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Today Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah were going to talk with their mother about her offer. They all went to see Esther at an abandoned place she spend most her time to practice her magic.

"Hello, my children!" Esther said with a smile.

"Mother." Elijah said serious.

"We came here to talk about your offer and I've heard that my siblings had the opportunity of seeing the coffins you would put their bodies in. I believe I deserve to see my coffin too." Klaus said and so Esther made a gesture making him see a coffin in front of him. "It's not bad."

"Mother, you told us about how you would be okay with doing the same to the people we care about. Are you still keen to do that if we accept your offer?" Elijah asked while Klaus put an iPhone hidden in the coffin.

"Of course. I won't be able to do all at once because it will take much power." Esther said.

"And if we do accept your offer... will you let us be once for all?" Klaus asked.

"Actually, Liz Forbes, your girlfriend's mother, came talk to me and she made me see that I should try to reconnect with you so once you accept my offer, I would love for us to try to be a family again." Esther said.

"Liz talked to you?" Klaus asked because h warned Liz to not talk with Esther, he feared that Esther would hurt her and he now doesn't only see Liz as Caroline's mother but also as a friend.

"Don't worry. We just talked. Although, I did not enjoy her assuming I'm a bad mother."

"I'm sure she didn't meant that." Rebekah said.

"So... all of you saw your coffins." Esther said and made a gesture to make the coffin disappear and appearing where it was before. "I believe now it's your turn to tell me what you came here to do."

"We talked and we agree in accepting your offer. I finally will be able to start having my own family. Elijah can start being the moral man he always wish to be since we turned. And Nik can be a werewolf, something you denied him for so long." Rebekah said.

"Of course. I'll prepare everything and tonight the spell will be done."

"Tonight?" Rebekah asked, surprised.

"That's a very short time to do this spell so powerful you speak of." Elijah said.

"Don't worry, my child. I will preform the spell to transfer your souls to these other people, like I did to Kol and I'll put your original bodies in your respective coffins with my magic so no one will know."

"Always thinking ahead." Klaus said.

"Of course. You got that from me." Esther said with a smile.

"Alright. We are going home. Tonight we will see each other."

"Yes. Meet me in the cemetery." Esther said.


Caroline was in the office with a map as she got the notification of the iPhone Klaus got to put in his coffin.

"Alright I have Nik's coffin location." Caroline said and then she started to see all the different locations of the coffins.

"Why do you think Esther choose these places? I mean they aren't very far from here but there's not something that seems to have a pattern." Elena said.

"Hang on." Stefan said, grabbed a marker and write a big X in each location and then connected all the Xs.

"Okay, they are all in a circle but why?" Caroline asked.

"Of course. She needed them to be at the same distance to where she would be and also they would have to have the same distance from each other."

"But why still in New Orleans?" Elena asked.

"Oh my God! The ancestors aren't like the other supernatural creatures, they have a special place where they are watching everyone and it's only in New Orleans so Esther to have their help, she probably would have to do everything in here." Caroline said.


Once Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah were back, Elena, Caroline and Stefan went to talk to them about the locations of the coffins.

"Hey! Sorry to interrupt but Danny and I were talking and we come up with an idea."

"Our plan is already in motion, little witch." Klaus said.

"And by that he meant, we would be happy to hear your idea." Caroline said giving Klaus a look and then smiling to Davina.

"Yes, that was what I meant." Klaus said with a forced smile.

"So... we were talking and in case this goes wrong, every vampire dies. So we should break the bloodline in case of something happens." Davina said and Elijah quickly noticed Elena started to feel uneasy because she was afraid of losing Elijah.

"That won't happen. Everything will go as we plan." Elijah said to reassure Elena.

"But if it doesn't..."

"Focus on what we ask you to do." Klaus said angry.

"You don't need to talk like that to her." Danny said.

"I don't get it. If you die every vampire will die, but this way not every vampire will have to die. It will be safer." Davina said.

"Naive little witch..." Kol said appearing with his arm wrapped around Bonnie. "What you don't see is that we Mikaelsons have been around for thousands of years and we have a long list of enemies. If someone breaks our bloodline all our enemies will appear and try to kill us making this city be in even a bigger chaos than it was before."

"What if we then restore it back?" Danny asked.

"That cant happen. Once broken, there's no way to go back. It's like when you break a vase, you might glue it all you want but it will never be like it was." Kol said.

"Why are you so worried about the other vampires, anyway?" Rebekah asked.

"It's Marcel you're worried about, isn't it? You don't care about the vampires. This is just about one vampire, Marcel." Klaus quickly realized.

"He is my family. He is everything I have left. I can't lose him." Davina said in tears and left.

"I'm gonna talk to her. Excuse me." Danny said and quickly left, following Davina.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. I have some chapters written ahead but I love to know your suggestions. Next chapter you will finally see if Esther's plan will be successful or if they will be able to ruin her plan. Stay tuned for that 😉

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