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Nandi wanted to finally be honest and tell Kol that Esther was back from the dead and she was the one who was responsible for what was happening to Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and Stefan but the moment she was about to say it, she passed out because Esther knew that Nandi wasn't very loyal to the Ancestors at the moment so she spelled Nandi to once she tried to tell them what was happening, she would pass out. All of this made Kol more pissed off but Kol couldn't stay away from Bonnie for much longer, specially in the state she was in, so he went back home.


Elena found herself still stuck on that bridge inside of her mind but now the shadow was no longer in there it was just her, completely alone, in the bridge.

Elena was trying to get out of there but still without any success, then she heard some footsteps behind her, making her turn around and see Elijah.

"Lijah! Oh my God! You're here! I've missed you so much." Elena said, stepping closer to him to hug him but he took a step back. "Elijah, what's going on?"

"You deserve what is happening to you. You deserve to know who you really are. You deserve to suffer."


"You're the reason my big brother is dead! You are selfish." Said, making Elena feel completely heartbroken. "And about Niklaus. I know my brother wanted to make hybrids no matter what the cost but when you were human you could give him every once in awhile some blood, so he could keep making hybrids, but of course you couldn't do that."

"Why are you being like that to me?"

"Because your shadow was right. You act all selfless but you're just some selfish bitch."

"You're not Elijah." Elena said and quickly Elijah's image faded away and appeared a copy of Elena's image.

"Okay. You caught me. When did you realize it wasn't Elijah."

"He would never act or talk like that. Even when he is hurt, he prefers to keep being in reason than just acting by how he feels." Elena said, knowing very well that even if Elijah was upset he would never call to a woman a bitch.

"Either way, that's probably what he will think soon. There's only so long you'll be able to keep the act of an innocent girl." Elena's shadow said.


Caroline found herself in her childhood bedroom all alone and she was seating on the bed, looking at the pictures she had framed of her and her friends and other that was her as a child with her mother, after Liz had taught her how to ride a bike.

"Hello, Caroline!" A familiar voice said, making Caroline lift her head, smiling and run to him.

"Nik!" She said with a big smile and her eyes filled with hope, but when she was about to hug Klaus, he stepped back. "What's wrong?"

"How long do you expect me to stay and try to help you get better? I mean, come on! Caroline, you're simply a baby vampire from a small town that never went anywhere. Let's be honest, this doesn't have any kind of future. You could never make me happy. I'm Klaus Mikaelson, the Original Hybrid and one of the most powerful creatures walking among Earth. Why would you, an insecure, tease, neurotic and control-freak make me happy? We both know why we are together. You've resist me so long that I enjoyed our little game of chasing but now that I have you, I realized that the only thing that made me want you was you not wanting me but now that you do, I get that you're just an insecure little baby vampire who could never make me happy. Not even Tyler you could make happy, much less me. You're such a insecure little girl... No wonder Tyler cheat on you. I'll probably do the same. I've noticed how Cami cares so much about me and even if she is human, she is way more sure of herself and beautiful than you."

"You're not Klaus!" Caroline said, feeling heartbroken, because she was in denial this would be how her incredibly beautiful love story with Klaus would end.

"How did you know?" Caroline's shadow said appearing while Klaus image vanished.

"Of course it was you the whole time."

"Doesn't matter. We both know that Klaus deserves more than someone like you and eventually he will see that too." The shadow said as Caroline looked at the picture it was taken of her and Klaus at the prom.


Bonnie found herself alone in the graveyard, seating in front of two graves, her Grams and Jeremy. Suddenly, she heard someone coming, making her get up and turn around to see Kol.

"Kol..." She whispered with a smile.

"You're the one who made New Orleans suffer, you're the one who made witches getting against us, you're the one who made my family's home to be under attack. You're the one to blame for everything going wrong. If it wasn't for your bloody dark magic, my family and I wouldn't be suffering. I can't believe I actually thought it would be a good idea to move to New Orleans and having you living with me and my family. You only brought us suffering and chaos, like you do to everyone around you, that's why your mother abandoned you twice, your father barely took care of you and why your Grams and your little boyfriend are dead. I only thought you were kinda sexy but you're not worth all this."

"You don't mean that!" Bonnie said in tears.

"But I do. In fact, I can't believe you actually thought I wanted to be with you for all eternity. You're so naive and so stupid. You're human. You could never make me happy. Besides, every time we have sex I have to be all careful to not hurt you. Do you even know how much that screws sex for me? It's like having half sex. It's awful."

"You're not real..." Bonnie suddenly said because she realized that her shadow for the first time wasn't there and that could mean Kol was actually the shadow.

"Fine. You win. It's just me. But soon these words will be spoken by the real Kol." The shadow said.


Stefan was in his apartment of Chicago and now Rebekah had appeared in front of him and he wasn't sure what he should do.

"So many dead bodies." Rebekah said. "Since we got to Mystic Falls, you loved to make my brother look like a monster when in reality you are the monster and it was you who inspired Klaus to be completely sick when it come to killing innocent people."

"I had turn it off. I was a Ripper. And I apologized." Stefan said.

"We both know soon your bloodlust will be stronger. Maybe when I start dating Marcel, which is very likely to happen, you go on a killing spree because for once your act of being a hero it won't work."

"If you choose to be with Marcel I'll respect that."

"Like you did when Elena choose Damon. Poor Stefan always ends up being rejected. Maybe it's because I'm the end we always find out that you are just a monster wearing this mask so you can judge others. I mean, you judge Damon for everything he did as a vampire when he never wanted to turn into a vampire. Even if Damon is a monster, you're the one who created him, therefor you're the real monster. You're responsible for all the people Damon killed and hurt, including how he abused Caroline."

"You're not Rebekah." Stefan suddenly realized.

"Got me." The shadow said, after Rebekah's image vanished. "Can you really blame me? I'm stuck with you. I need to find different ways of having fun. Specially someone like you who has such a big guilt trip."

AN: Hey guys! I took about 2 days to update bc of preparing things for the New Year and also because I spend new year out and this morning I still didn't update because I was slightly hangover. I hope you understand. And I hope you will have a great new year, I hope 2019 will be way better than 2018.
What are you thinking of the hallucinations the shadows are making? Do you want more scenes like that or more scenes in reality? Please feel free to share your suggestions and opinions.

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