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Once Klaus got back to the Quarter with Caroline, he asked Nandi if she gave Esther some vampire blood while she was unconscious which Nandi said yes, then left.

Klaus went to the dungeon and saw his mother chained with special handcuffs that didn't let her use her magic.

"Hello, Mother!"

"H-How...?" Esther asked confused.

"Like you said. I'm always one step ahead. Your problem was underestimate me."

"What are you going to do to me? Are you going to kill me again?" Esther asked angry.

"No. I'll give you a lesson." Klaus said and snap her neck then waited for her to wake up.

"H-how am I? What did you do?" She asked angry and scared.

"I've done the same thing you did to us. I turned you without giving you a chance to say what you think. But unlike what you did, I will let you choose between being a vampire and dying. You know what I learned since I got together with Caroline. There's way worse ways to torture someone than to simply hurting them physically. So here's my way to torture you, you have to choose between dying knowing you can't destroy me nor my siblings or you can turn into the thing you abominate the most."

"Ansel. He will die if I die." Esther tried, she knew it wasn't true but she needed to do something to make Klaus stop.

"We both know that's not true. I made them wait for you to do your little spell so they would break the bond between you and Ansel." Klaus said and throw a blood bag to her. "You will have to make a decision."

"The worst is yet to come. You won't be happy for long." Esther said.

"What do you mean?" Klaus asked with an annoyed look, although he was not sure if he should fear his mother's words.

"You're not the only one who has backup plans. I knew there was a chance that I would die without accomplishing my goal."

"What did you do?" Klaus asked angry.

"Soon you'll find out. I don't know if it will happen right after I die or if will take awhile to get here but I do know is that you need to prepare for chaos. And it will follow you. This time leaving New Orleans won't be a solution." Esther said.

"What is it? It's Mikael?"

"You will wish it would be Mikael. It would be way easier."

"Stop talking in riddles and tell me!"

"I won't win anything with it." Esther shrugged.

"What if I told you there is a cure for vampirism in my possession?"

"Even if you have it and would use on me, you wouldn't let me fix the mistake I made."

"What did you do? What is going to happen once you die?" Klaus asked angry.

"I'll be with the other ancestors... watching you and everyone around you suffer. I needed to make sure things would go according to plan and if they wouldn't, there would be bigger methods to solve everything and as you know, for a change there must to have a big chaos first. So I agreed that if I died without my goal accomplished, you wouldn't be at peace." Esther said with a smile.

Klaus left, knowing her mother wouldn't let him know what was going to happen, then he saw everyone putting together a table with a smile on their faces, believing everything was over and they could now be happy.

"Brother, What is it? You seem troubled. Did something happened?"

"Everything's fine, brother. Let's now have dinner. We need to celebrate." Klaus said, not wanting his brother's happiness to be replace by fear.

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