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It was night and everyone was leaving to their home, while Kol and Bonnie went to their room.

"Are you sure about this? I don't want you to do something you don't want to do."

"Kol, I used to think I would never let myself turn into a vampire but then you came into my life and put it all upside down, you took me out of the rock bottom I found myself in and you made me see life in different ways. I love you, Kol Mikaelson. I want to turn into a vampire and spend an immortal life by your side. I am aware it won't be easy at first to go from witch to a vampire but I want this... unless... you are not sure about spending the rest of your immortal life with me."

"Of course I am sure I want to spend all eternity by your side. I love you so much, Bonnie Bennett. You are the love of my life. And because of that I can't be selfish with you. I can't just let you do this without being sure. I spend most of the time hating being a vampire because part of me seemed to have been stollen away from me but I came to accept it and now I think it all happened so I could find my way to you. I just don't want you to do something you'll regret and then hate me forever."

"I won't regret it. I love you. And I want this. You never asked this of me, which only makes me love you even more. I want to spend eternity with you. I might miss magic but with you by my side I know I'll be happy. You are what makes me happy. You complete me." Bonnie said and kissed Kol.

"Promise me, no matter what happens, you'll never get out of my life and that we will always be there for each other. Even if we break up, we will always be there for each other."

"Why would we break up?"

"Because you will eventually see I'm just an idiot who doesn't deserve you." Kol said.

"What? You are not an idiot and you deserve me. You've been my salvation. You're sweet, caring and a bit childish which is what I need. You are everything I need, you are everything I've been missing all my life. I love you and I only see my future with you in it." Bonnie said and kissed him. "See this as a new chapter on our love story."

"Okay. But I don't want you to do it alone."

"How do you want to do this, then?" Bonnie asked.

"I had an idea. But may I get inside of your head?" Kol asked.

"Yes. I trust you." Bonnie said with a smile.

"Okay. Come here." Kol said and so they both lay down in the bed, facing the ceiling.

Bonnie rest her head on Kol's chest as he wrapped his arms around her and then he got himself in her mind and made her relieve their first date, it was one she was obligated to go but he noticed how she actually enjoyed being around him for the first time ever and how that was when he started to have hope that he would actually have a shot with the most beautiful and brave woman he ever encounter.

"Our first date..."

"You like it?"

"I love it. This was when you showed me for the first time that you were more than a vampire who loved using bats to kill people. You showed me who you really are, the caring and sweet man I fall for." Bonnie whispered and kissed him. "I gotta admit. I was afraid, but I'm not anymore... I'm ready."

"1..." Kol whispered.

"2..." Bonnie whispered and kissed Kol as he used a knife to stab her in the heart and kill her.

Once he got out of her mind he made her lay down more comfortably in the bed and walked around the room, seeing the time passing by and fearing the love of his life would never wake up again.

"What have I done?" Kol asked to himself and then heard a gasp, making him see Bonnie waking up. "It's okay, darling. I'm here."

"Am I...?"

"You're in transition. You have 24 hours to drink human blood or you'll die."

"I want to finish the transition but I don't want to hurt anybody." Bonnie said.

"Stay here. Give me a second." Kol whispered and quickly got back to the room with many blood bags. "You can drink these. I just stole it from the hospital."

"Why so many?"

"Because usually a vampire is so hungry that kills someone but I know you're not ready for that scenario so if you get all these blood bags together it's even more blood than one human has running around their body." Kol explained.

"Thank you. You're the best boyfriend ever!" Bonnie said and kissed him with everything she had, not able to control her desire for him.

"I love what we are doing but drinking blood will help you." Kol whispered, trying his best to control himself.

"You're right. Sorry." Bonnie said and started to drink the blood bags.

"How do you feel, darling?" Kol asked once Bonnie stopped drinking.

"Fantastic." Bonnie said with a big smile and then started to cry. "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay. It's normal for your emotions be all over the place."

"I just... I'm sorry all the bad things I said to you when we were in Mystic Falls. You didn't deserve any of it. I'm sorry for not giving a chance to get to know you and only starting to do it when I was obligated to go on a date with you. You are so amazing! I don't know what I did to deserve you."

"Come here, darling..." Kol whispered and hugged Bonnie, then kissed her softly. "I'm so lucky to have you as my girlfriend. You're the most incredible woman who ever lived. I admire you."


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Bonnie's Grams was seeing her granddaughter dying and coming back as a vampire. She never thought she would be so happy to see her granddaughter turning from a witch to a vampire, but she knew Bonnie and Kol loved each other deeply and she was happy Bonnie was doing something for her happiness and thinking about herself. She loved Bonnie but she sometimes hated how she would put her happiness and safety aside to help her friends but she also knew that was part of who Bonnie is and she knew that he would always love Bonnie either as a witch or vampire. Bonnie would always be her amazing granddaughter. She was happy Bonnie was finally giving herself a happy ending.

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