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Today was the day Elijah and Aya would dispute to see who would get in charge of the Strix.

They met in a place that Klaus made it built so all vampires could train, at first it had the purpose of him making his army stay in shape but Caroline convinced him that it could be use for new vampires, werewolves and even humans who needed to train in how to defend themselves in case it was needed.

"Are you prepared?" Aya asked Elijah.

"Come and get it." Elijah said with a small smile.

Elijah's siblings, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan and Alaric were watching how this fight would unfold. They were very positive that Elijah would win but Elena knew Aya wasn't much younger than Elijah and she couldn't handle the fact that this fight could let him very hurt.

"Elijah, are you sure there's no other way to solve this. I don't want to see you getting hurt." Elena said to Elijah.

"Listen to your little baby vampire. You still have time to stop all this, let me keep in charge of the Strix and you don't need to get hurt." Aya said.

"You seem to love to talk but when it comes to take actions, I'm not seeing much." Elijah said and so they started fighting.

After awhile of fighting, Aya was about to kick Elijah but he quickly grabbed her foot and grabbed her by the throat, making her start to have some difficulties in breathing.

"Let's not make this more unpleasant than it needs to be." Elijah said.

"After all this time, how could you think we would follow you?" Aya asked and pushed Elijah away.

"You left Strix to be slaughtered by your mad father." Aya yelled angry and betrayed because it still hurt her him leaving without notice.

"I had no choice." Elijah whispered, trying to stay calm.

"We all have a choice!" Aya yelled.

"Is it me or there's a whole lot of talking instead of fighting?" Kol whispered making Bonnie give him a look.

"Where did you got those popcorns?" Bonnie asked when noticed Kol eating popcorns.

"They were selling in the street. I mean, I was not going to watch a fight without popcorn." Kol shrugged.

"With sugar or salt?" Elena asked and before Kol could respond, she said. "It doesn't matter. I need to stress eat."

Elena quickly grabbed many popcorns and started to eat.

"Everything will be okay, Elena." Alaric tried to reassure her but Elena simply kept eating popcorns.

"Tristan earned our loyalt..."

"Tristan is a vulture, a usurper who stole our very dream, violating everything that we once fought were in the name of that toasted crusade." Elijah said upset.

"Say what you will. You will choose your own family above all. And that is why you are cursed." Aya said them pushed him against the wall wire, yelling to everyone. "This is Elijah Mikaelson. A traitor." Aya said as Elena hide her face on Alaric's chest, not wanting to see Elijah getting hurt, then Aya whispered to Elijah. "I would rather die than have you as a leader."

"If that's your ultimatum." Elijah whispered and quickly pushed her away from him and grabbed her by the throat.

Elijah knew he had to kill her but part of him couldn't. He already killed someone he once loved and it made him feel like a monster. Even after a thousand years, Tatia's death was still torturing him and by killing Aya he would be again that monster, then he saw his siblings and Elena. Elena gave him a look and that was enough for him to know what to do, and so Elijah snapped Aya's neck, making him win the fight without needing to actually kill her.

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