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Stefan went to the kitchen, where found Rebekah drinking a blood bag. He smiled to her, while thinking about what she had said at dinner to her mother.

Stefan knew how much it meant for Rebekah to have a chance to be human but never thought if she would actually want to take the cure without being able to reverse it.

"Is everything okay? You seem off." Rebekah said.

"Yeah. Everything's fine. It's just... I was thinking about the dinner with your mother and... I wanted to tell you something about the doses that contain the cure for vampirism." Stefan said, making Rebekah frown. "Once you take the cure, you can't turn into a vampire again. You become immune to become a vampire, which means taking the cure is definite."


"And I know we agreed on going on a date after this would be all over but before that happens, I need to tell you something." Stefan said and Rebekah nodded, paying full attention to him. "If we end up together, which I hope we will, and you decide to stay vampire, I'll be happy to stay vampire with you as well."

"What? But you hate being a vampire."

"I've realized that I don't completely hate being a vampire. Besides, if that gives me the chance to spend eternity with you, how could it be bad? We've been apart for so long and if we end up together, I'll be happy with whatever life you want us to have, human or immortal." Stefan said. "I know this conversation might be way too soon, since we still haven't gone on a real date, but I wanted to make things clear and to put the cards on the table. If we end up together, I don't want you to turn into a human because of me. I want your choice to be for you."

"How about this, if we end up together, we then will see if we want to take the cure. But I should warn you, it will take years of us dating until we have the conversation about us being human or stay vampires." Rebekah said with a smile and Stefan nodded with a smile. "When you imagine your future what's like?"

"I imagine myself in the couch with you on my lap seeing places for weddings, while we hear on the background Kol calling Elijah boring, Bonnie and Elena trying to avoid the arguments and Klaus and Caroline being all over each other as you try to teach them about boundaries and call Elijah to back you up on that." Stefan said.

"You think about us getting married?" Rebekah asked with a smile.

"Ah... I know it's too soon to even picture that but..." Stefan said, feeling embarrassed because he never thought that far when was with a woman but Rebekah wasn't just any woman, she was the one for him and that he was more sure of it every single day that passed by.

"You're amazing!" Rebekah whispered and gave a peck on Stefan's lips, then she rest her forehead in his as they stayed with their eyes closed, simply enjoying being close to each other.

Stefan's hands moved to Rebekah's lower back, pulling her closer to him, then moving the hands to her waist, making her shiver, her hands moved from his neck to his perfect hair.

They both looked at each other with intensity and then they found themselves looking at each other's lips with desire. Rebekah leaned in and so did Stefan but instead of kissing, they simply stayed there, enjoying the rush of being so close yet so far from each other.

"Hey! Staring contest. I get the winner." A voice said, making Stefan and Rebekah turn around to see Danny.

Rebekah quickly left and Stefan only looked at Danny when Rebekah was no longer in their sight.

"Okay." Danny said with a smile and looked at Stefan.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was gonna talk with Bonnie to see how everything was going."

"Well, she's in the library." Stefan said and quickly realized Danny still thought they were doing a staring contest. "I have to go."

"I'm still the champion of staring contests." Danny said to himself proudly when Stefan left, then he went to see his cousin, Bonnie.


Klaus got back to the Quarter just to find Caroline cleaning the living room.

"Caroline..." Klaus said with a smile, finding Caroline incredibly beautiful, even when she was cleaning and wearing a simple top and jeans.

"You're back!" Caroline said with a smile. "How was it? I want to know everything."

"It went well. I used this magical object that Alaric had so I could make sure he was telling the truth and he was honest all the time. So we talked about him not raising me when I was human and if he was going to work for my mother... But I'm not sure."

"What? Why?"

"Because... My Mother can use him as my weakness. Or she can use his love for her to get him against us. He says he won't but my mother has no problems in using people's feelings to get them to do what she wants." Klaus said.

"I don't know him that well but when I talked to him, I had this feeling that he just wants to spend time with you." Caroline said. "I don't think he will betray you. He got back from the dead and the first thing he wanted to do was going to talk with you. He wanted to be there for you."

"I know... But... I've been betrayed many times, Caroline. It doesn't come very easy to me trusting someone just like that." Klaus said. "If there was nothing going on... But my mother has this giant plan in turning us to human and... I don't know what to think."

"I know it's not easy for you to open up to people. But I've noticed you've been working on it. When I told you to give a chance to your father, I meant trying to talk to him to have answers that you need and maybe try to build a good father-son relationship but that can't be built all at once, it takes time, you'll have to take many baby steps and I know you're afraid that something will happen and you won't have time for all that but at least you're giving a chance. Like I told you before, every relationship needs to be based on trust and that's what you and your father now need to work on, you need to se Ethan you can trust each other. Just try to take a step at a time." Caroline said. "And no matter what, I'll always be right here for you."

"I love you so much..." Klaus said and kissed Caroline passionately.

AN: Hey guys! I told you some time ago that I was making a contest for TVD/TO fanfics with many ships and other categories. The nominations will close in 12 days, so in case you want to nominate someone or some fanfics, go nominate.

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