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Once Bonnie warned everyone about how they were probably spelled, the night seemed to go by longer than usual and they all tried to find ways to not let their desires get stronger.

Kol decided to spend the night in a motel while talking on the phone with Bonnie to distract him from the bloodlust and also to make sure she was alright.

Elijah went to one of the many guest rooms they had so he wouldn't gave into the temptation of drinking Elena's blood, while Elena stayed in their room trying to fall asleep without Elijah by her side, something she was no longer used to, so she took one of his shirts to be able to be around his scent so she would feel closer to him.

Stefan and Rebekah were in their respective rooms, Rebekah trying her best to repress the need of having sex and Stefan trying to repress not only his desire of being with Rebekah but also of her blood.

Klaus went to his studio, making himself stay there for hours painting, so he could stop thinking about how much he wanted to be with Caroline and show her how much he loved her and how much he enjoyed sharing blood with her. He always felt strongly about things and people but Caroline was the first who made him fall madly in love, and as time passed by the feelings only grew stronger, if she was a werewolf he would believe she was his mate because that was the only logical thing that he found to find himself feeling so in love with her. Caroline, on the other hand, found herself cleaning their room and reorganizing everything from scratch because that was her escape when she felt like she was overthinking or feeling things that she felt were wrong. Now, Caroline didn't felt her feelings were strong but she knew she couldn't do anything about them because of Bonnie's suspicions...


In the next day, Danny and Davina went to the Quarter to see what was going on and Bonnie told them everything, making them quickly agree on helping in this situation.

"Wait. What if they get out of New Orleans? Maybe this is just a plan of the Ancestors to make the Mikaelsons leave." Davina said.

"Kol thought about that too but when he was leaving New Orleans he felt himself getting dissected." Bonnie said.

"Of course." Danny said. "I mean, the ancestors really want to get rid of the Mikaelsons so they are giving them only 2 options. They can choose to stay and create chaos to make everyone go against them, not letting them have any happiness or peace or they can choose to die. Either way would be a win for the witches and Ancestors."

"We need to break the spell before it gets too strong." Bonnie said and quickly they all hold hands and started to chant Latin words.

While Bonnie, Danny and Davina were making the spells, two ancestors were observing them.

"They are smarter than we thought." One said.

"They might be but they still don't have any idea of what we are planning." The other said with a smirk.

"But they've been figuring us out... Don't you fear that they will realize our plan?"

"Of course not. It's even better this way. They will start to think that they know whatever we plan and they start to believe they are the smarter ones which will make them become lazy and not prepare for when we do our move."

"What if they will find what we are planning?"

"They won't. Haven't you realized it yet? When something's wrong with one of them it's like nothing else is going on. They get easily distracted."

"Well, we weren't able to fully break the spell but at least is no longer that strong." Danny said, trying to be positive.

"I'll go tell everyone that things will take more time than we thought." Bonnie said and so she told everyone, on by one, how the spell wasn't broken but was weaker and how they should keep trying to repress their desires.

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