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After a few days passed by, Kol went to see Esther so he would do the same thing Rebekah did to her coffin. Esther didn't got suspicious because Kol gave that excuse of "if my sister can see her coffin I should also see mine" and so Esther showed him but then when they got back she made a spell so he wouldn't remember where the coffin was.

Today, Esther decided to go see her sons and daughter to see if she could convince Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah in accepting her offer but she knew the one who would probably never want to do that would be Klaus, but in case she wouldn't be able to convince him, she had something in her sleeve.

"Mother." Rebekah said when Esther got in the Quarter.

"Hello, my daughter! I believe it's been long enough since I come back and I would love to talk to all of you." Esther said.

"Meaning you want to convince us to be human." Klaus said.

"I won't deny that." Esther said. "The creatures you are today was my fault. I should never had put this curse on you. I was afraid of losing more of my children. I had already lost my first daughter and my baby boy. I couldn't lose more."

"Exactly. Because in the end, everything you do is just you thinking about yourself." Klaus said angry.

"That's not true. I did it because I also wanted you to be safe. I didn't want any of you to get hurt."

"And where was that when Mikael beat me without any mercy? Where was that when I turn into a hybrid? All you did was letting Mikael ruining my life and turning me into the monster I am today because you, mother, you could never admit that you had betrayed him and that I was the bastard. And even after that was found out, what did you do? You decided to curse me so I could never access part of what I am. You never cared about me, you only cared about you. You gave me a stupid necklace so I would be weak. You lied to me. You made me believe that my own father hated me and that I deserved all that pain. And you can now come here telling everyone that you simply want us to be human and have the life that you stole from us but I reject that. I don't want to be human. And I will never want anything coming from you." Klaus said angry.

"Niklaus, I am very powerful and I can talk with the other ancestors. I can give you something that you've always wanted. I can make Caroline be able to get pregnant with your child, I can..."

"I don't want anything from you." Klaus said. "Actually, all I want is for you to leave. I just haven't killed you yet because your death should be slowly and very painful and when you're not dying you should be fearing when something will happen, living a life in agony... like you made me do."

"I know you have a lot to say to me, but I believe we should all have a dinner so we can talk better." Esther said and Klaus was ready to tell her that he didn't want anything from her nor wanted to be around her but Caroline spoke first.

"That's a great idea. Tonight, you can come here and we can talk better. When we are more calmed and can have a better conversation because right now there's so many mixed emotions that it's impossible to have a real conversation."

"Thank you, Caroline." Esther said. "I'm glad you have someone who can be more logical than you. You were always reckless. I shall go now."

And so Esther left making Klaus look at Caroline in disbelief.

"Why did you bloody invited that woman to have dinner in our home?"

"Because if we let her speak and tell us about all of her offers, she might start believe that we are considering in accepting which will mean she won't be so defensive nor will be so suspicious about us." Caroline said, making Klaus speechless.

Klaus knew Caroline was more than a pretty face but he never imagined how fast she could think and plan. He was truly impressed how Caroline was able to rationalize everything as he argued with Esther.

"You keep surprising me more and more, love." Klaus said, making Caroline smile and blush slightly and then they kissed.

"Not that I'm not enjoying doing this but we should probably go tell everyone about this dinner." Caroline said and Klaus nodded.

"Who knew a baby vampire would boss around the big bad wolf..." Rebekah said and Klaus gave her a death glare and then went to look for Caroline.


After everyone knew about the dinner that there would be with Esther, it was decided that the ones who would be in this dinner would be the Mikaelsons, Caroline, Elena, Bonnie and Stefan, leaving Alaric, Danny, Davina, Marcel (who was actually avoiding Rebekah), Damon, Katherine and Liz to be somewhere else. At first Klaus wanted to be only the Mikaelsons but Caroline reasoned with him and made him see that it was probably for the best, people who were not the Mikaelsons to be there so it the dinner wouldn't become a blood bath.

They all agreed on listening to her and on trying to stay calm, although they also agreed that Klaus shouldn't be completely calm because that would raise suspicions. They also thought about which strategies Esther would try to use to get them to be human, everyone knew that Rebekah would be her dream of being human, having a family of her own and growing old with someone, Elijah wasn't so easy but they believed she would try to use the fact that he wouldn't hurt so many people and that he could have a life that was actually noble, then there was Niklaus left and that was what they thought hard about but they thought it would be also the family thing because she told them she could talk to the Ancestors to make Caroline be able to get pregnant.

Of course Caroline always dreamed of getting pregnant but she didn't wanted now and not by accepting the offer of someone who wanted to kill the love of her life. Besides, Caroline got in terms with not being able to have kids and she always thought that if she wanted, she could always adopt but also made her question if she should bring a kid into the messy supernatural world.

Klaus felt bad for saying right away no to Esther when she said she could make Caroline get pregnant with his child but he didn't want to accept her offer and he also was afraid he would turn out to be a father like Mikael, since that was the only thing he knew about being a father. Niklaus was afraid to pass his demons to his child.

After everyone talked about the dinner, Klaus went to talk with Caroline because of the all offer to Caroline getting pregnant.

"Love, I know I said way too fast no to her making you able to get pregnant but..."

"Nik, It's fine. I'm not looking to be a mother right now. I've come terms to not being a mother years ago. And if we want to have a kid, we can always adopt. Besides, we still have many things to do before thinking of something important like that, like you taking me to Paris." Caroline said, making Klaus smirk.

"I love you, Caroline. And if I was to have a child. I would want you to be the mother." Klaus said and Caroline kissed him.

AN: Hey guys! What are you thinking of the story so far? I have some chapters written ahead but I love to hear from you, being opinions, suggestions or requests. Next chapter it will be the big dinner with Esther. How do you think it will go?

Side note: I was the one who made that video at the end and I'm pretty sure I should stick with writing and making gifs because making videos does not look like my greatest strength. But at least I tried and even if it's not that good, I was happy to share with you guys. If you have a fan video/gif/montage, I'd be more than happy to use it in my stories (and of course I'll give you credit)

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