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Ansel and Caroline were now in the Bayou, trying to talk with some of the werewolves.

"Which part of leave us alone and you're not welcome that you did not understand?" Jackson said, being now the alpha of the pack.

"I get that you're trying to defend your pack's best interest by wanting us out of here but we came in peace." Ansel said.

"Who are you?" Jackson asked.

"My name is Ansel. I'm a werewolf as well. I came back from the dead. I used to be the alpha of my own pack. The North East Atlantic Pack." Ansel said proudly.

"Oh... The pack that we have had been a fight since the very beginning? We are the Crescent Moon pack and we don't want to have anything to do with you." Jackson said.

"Seriously?!" Caroline said annoyed. "Aren't you tired of all these fights because your ancestors hated them? I mean, I am a vampire and shouldn't get along with werewolves but I do. Witches should not get along with vampires, yet one of the cutest couples I know is Bonnie and Kol, a Bennett witch and an Original vampire. Aren't you tired of acting in a certain way because that's how it is suppose? Look, we came here because something awful is happening. And this might involve your pack. Now, do you want to listen to us and give us a chance or do you want us to go without knowing what to prepare for."

"Fine. I'll listen." Jackson said, then looked at Ansel. "This can really hurt my pack?"

"Yes. This can hurt all of us." Ansel said and looked at Caroline who nodded for him to continue. "There's a creature that is now in New Orleans and its purpose is to bring chaos and pain to everything this creature sees. This creature messes with our heads and makes us be controlled by our deepest fears, by our anger and hatred. It makes us be controlled by the very worst part of us and we need to stay united to fight this."

"If we help you, will you protect us?" Jackson asked.

"We will do our best. We don't want anyone to get hurt." Caroline said and Jackson nodded. "By the way, did you noticed anyone here or around here being more upset than usual?"

"Are you already blaming us?"

"No! It's just to know if this thing already come cross with you." Caroline said.

"Okay. No. Everyone has been alright." Jackson said then added. "Something else happened, right?"

"Yeah... Klaus... He... He is missing."

"And you want us to help you finding him?"

"We would appreciate your help in finding him but we are here not only for that. We needed to warn you what's going on." Caroline said.

"I know he is not from your pack but he is part werewolf. There's not many of us left and... We should help each other. Put aside the fights our packs once had." Ansel said.

" Ansel said

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Okay. We will try to help in finding him. But you need to keep giving us protection. And you'll give us rings to be able to stop from turning every single full moon." Jackson said.

"Agreed. But those rings it will be once all of this will be done. Right now, witches need to focus in how to defeat this shadow creature thingy." Caroline said.

"Deal." Jackson said.

"We will let you tell your pack what's going on. You have my number if you need something." Caroline said and left to the car with Ansel.

"Where are we going now?" Ansel asked once they were inside her car.

"My phone just got the coordinates where Nik's phone is. Maybe it will lead us to him." Caroline said.

"That's why I don't trust phones. They can easily tell your location to other people." Ansel said. "I just have one because Niklaus ask me."

Once Caroline and Ansel arrived to the place, they found themselves in the middle of nowhere where the phone was tossed in the middle of the street.

"At least we know they passed here." Caroline said, trying to stay positive.


Klaus was chained and all alone until Aurora appeared again.

"What do you want? Why am I in here?"

"You tried to kill my brother. You need to pay." Aurora said.

"What's your plan? Keep me in here... Sooner or later they will find me."

"Please. They can't locate you." Aurora said.

"They will find a way." Klaus said. "You are not that smart. You are simply a spoiled girl who I thought meant something but now I look at you and nothing."

"Shut up!"

"That shouldn't bother you this much. Lucien and you have been very friendly, lately."

"Jealous?" Aurora asked with a smirk.

"No. I pity him. He loved you for so long and soon he will see you are not as great as you make yourself seem." Klaus said.

"Whatever. I just want one thing from him. I know how obsessed Lucien is. I know he will always love me, even if I don't feel anything for him. Now, I just need to pretend until I get what I want, which won't take much longer." Aurora said.


Lucien was in their hiding spot seeing in their tv everything that was happening where Klaus was being tortured. Lucien could not believe the way Aurora was speaking about him. Lucien felt betrayed and hurt. He no longer wanted to be part of Aurora's games and now he could finally see that Aurora would never see him as anything more than the farmer boy who fancied her and could not have her.

He felt Aurora becoming closer to him, making him believe that he was finally going to have a chance to show he was worthy of her but now he could see it was all a trick to get him to do what she wanted.

Lucien went to the Quarter, where he saw Caroline and everyone talking about a plan but they quickly got quiet when they heard him entering.

"What do you want, Lucien?" Rebekah asked annoyed.

"Please tell me you came here so I could rip your arm straight off and beat you with it." Kol said.

"Why are you here?" Caroline asked, crossing her arms, not showing fear.

"I know where Klaus is. Aurora kidnapped him."

"How do we know this is not a plan to distract us?" Katherine asked and so Lucien show them his phone and put on the video that was live and was shown Aurora torturing Klaus

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"How do we know this is not a plan to distract us?" Katherine asked and so Lucien show them his phone and put on the video that was live and was shown Aurora torturing Klaus.

"Where is he?" Caroline asked now upset.

"They are in my loft." Lucien said and gave her the address.

"If when I get there, they won't be there. I will torture you myself. I have a lot of anger inside of me, it would feel very good to let it out." Caroline said and left the Quarter with Ansel, without even thinking of a plan.

Beginning of a New Eraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें