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Caroline and Klaus were in their room in silence because Caroline wasn't sure what to say.

"So... you went through my mind..." Caroline said feeling very vulnerable. "How much did you see?"

"More than I wanted to." Klaus said. "And talking about that... There's s serious conversation I need to have with Damon."

Klaus was about to leave the room to go have that so called conversation, which Caroline knew very well that didn't involve much talking, so she vamp speed to be in front of Klaus to stop him from leaving.

"Please, don't do this." Caroline said.

"How can you protect him after what he did to you? He abused you, he..."

"I know what he did. But he is changed. He is no longer that guy."

"He hurt you. He needs to be punished."

"If you hurt him, it means you don't respect my wishes and maybe we should get a break."

"No! Please... Don't do that. Love, I can't lose you."

"Then don't torture nor kill Damon."

"Anything so I can be with you." Klaus asked.

"Why?" Caroline asked now confused. "Why do you still want to be with me? You saw how insecure and weak I am. Why do you still want me?"


"You should be with someone who's stronger than me, who's confident, who's smarter than me, who's more beautiful than me, who's better than me. I'm just an insecure, stupid, selfish, neurotic, control-freak. You deserve someone much better than me." Caroline said, not understanding the reason Klaus still wanted to be with her.

"Love, come with me." Klaus said and took her to make her see the mirror, which reflected her and Klaus, who was behind her. "You know what I see?"

"A baby vampire who's not good enough and that is stupid to the point of thinking she could actually end up with one of the most powerful creatures in the world." Caroline said.

"No. What I see is a beautiful, smart and strong woman who went through so much pain but didn't let that take the best of her, which only made me have even more admiration for her and the man behind her is simply a man who fakes to be fearless when in reality he is terrified that she will ever let him go because he knows that once she leaves, he won't be able to handle it and will go back to be the monster he once was, all the development he made since he met her would be gone because she was the reason for him being a better person." Klaus said and made Caroline turn to face him. "I love you, Caroline. You're my guardian angel, you're my redemption, you're the one who made me find light when I was surrounded by darkness, you are the reason of me becoming a better man and of stopping dagger my siblings. You're the reason I'm no longer that emotionless monster. Every single day I thank the universe for creating you and for making me met you and every single day I'm completely speechless to why you're with me. I am not worthy of your love and I know you usually slap me when I say this but it's what I feel... I'm not worthy to be with someone like you. I've done awful things and I can't understand why someone so kind and so good like you would ever look twice at me but, for some reason, you did and so I promised myself that I would do whatever I could to be the man you deserve to be with."

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"You were born and become this beautiful, smart and strong woman." Klaus said and kissed Caroline with everything he had.

"I'm sorry for being so insecure. It's just... I'm afraid one day you'll wake up and you won't want to be with me anymore. I never loved someone as much as I love you and I had my heart broken before but if I lose you I don't know if I would ever be able to get over that." Caroline said. "I love you so much, Nik."

"I love you so much too. And you won't lose me. I won't let that happen." Klaus said and then took her to seat down in the bed with him. "Love, I've saw the things of your past that made you vulnerable and I want you to see the thing of my past that make me vulnerable."


"I've never shared with anyone these memories but I want to share them with you." Klaus said because for the first time in his life he found someone who he wanted to be vulnerable with.

"Are you sure?" Caroline asked and Klaus nodded.

"Close your eyes, love." Klaus said as he hold her by the neck, with his thumbs caressing Caroline's cheek as he closed his eyes and showed her memories from his past.

Klaus started by showing her a memory of when he was a child and was in the woods with Elijah.

"Do you want to try?" Young Elijah asked.

"Father says..." Young Klaus was about to say when Elijah cut him off.

"Come on! It's just the two of us." Elijah said and so Klaus grabbed the bow and the arrow and tried to launch to the deer that was in front of them but missed it, making Klaus look down disappointed.

"Don't ever give this to Niklaus again." Mikael said appearing from nowhere. "This is meant for fighters, not weak like your brother."

"But father..." Elijah tried.

"Go away, Elijah." Mikael said, making Elijah leave, so he would be alone with Niklaus and started to beat him.

Caroline wanted to do something to stop but couldn't because it was a memory and she wasn't actually there to stop it from happening.

Klaus, then showed her another memory when he was a bit older but still human and was fighting swords with Elijah. Elijah looked it was going to win but Klaus cut his brother's belt, making Elijah look down so Klaus used that distraction as an advantage and put the sword towards his heart as he smirk and everyone laughed, making Caroline smile at the memory but quickly stopped when saw Mikael appearing and pushing Klaus to the ground and put a sword in Klaus's throat.

"Sometimes I ask myself how can you still be alive, boy." Mikael said and walked away, leaving human Klaus in the ground crying silently.

After that Klaus showed Caroline a memory he had when he was human and had decided to try and be with Tatia. As Caroline saw the memory of Klaus dancing with Tatia, she couldn't help but feel very jealous and wondering if they had met in that time if Klaus would ever look at her twice, those thoughts only become stronger when she saw human Klaus kissing Tatia by then Caroline noticed that Tatia left Klaus to go talk with Elijah and told Elijah that she choose Elijah, making Caroline speechless because she couldn't understand why she wouldn't want to be with Klaus. Caroline then noticed human Klaus seeing Tatia and Elijah kissing making Klaus heartbroken which made Caroline sad because she hated seeing Klaus suffering.

Klaus then show Caroline one last memory and it was after he had completed the transition and become a hybrid. Klaus was in the woods as Elijah tied him up and Klaus begged them to not do what they were about to do.

"I'm sorry, brother." Elijah said and with that said, Esther started to make the spell to make Klaus stop being in contact with his werewolf side.

"Father..." Klaus begged Mikael.

"I'm not your father. I am no father of abominations."

And just like that everything went back and they were back to the reality.

"I understand if you want to end..."

"I love you so much, Nik!" Caroline whispered and kissed him with everything she had.

"Wait. Now that you saw how weak I used to be... you don't want to end our relationship?"

"Of course not. I'm glad you showed me your memories. It shows that you trust me and you are alright with being vulnerable with me. It actually makes us be closer to each other. And I don't think you were ever weak. You went through so much and you're still standing. You're the strongest person I know and I'm not only talking about physical strength." Caroline said and they kissed passionately, like if the world was about to end and they wanted to be with each other one last time.

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