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Caroline woke up with Klaus by her side, for a moment she thought everything that happened was simply a nightmare but then she recalled every single second of what happened and she was sure it was all true.

"Good morning, my Queen! How did you slept?" Klaus asked because he barely had any sleep, afraid that someone would take Caroline from him again, that someone would hurt her again.

"Very well. How could I not when I have you here, by my side?" She whispered with a smile and gave him a peck on the lips, then her smile drop. "Does everyone know about...?"

"No. Bonnie made a spell that made her see what you saw, making her know what happened but I don't think she told anyone. I only found out because I saw how you were... I didn't told anyone, nor was I about to... This is something that you need to decided if you wanna share or not." Klaus whispered and Caroline hugged him.

"Thank you for not telling anyone." She whispered with a small smile.

"You don't need to pretend everything's fine when we are alone. You can talk to me, love. You know that, don't you?"

"I know, Nik. I just... I prefer to not really talk about it. It helps me to focus on our day-a-day life instead of only thinking about... you know..."

"Alright, Love. But if there's anything I can do for you... just say it. Your wishes are my commands. You're my Queen after all." Klaus said, making Caroline giggle for the first time since she got kidnapped, which made him smirk, not only because she giggled but because it was all thanks to him.

"Well..." Caroline said blushing, feeling a bit embarrassed but Niklaus didn't pressure her, simply focus on her. "I... I haven't had blood in a while and... I know I got a bit of blood last night from a blood bag that you gave me but... I kinda... I missed yours."

"Of course, Love. You know I'm always more than happy in giving you my blood." Niklaus said with a smirk, making her blush, them she grabbed his wrist and bite it, making him feel his breathing getting heavier and his heart beating faster while she felt her needs being satisfied but her desire getting higher.

She looked at him and kissed him passionately.

"I love you, Caroline Forbes." Niklaus whispered.

"I love you too, Niklaus Mikaelson." She whispered and they smiled to each other, then made love.

In the meantime, Bonnie was laying down on her bed, still feeling tired because of how much the spell took on her, but she tried to look like she was alright.

Bonnie was getting up from the bed to go see everyone, when Kol appeared with a tray that had soup for Bonnie to eat.

"Darling, what do you think you are doing? You need to rest." Kol said with a concerned look because he knew Bonnie could be very stubborn about staying inside and resting.

"I'm fine, Kol."

"Bonnie, you don't need to put a brave face for me. It's unbelievable that you can even stand right now... The dark magic was too powerful, you need to rest."

"I can't!" Bonnie yelled.

"Why not?" Kol asked, trying to not let himself get angry with Bonnie's stubbornness.

"Because... it doesn't matter."

"Bonnie, Caroline is alright. She's probably now having Klaus around her like a little lost puppy and everyone else is alright. You need to calm down and rest."

"No. I need to talk with Davina." Bonnie sighed.

"Davina? Why?" Kol asked now curious.

"We all know that witches are against dark magic because of how it can lead us into darkness and all of it."

"Yes... I'm aware of it, but we also know that many witches use nature's magic to hurt innocent people." Kol said because one thing he agreed with his brother Niklaus was that witches could truly be a pain in the arse. "But What are you not telling me?"

"I believe the ancestors are very pissed off at me, Kol. They not only were the ones who helped Tyler cloaking Caroline, they also saw me using dark magic... The ancestors are not happy with me. I'm afraid they'll try to do something to punish me for using dark magic and stop whatever they intended on doing." Bonnie said now in tears. "What if they make me lose my magic? I don't know who I am without it. Magic is part of who I am..."

"Darling, with or without magic, you still are the beautiful, strong, kind and selfless woman I have always known. No matter what happen I'll be here by your side." Kol said and hugged Bonnie tightly.

"Maybe I deserve it. My Grams would be so disappointed with me if she was here... She always told me how horrible it is to use dark magic, how witches should just use their powers to be in balance with nature and... I used dark magic like she always said I shouldn't..." Bonnie broke down in tears.

"My beautiful witch, look at me." Kol said softly, making Bonnie look at him. "The ancestors were the ones using their powers for the wrong reasons, they wanted to let Caroline get hurt. They didn't let you use nature's magic for good so you had to find another way. I'm sure your Grams is proud of the woman you became, this strong, beautiful, smart and powerful woman who is always ready to do the right things for others. You don't deserve to lose your powers or to feel like this... Don't you ever think like that again. What you deserve is to be happy and to have your powers and keep helping the people close to you."

"Thank you, Kol. You are a really amazing!"

"Thank you. I know, but it never hurts to hear you say it."

"Always so cocky..."

"Honest." Kol said making Bonnie giggle, which made him smirk, then his smirk turn into a serious look. "I'm going to talk with Rebekah so she can go see if Davina can get here so you two will be able to talk and while Bekah is out, I'll stay here, giving you some company."

"Thank you. You're really sweet when you want to be." Bonnie said and gave him a peck on the lips.

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