you paint, you traveling the world... and I also saw you falling in love with Caroline. I noticed how since the very first day you couldn't keep your eyes from her and as you got to know her, you got more drowned to her than ever."

"What is your point?"

"My point is that you made yourself believe that you were this monster with no emotions but the truth is that you simply got used to hide your feelings and to repress them so you could be more logical."

"No... There's something else that you're not telling me." Klaus said.

"It is simply something I've been thinking. It might not be true..."

"What is it?"

"You know how people say every werewolf has a mate who is also a werewolf?" Ansel asked and Klaus nodded. "Well, that's not entirely true. I thought my wife was my mate but hen I met your mother and... I realized she was my mate. I think Caroline is yours. I'm only saying this because I've never seen a woman make you so happy and have such an effect on you. I believe she might be your mate."

"I see, what you're going with this. You're using my love for Caroline to convince me into transfer myself to a werewolf's body and do the same to Caroline. But that won't happen." Klaus said.

"I don't really care if you decide to transfer your body to someone else's or not. I just want you happy, son." Ansel said. "And to answer your other questions. I didn't fought to be with you because when you were born, your mother and Mikael were happy and he at first was a good father to you, it was when you were a baby but he had big expectations for you, he said that you would be a great warrior, I saw your mother happy and I loved her, so I couldn't deny her of being happy, even if that meant her staying with another man, but as time passed by, Mikael become less caring and there was one day that I was going to tell him that you were my son and that I should be the one raising you but Esther made me see that if that happened, he would beat her to death, kill me and then do God knows what to you... And I become blind by love."

"How do I know Esther won't play with your feelings again to get what she wants?" Klaus asked.

"I saw Damon giving this to Alaric. Apparently this ball can show when someone is lying or not. You can use it on me." Ansel said, giving Klaus the ball.

"Alright. Is your name Ansel?" Klaus asked.

"Yes." He said and the ball went blue.

"Do you want to have a good father-son relationship with me?"

"Yes." Ansel said and the ball went blue again.

"Have you been talking with Esther?"

"No... She become a cold woman who can only think about turning her children back to human. Along the time she seemed to have lost her most humane side." Ansel said and the ball went blue.

"Are you plotting against me or anyone I care about?"

"No." And the ball went blue again.

"If I need you to go against Esther, would you do it?"

"I would. Anything for you, son." Ansel said.

"Do you really care about me?" Klaus asked now fighting his tears to not come out.

"Yes. And I can't express how regretful I am that it took me so long to let myself be around my own son. Blood of my blood. The fruit of the woman I loved." And the ball went blue.

"I'm fruit of a betrayal. I'm a bastard. I should have never been born." Klaus said looking down.

"You were fruit of true love. Just because you were conceived out of wedlock does not mean that you should not have been born. You represent the love Esther and I shared once. I love you, son." Ansel said and the ball went blue, Klaus seeing that quickly hug Ansel tightly.

AN: Hey guys! What are you thinking of the story so far? Should Ansel stay or not?

Beginning of a New EraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora