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Aurora was seating in a chair in front of Klaus and smiled to him while waving.

"Aurora... what the bloody hell?" Klaus asked angry.

"Watch your tone! Before I decide to kill you right away." Tristan said as he walked inside the room, then he walked over to Aurora and whispered. "We have already everything working to make sure he won't go anywhere."

Lucien appeared with a syringe, walked over to Klaus and used the syringe to take some of his blood.

"What the bloody hell do you think you are doing?!" Klaus asked furious.

"Taking some of your blood. For what? Is none of your concern." Lucien said and punch Klaus in the face. "That's for not being respectful to Aurora. I honestly don't know what she saw in you."

"Lucien, Tristan. You may leave now. I have to talk with Klaus in private." Aurora said and so they left.

"Klaus, this could all be avoided if you simply accepted we were meant to be. But that blonde girl, that tramp, she had to be in our way. She will never love you like I loved you." Aurora said, walking over to Klaus. "We could have been great together..." Aurora said, cupping Klaus's cheeks but he looked away, wanting her to take her hands off of him. "... but you prefer to stay with that slut."

"Don't you dare talk like that about Caroline. She's ten thousands better than you could ever be. You can't even be compared to her. She's amazing. You are simply some girl I dated in the past who's very spoiled. I don't know what I saw in you." Klaus said getting, still chained, making her take a few steps back to get distant from Klaus.

Aurora felt something taking over her and started to mumble in pain, then she felt all her hurt, pain, hatred and feeling of betraying becoming more intense than ever, then she looked at Klaus, who quickly noticed her eyes were all black

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Aurora felt something taking over her and started to mumble in pain, then she felt all her hurt, pain, hatred and feeling of betraying becoming more intense than ever, then she looked at Klaus, who quickly noticed her eyes were all black.

He hurt you. He betrayed you. He chooses that blonde over you. He called you spoiled. He hurt your brother. You need to get your revenge. A voice inside Aurora make it sound and she couldn't say no to it, the voice was too compelling.

"Aurora..." Klaus said now more calmly because he knew something was very wrong and he never had seen someone suddenly appearing with their eyes all black.

"You! You ruined me! I was perfectly fine without you. I had Lucien after me. I had my brother by my side! I had a great life! By you had to appear and then Elijah had to compel me to think I was Rebekah and leave. I spend years not knowing who I was. You appeared in my life and ruin everything. Thanks to you, I'm in danger. Thanks to you, my brother could've die. And for what? Just so you would get that slut back to safety..." Aurora said angry and started to punch Klaus. "Mikael was right. You are simply an abomination who should never been born. The only thing you do is putting everyone that cares about you in danger. Everyone would be better without you."

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